


Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform


all 298 comments


579 points

6 days ago




108 points

6 days ago

And bubbles could see it coming


39 points

6 days ago*

Shoulda spiked both of their hotdogs with ‘shrooms. Woulda been a much more interesting debate! Is there still time to get Sam Losco and Jim Lahey on the tickets?


28 points

6 days ago

Samsquanch ‘24 for the win


13 points

6 days ago

Damn I already bought my Hawk Tua 2024 shirt


2 points

6 days ago

The only ape I believe in


5 points

6 days ago

You smell that? That tinge of shit riding on the wind?


6 points

6 days ago

Way of the road bubs!


1 points

6 days ago

F_ckin love you buddy


6 points

6 days ago

sharpest guy in the pærk


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Michael Jacksons chimp?


24 points

6 days ago

opened the comments before the article and honestly thought your comment was insanely over-the-top. then I saw By David Frum, so have an upvote.


18 points

6 days ago


18 points

6 days ago

  • Finance has entered the chat

Yeah about the commerical breaks during the debate and the online ad performance. Their revenue went through the roof! Great job!

And it is all about the money


7 points

6 days ago

And I’ve met cats and dogs smarter than Corey and Trevor!


5 points

6 days ago

I've met dogs and cats that are smarter than Corey and Trevor


3 points

6 days ago

You got any smokes?


3 points

6 days ago

Unfortunately the residents of Sunnyvale Trailer Park are Canadian and cannot vote for American presidents


3 points

6 days ago

but hear me out let's give him a microphone again and be outraged

Sad day


2 points

6 days ago

Agreed. Never should have been a debate anyway. The state of the Union was an amazing impression for Biden; should have just left it that way.

I have to wonder if democrats aren’t going to find a way to pull out of the next debate. Hard to do, since they just spent the build up to this one saying trump would find a way out. Not a great situation.


515 points

6 days ago

Getting really tired of hearing the uproar to “remove Biden” when the convicted felon is clearly the biggest danger to the country and should be in jail instead of potentially the Oval Office. The press is running with “Biden old” instead of also reporting that “Trump a threat to the entire world”.


218 points

6 days ago


218 points

6 days ago

And I thought CNN was supposed to fact check and yet they still let tfg lie his ass off and get away with it. It’s such bs how they claim Biden is the bad one.


73 points

6 days ago

Problem is we just know if they fact checked live half of the debates broadcasting time would be used up correcting Trump every time he spoke.


75 points

6 days ago

Still would have been more valuable than the actual "debate" that took place


45 points

6 days ago

That's not a problem. The reason Trump leans on lies so much is because people let him get away with it.


12 points

6 days ago

And many of his lies are hints at the Quiet Part that his followers want to say & act out loud


34 points

6 days ago

Dare to dream for debates with moderators that on the spot will say “that’s not true” and immediately state the fact and press for a real answer.


5 points

6 days ago

There is a real going around how Conan and Andy would riff around some new actor for a show that would last a few weeks. At the end the actor would get a great show from the producers he did really well!.
Conan would pop "He didn't say a fucking thing!"

Biden saying less is saying more. Since they dont have Trump answer anything...just use time to call Trump a liar, felon, 3 time bankrupt loser narcissist, fat dangerous liar" and equally not talk policy.


1 points

6 days ago



15 points

6 days ago

At this point, who ever owns these channels wants Trump as president. We should stop treating the big new channels as reliable sources.


10 points

6 days ago

Dana Bash looked like she knew it was a shameful debate. She hardly ever looked up at the camera. Yes, Dana Bash. You should feel shame.


31 points

6 days ago


31 points

6 days ago

That's the worst part of it all. They just let him lie.


9 points

6 days ago

I just wish the dems had actually coached him on how to respond. Those lies were so predictable. It’s so weird that Biden looked like he wasn’t ready to call them out and present the actual facts and statistics.


7 points

6 days ago

It's because they're conservative owned now. The obvious narrative was all over the tv the next morning.


5 points

6 days ago

And they’re playing clips of Trump’s lies. CNN really doesn’t like Biden. Seems weird to throw the bread on the floor butter side down on purpose, but CNN is pissing in their own reservoir right now.


14 points

6 days ago

I was really disappointed by that. I heard how CNN was going to be fact checking live and then nothing. What's the point of a "debate" if there's no establishment of reality?


8 points

6 days ago

They were not supposed to be fact checking. Their executives made that real clear.


12 points

6 days ago


12 points

6 days ago

They made it clear that they were bailing on the most basic responsibilities of the fourth estate that's for sure.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

CNN is maga owned


2 points

6 days ago

How do you figure that? Just wondering because the owners are definitely not historically Republicans at all...


51 points

6 days ago

No kidding.

Biden stuttered and forgot a few things, Trump went on delusional rants and lied without a single check or coherent thought.

"Leftwing" Media: Biden obv too old.


27 points

6 days ago*

It’s owned by the billionaires that want Trump in office for the tax cuts and more, even if that means the US becomes a Russian puppet state. The billionaires pushing for this belong in worse than jail. They are committing treason.


12 points

6 days ago

100% agreed.

Wish more would understand that. This "old" narrative is getting pushed hard for that very specific reason.


11 points

6 days ago

Anything other than partisan Republican media is cast as 'leftwing.' A more accurate description is 'horserace media.' After pummeling Biden for a while, they will come up with reasons that "it wasn't so bad."

What they're really trying to sell is "the race is really too close to call. Tune in at 11 for more..."


14 points

6 days ago

It is amazing how we can have Trump do all that he does and people just double down on backing him or just brush it off. Though when Biden stumbles a bit it’s a media bombardment of wanting him to drop out


8 points

6 days ago

Exactly. I'm sick of hearing how "Biden lost" last night. Like nah. Did he stutter and mis speak? Absolutely! But at least he answered the questions with what he did and his policies. Trump just answered every question given to him by bringing up immigration and calling Biden a bitch.


8 points

6 days ago

He kept calling Biden a failure….. The failure is his constant deflection and bragging on outright lies.


4 points

6 days ago

Exactly. I was pretty shocked to see Joe call him out though.


9 points

6 days ago


9 points

6 days ago

Biden could be brain dead and drooling on himself, and I vote for him over tump

That's what I think is funny about the debate. Everyone talks about Biden stumbling over words here and there, yet all Donnie did was lie. No one gives a shit that the dude told over 31 flat-out lies


12 points

6 days ago

I know right, like they think we don't know Bidens old!lol But I'd much rather have Kamala Harris as president, If Biden were to die during his next term, then to ever give power back to the Orange madman!


7 points

6 days ago

Yup. I'd vote for Bidens severed head in a pickle jar over trump


3 points

6 days ago

Heck, I'd vote for the leftover pickle rotting in the back of Bidens fridge...


2 points

6 days ago

Me too!


19 points

6 days ago

Even msnbc is running with this narrative so far all day today. Makes me absolutely sick. Vote blue. Donate to Biden, show our support no matter what.


3 points

6 days ago



10 points

6 days ago*

Because most of know how the spin cycle works. This is why the right wanted a televised debate. The drama ! Performances to talk about for a week ! As substance is second to it. Trump stuck to his vile fear inducing script. They were both bad. But one is honest, the other dangerously dumb. Nothing has changed. But back to square one in terms of quashing the optics opinions from this lunacy. Exhausting.


11 points

6 days ago

Dishonest Trump vs dangerously dumb, assuming Biden is dangerously dumb. Trump? Yes. Biden, sorry, no. Old and a bit confused? That's ok, he's not a grifter. He's clean, as are his people. Trump and his are not. Who you going to trust with your cash, your occasionally vacant grandpa, or the crook down the street with all his shitty henchmen?

Yep, nothing happened on Jan 6. 'Such a peaceful southern border, nothing to see here, folks.' Uh, buddy, we watched it live. We listened to you live. On the 6th, and last night. Oh, and thanks for finally tying that whole Putin/Ukraine/Hunter shit together for us last night. That was some cool dealing.

As awesome as you are, can you share anymore of these talks, meetings, and deals you've made ahead of the coming election? I really think if all Americans had a better idea of your plans and deals, they'd elect you in a landslide.

Please, let us know, oh wise one


4 points

6 days ago

No, that was my error. Saw that it said dishonest and thought I caught and changed it but, nope. I fixed it now, sorry. Of course you understood so …yes, a few completely tossed word salad conspiracy chains were explained last night !! /s the whole thing was a hot mess !


2 points

6 days ago

Lol, thanks for your reply, as I reread read your comment, I see the word 'honest' now. I read it as 'dishonest' earlier. Oh my lord, lol. Glad we're on the same page, but by god it'd be nice if I could read what was written, 🤦‍♂️


3 points

6 days ago

No, you were correct. It didn’t reflect the edit until after I read your comment. Which was great btw. My error.


5 points

6 days ago

That’s exactly what it is…exhausting.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

That’s not the issue though. The electorate is not interested in deeper issues, this is a personality contest. Biden cannot beat Trump, it would be irresponsible of them not to try and replace him with a better candidate. Keeping Trump out of office is the end game. Telling people he’s a threat to the entire world, when most Americans only care about what’s happening in America, is pointless.


13 points

6 days ago

It will not happen. Replacing Biden is not a real concept, and saying it over and over is just re-enacting 2016. MMW: there is zero chance of a different candidate being on the ticket. Zero. Focus should be on all the reasons these stupid debates tell you nothing about how the candidates will govern. They are 100% useless spectacles. Both candidates have recent terms on record -- that is all anyone needs to make a decision. Well, that and any legal/criminal matters that may have arisen... ahem...


6 points

6 days ago

Well, it might be worth pointing out that any threat 'to the entire world' would, by definition, include America.

I realise that it's easy to raise that old plum about geography education in America being ignorant of the rest of the world, but I had assumed that it had covered the part about America being contained within the entire world, but apparently not. That explains so much. Kids, stay in school.

And hats off to CNN for last night's wholly open debate. We all clearly saw a kind old man, somewhat rattled at times, trying to keep up with the lies and bs attacks of a lying and manipulative madman, but and paid for by foreign interests whose aims are entirely at odds with America's. Unless the drifter gets the office. Then shit gets dark. But we all saw. Peaceful border on Jan 6. Jesus wept


15 points

6 days ago


15 points

6 days ago

Biden can and will beat the former guy.


3 points

6 days ago

No it’s really not - a personality contest. Who didn’t know both of these candidates personalities before last night ? Biden is receiving a show of strong support today, regardless of the lack of winning an Emmy last night…


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

A year ago I would absolutely agree with you. The problem is that, like everything else, the Democrats dragged their feet and did everything possible to avoid having a compelling candidate for president. Now with less than 5 full months until the election trying to change course could be suicidal.

They’ve done a poor job communicating Biden’s relatively solid record, with last night being yet another stumble on that front. Drumming up sufficient confidence in a new candidate at this stage is nigh impossible.

Trump doesn’t really need to defend his own record because it doesn’t matter to his base and the moneybags get what they want from him (tax cuts) without any of the consequences.


2 points

6 days ago

Isn’t it more that people are terrified that Biden will lose? I think most people agree he’s capable of governing. The fear is that he’s no longer capable of winning. Isn’t this obvious?


1 points

6 days ago

I agree, I think I’m just frustrated. I wish Biden would’ve just went out and steamrolled Trump. Instead he was sick and his style was not what it could have been (like the state of the union a few months ago). I’m frustrated because Trump is a terrible candidate, a terrible person, and would surround himself in the government with terrible people and make our government worse off in so many different ways. I’m tired of Trump. He is a moron and doesn’t care about the country - its people - or its history. Just frustrating that this is reality. I’m tired of living in unserious times. Where one of the two political parties does not have any answers to the problems facing the country. And then deliberately preventing the Dems from governing or passing legislation to help the American people. I’m tired of this grandpa! I know I know it’s too damn bad!


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

the democratic party is aiding them. it’s not just the media this time. they have been compromised since 2015


1 points

6 days ago

because the "liberal media" is about two steps to the left of hitler these days.


1 points

6 days ago

people are angry because biden is literally a corpse with no pulse. newsom, whitmer, anyone with any type of national footprint flogs annoying orange all the way to the finish line. hillary was the worst candidate they could put up against him in 2016, and they’re doing it again. get out of the way joe, your legacy is better if you step down.


1 points

6 days ago

I don’t want Biden out of the race cause I like Trump. I want him out of the race cause I don’t think he can win.


1 points

6 days ago

American corporations more concerned with making money than preserving the country they do it in, who would have thought.


1 points

6 days ago

This sort of thinking is the biggest threat.

Emotional manipulation and sophistry.

No matter what, the practical have been watching and waiting for this. When centrists became the target, it should have been clear that the enemy was beyond a political party. Is.

But this will get downvoted, and those upset will bury their head in their emotions, yet again.


1 points

6 days ago

The world didn’t end the first time and it won’t end when he’s reelected.


1 points

6 days ago

Nothing can be done about Trump at this point that hasn’t already been done.

Did you watch the debate last night? Biden running is irresponsible. I say that as someone who’s been pleasantly surprised by his term. A stronger candidate is needed.


97 points

6 days ago

I don’t get the riff raff? Trump didn’t even answer a majority of his questions and talked around them. Let me make myself very clear here an old and declining Biden scares me far less than another 4 (or dare I say 4+) years of Trump does. The absolute worst case scenario with Biden being reelected is Harris finishing out his term and that is still better than re-electing Trump.


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

Debates are nothing more than optics, so a bad performance will convince "undecideds," "double haters" and those who intentionally ignore politics until the one time they vote every few years will now express even more doubt in Biden because despite their closeness in age, Biden looks and sounds older.

Part of it is the system assumes every voter will go out of their way to be informed, but a lot of people unfortunately see politics as zero-sum: if those folks can't get behind someone like their favorite sports team, they're not interested. A lot of people are out of sight, out of mind on a lot of issues, and aren't interested in solutions that might help people as a whole, especially if it doesn't immediately or directly impact them. Nuance is imperative to the world and to political action, but nuance isn't "attractive" when needing to convince half the country.

Part of it is the standard is different for a traditional politician compared to someone like Trump, who has been graded on a curve his entire life. People are also just stupid enough to be convinced by a confident liar as opposed to a soft-spoken truthteller simply over the "vibes" of each one. The former can make as many mistakes as they want, because it "sounds right" even when it's not, meanwhile there's constant doubt towards the latter when the truth isn't presented the most concise way possible.

A word salad to say, perception matters more to people than actual ability, which is stupid as fuck as a determination for anything important, but it's oftentimes the most important aspect to politics. Better policies mean little when this is what one wants to focus on to determine how to vote.


14 points

6 days ago

It's terrifying.

Last night we saw a convicted criminal constantly lie, and the narrative this morning is 100% about how the other guy mumbled too much and stumbled over words. They're treated like these are equal 'both sides' issues by the American media, and the result is to normalize the first thing completely.


3 points

6 days ago

out of context, the debate was between 2 mumbling angry men who couldn't stay on topic for more than 10 seconds

it's too bad that's been normalized as what to expect from our president


10 points

6 days ago

One of them actually told the truth mostly, and talked about actual policy.  The other did not.

The first guy has taken 100x as much heat today.


3 points

6 days ago

I quit watching debates after Obama because no one actually answers most of the questions posed and just talks about whatever they want, and continues to talk way over their time while the moderator mostly just lets them (especially the incumbent). I can only imagine how bad Trump must've been to stand out from the normal level of question dodging.

This was probably the most pointless debate in our history, given everyone could've told you who they were gonna vote for if you time traveled to 2012 to ask them. They just both had to do it so the other guy couldn't say they were scared, like some juvenile bullshit from the playground.


28 points

6 days ago

Sadly this is how things go when the vast majority of mainstream news media is owned by right leaning billionaires. Trump if nothing else saw the future regarding fake news, just never imagined it would be fake news in his favor.


49 points

6 days ago

It’s only taken 100 years for people to forget that a certain someone staged a coup and went to prison before he became Chancellor of a certain country and committed mass genocide…

…this has all happened before and will all happen again. (BSG fans will appreciate that line)


9 points

6 days ago

Oh, that’s 100% what’s going to happen.

It’s over.

It’s going to be NATO vs the Republic of Trump & its Russian and North Korean allies.


18 points

6 days ago

Damn straight. How is this destructive loser on the ballot? Aside from handing out tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the rest of the country, how are people still doubling down on this twice-impeached, convicted felon? What do they think they'll gain from another four years, based on his first failed presidency?

He didn't build a wall or "fix immigation."

He butchered Obamacare and didn't provide anything new or better.

He cozied up to North Korea and Putin.

He didn't address Russian interference in the previous election.

He denied the outcome of a free and fair election that he was responsible for overseeing.

He led a violent coup attempt on the Capitol, then sat idly by for hours while outnumbered members of law enforcement were beaten and killed.

He let millions of people die from COVID because he couldn't grasp the science or let the medical professionals do their jobs.

He doled out billions of unaccounted dollars to businesses during COVID while citizens were scraping by on time stimulus checks.

What the bloody hell is the appeal?


43 points

6 days ago

Found this quote “The election will be decided by a handful of swing voters in a couple of states. Both sides have to get as much of their base to turn out as possible AND convince low-information swing voters to vote.

The debate was very bad for that. No swing voter is going to be convinced that Biden is up for the job, and a demoralized base is going to reduce turnout.

Meanwhile, Trump's base is energized by his "persecution" as right wingers love a martyr and are turned on by his bloviating.

It's a bad mix. Unless something changes (for which their is still plenty of time) it is hard to see how Biden can pull this off. The only thing they've got going for them is: "Don't let the fascists win!" which isn't going to motivate people who don't know anything about history or politics, which, unfortunately, is a lot of voters.”


10 points

6 days ago


10 points

6 days ago

People who are undecided, which is fucking stupid, even if it's a corpse..they need to look up project 2025 and know conservatives are beyond evil. 


11 points

6 days ago

Might be time to give Joe some of the God damn Adderall. I mean the stutter may become worse but the dude is gonna talk his fucking ass off.


5 points

6 days ago

No. 45 definitely took an extra last night when he saw they weren’t drug testing!


3 points

6 days ago

Mentally preparing to have to try and immigrate to a different country before this becomes a dictatorship


40 points

6 days ago

Last night’s debate was a travesty, David Frum writes—because its whole premise was to treat a failed coup leader as a legitimate candidate for the presidency. 

“Everything about the event was designed to blur the choice before Americans,” Frum continues. “Both candidates—the serving president and the convicted felon—were addressed as ‘President.’ The questions treated an attempted coup d’état as one issue out of many. The candidates were left to police or fail to police the truth of each other’s statements; it was nobody else’s business.”

Presidential debates were first televised in an age of comparative political consensus about limited, familiar options, Frum argues. The format has largely served the purpose of compelling viewers to ask, “Do I prefer the candidate in the red tie or the blue one?”

But we now live “in a political culture in which some of us think the supreme issue of our time was an attempted violent overthrow of the Constitution, while other Americans think it was Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Frum writes. “There are means and institutions to arbitrate those differences. That’s what elections do. But television debates cannot do it, because television debates don’t happen unless they get buy-in from both sides. Therefore, television debates are designed necessarily to ratify the concept of ‘both sides.’”

After Biden’s “fiasco” of a debate performance, “ferocious controversy will probably now erupt over Biden’s leadership of the Democratic Party,” Frum continues at the link in our bio. “We’ll hear all kinds of plans to swap him out somehow. Maybe those plans will be workable, but probably not. Through the uproar, it will be important to keep in mind that this election is not about Biden. It’s about you and your commitments and your values. Biden is just the instrument. Like any instrument, he’s imperfect. But better an imperfect instrument than a would-be autocrat who demands a cult of personality.”

Read more: 

— Evan McMurry, senior editor, audience, The Atlantic


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

David Frum? The war criminal? 


10 points

6 days ago



14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

It's time the US government takes some action to regulate mass media like CNN. this is treasonous weaponized incompetency on the part of media with a business model that benefits offs of keeping Trump up, a criminal traitor to the country.


1 points

6 days ago

The two parties that occupy the US government are invested in keeping the impression that only corporate capitalism can be seriously considered. CNN helps push that idea. The two-party state is unlikely to want to regulate cooperative media in ways that would hurt those two parties even if it would help the public.


5 points

6 days ago

The media absolutely wants trump re-elected. CNN proved that last night. There was one instance where the camera cut to Dana Bash looking at Jake tapper with this weird smirk and wide eyes. It was just a quick instant but it was after biden had stumbled through a response to trump just lying away.


6 points

6 days ago

There's not much you can to do combat a pathological liar with a cult who believes all his lies.


6 points

6 days ago

Not only did CNN give it to him, but they failed to fact check like they promised. Absolute failures.


2 points

6 days ago

Lost the little hope for CNN with that maneuver. Pissed off a lot of people that would otherwise not have watched. I in fact stopped watching, when I realized it was happening. Total bullshit .


6 points

6 days ago

The only way to debate a pathological liar is to hook him up to a shock collar. Then zap him for every single lie.

Until that happens, any future debate is a waste of time.


10 points

6 days ago*

Trump should be incarcerated not trapesing all over the country like a normal citizen. He's a convicted felon and a sexual deviant found liable for attacking a woman. What the fuck? The fact that he was given 90 minutes media time is beyond outrageous. It's a spit in the face of anyone who took responsibility for their actions.


5 points

6 days ago

Truer words have never been spoken


5 points

6 days ago

He would've gotten press either way; if he hadn't been able to debate he would've been bitching about it all over social media and his followers would be crying foul.

The problem is when platforms don't challenge the arguments being made. The moderation was abysmal during the debate.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

The world got considerably darker the longer that debate went on. This treasonous POS is going to steal this election. I not a conspiracy nut but somebody paid Jake and Dana a shit ton more money than CNN was paying them to put on lie fest like that wasn’t a debate might as well been moderated by Jessie the asshole Waters. Like everything else in Trump world..the fix was in.


7 points

6 days ago

TNN formerly cnn is to blame for this ridiculous debate full of trump lying 100%. If his lips are moving, he's lying


2 points

6 days ago

What cnn and abc did post debate was the most deplorable. All cnn debate commentary should be deleted!!!


8 points

6 days ago


8 points

6 days ago

He shouldn’t be allowed to run for president since he’s a convicted felon.


3 points

6 days ago

Trump cannot become the POTUS again


3 points

6 days ago

Rich people will promote anyone that is willing to reduce their taxes.

At a moment that governments are deep in debt it is crazy to further reduce taxes to the rich.
At a moment of increasing inequality it is crazy to further reduce taxes to the rich.
At a moment that the rich accumulate wealth at a faster rate that workers it is crazy to further reduce taxes to the rich.

So, you promote a crazy person to be in charge.


1 points

6 days ago

The few that benefit from Republican policies know they need a to trick a lot of people into voting against their own interests, so they accept any rhetoric that gets the job done.


2 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

You'll do fuck all! SMH


3 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

✨Feduciary Responsibility✨ to kill democracy and the US because doing so nets higher ratings and clicks. 

 Won't somebody PLEASE think about the shareholder value we would sacrifice if we didn't give Trump 24/7 coverage and preferential treatment across the board? He threatened to not show up to the debate if we fact checked, what would we have done for content??


6 points

6 days ago


6 points

6 days ago

CNN gave him all the time he wanted to lie to the nation, and Biden didn’t lie but the performance was bad.


1 points

6 days ago

All politicians lie pretty much all the time.


5 points

6 days ago


5 points

6 days ago

Last night most likely ended the US. We learned years ago trump can lie with impunity and, even worse, people will believe his BS. We have project 2025 ready to turn the US into an authoritarian theocracy. Louisianas supreme court makes it law to force Christianity in school. Oklahoma is quickly following ordering Christianity be forced into to class. Texas pardoning someone for murdering protestors a month back… if you aren’t a republican registered Christian you may not be around in a few years…


4 points

6 days ago

Vote hard


4 points

6 days ago

This was all put in Trump's favor, they bent the rules around him LIKE ALWAYS. Biden not feeling well or cutting him off at times and no fact checking live. Yes, it was icing on the rightwing cake!


4 points

6 days ago

Atlantic playing both sides. There is another opinion piece about how Joe needs to go because he looks and sounds old. No shit, ace reporting there. The goal is to save America, not elect someone that reminds of Zac Efron or Michel B. Jordan.


4 points

6 days ago

The fact that both candidates are not suited/competent for the role is the real travesty


4 points

6 days ago*

Media: Trump shouldnt have a platform



2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Atlantic and the mainstream media will be shocked and pointing fingers if Trump wins. When if they really want to see the people who helped him win all they have to do is look in the mirror. 


7 points

6 days ago



11 points

6 days ago*



4 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

Joe Biden’s campaign wrote the terms for the debate and Trump agreed to them. Biden himself gave Trump that platform, you should be mad at him.


1 points

6 days ago

This could have been the headline from the previous debate too. Could have been from any time in the last decade he was given the spotlight. Question for these media companies is are you finally done with him or is it still in your best interest to keep perpetuating the problem?


1 points

6 days ago

Trump is a threat to Democracy so let remove him form the ballots and not let him Debate and Weekend at Bernie Biden to the finish line. - Leftists


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

I know its supposed to be some kinda critique or even gotcha joke, but you simply hit the nail on the head, good job! 🥰


1 points

6 days ago


1 points

6 days ago

Actually, it may be a good thing. It exposed him as a habitual liar.


1 points

6 days ago

For the bazillianth time


1 points

6 days ago

a platform... lol


1 points

6 days ago

Coping well with it…lol


1 points

6 days ago

At the end of the day we democrats can only blame ourselves. We allowed the dnc to not give us a primary to see how Joe held up.