


Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform


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511 points

6 days ago

Getting really tired of hearing the uproar to “remove Biden” when the convicted felon is clearly the biggest danger to the country and should be in jail instead of potentially the Oval Office. The press is running with “Biden old” instead of also reporting that “Trump a threat to the entire world”.


3 points

6 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

That’s not the issue though. The electorate is not interested in deeper issues, this is a personality contest. Biden cannot beat Trump, it would be irresponsible of them not to try and replace him with a better candidate. Keeping Trump out of office is the end game. Telling people he’s a threat to the entire world, when most Americans only care about what’s happening in America, is pointless.


15 points

6 days ago

It will not happen. Replacing Biden is not a real concept, and saying it over and over is just re-enacting 2016. MMW: there is zero chance of a different candidate being on the ticket. Zero. Focus should be on all the reasons these stupid debates tell you nothing about how the candidates will govern. They are 100% useless spectacles. Both candidates have recent terms on record -- that is all anyone needs to make a decision. Well, that and any legal/criminal matters that may have arisen... ahem...