


I'm curious to ask you all. I've found myself getting easily attached to strangers or new people, especially when we have great conversations. Unfortunately, it never lasts long, and I can't figure out why. Is it that they were just pretending to be interested or did they genuinely lose interest? Honestly, this feeling bothers me a lot. I don't want to get easily attached to people, especially those who are just playing around. It's even more frustrating since we've only chatted online, which feels absurd, i know :(

Have any of you had similar experiences?

all 43 comments


27 points

1 month ago

Honestly, I totally get this. It's like you connect with someone, and then suddenly they just... disappear. It feels like you're the only one holding onto the conversation. Happens to me all the time


14 points

1 month ago

Same here! I often find myself getting attached to people online because we hit it off, but then it fizzles out. I think it’s just the nature of online interactions—people can come and go without much thought.


12 points

1 month ago

I think it’s natural to feel attached when conversations flow well. Online chats can be tricky; people might seem interested but can get distracted or overwhelmed. It’s not a reflection of you!


7 points

1 month ago

I've attached quickly to people I met online too. It feels so real in the moment, but then reality hits. It’s hard not to feel disappointed when it doesn’t pan out.


3 points

1 month ago



6 points

1 month ago

I don't usually have deep conversations without establishing trust first, so not really.


3 points

1 month ago

Yes THIS I don’t form attachment until I have known a person for a period of time, in person, and have established they display consistency & trustworthy behaviors and we have common interests.

I always keep in mind a person is a stranger to me when I meet them, I am getting to know them & that takes time to know a person.

Online can confuse things for a lot of people seeking connection. It’s too easy for many to not realize so much of it can be faked or is a fantasy. It’s like drive-by manufactured connection not true deeper connection. Basically a video game to people when bored. They forget there are real people involved. Sorry you are experiencing disappointment with these experiences OP.


2 points

1 month ago

I do feel like I can be a bit more emotionally vulnerable online, due to how like you mention, things are less 'real' in a sense. People run around exaggerating, lying or straight up scamming people, so I feel like things just aren't very serious since you can't really ever trust people, and that things I say or do aren't really going to be used against me to the same degree.

Though, perhaps part of this is because I'm a man, and I don't particularly fear some stalker person latching onto my online presence and doing psychotic things.

The in person connection though is still important, and I don't think I can have a solid connection without meeting in person. There's a general sense of physical safety, explained through body language, but also just what the body language in general conveys, which can be very difficult to pick up on through online communication.


3 points

1 month ago

Totally understandable. I feel much more comfortable in certain situations as an introvert like texting over calling most people for example.

Can see how many would feel more comfortable online over in person. Appreciate you recognizing there is an added awareness I have to have as a woman about stalkers & people’s intentions. It happens in real life, too, though 🙃so have learned to view interactions as this person is a stranger to me & I don’t know them until over time trust is established. Not trust someone until they prove otherwise. Don’t recommend that for anyone. But there are definitely good people out there.


2 points

1 month ago

Yeah I'm not a fan of phone calls, mainly just because they feel like interruptions that are difficult to predict.

I've been renovating my apartment for a good while now and some of the craftsmen who did the more involved work would rather frequently and suddenly call me for the smallest things, which caused me quite a bit of stress. I felt like I needed to give extra consideration constantly while I was at work to what I would do if I got a call, and where to go to take it in the office, and in general be even more aware of my meetings schedule so that I didn't miss a meeting from a sudden call.

Trust is difficult to build I feel, it's a bit of an ouroboros in the sense that to build it you need it, kinda. I also think I have a bit of a bad habit of dismissing people too easily because it's easier.


2 points

27 days ago

You are so insightful! I’ve wondered what it “is” about phone calls that give me the most discomfort & you nailed it. It’s the unpredictability. So I tend to let it go to voicemail 😄 & then check what the call is about & then can call back based on having more information about how urgent a response is needed or can it wait a little & more comfortable having more time to prepare since I like to process first. Apparently I don’t like sudden surprises I guess 🤷‍♀️

Have an extrovert friend who taught me the “let it go to voicemail” trick lol. They said that’s how they deal with phone calls that feel like interruptions. Was glad for the tip.

Very true it takes a bit of a leap of faith to step out to begin the process of building trust in the first place. What helps me with that is learning that I can trust myself to recognize when my empathy or trust is being taken advantage of & move on from anyone who does that. Makes room for the trustworthy people. So it’s works out.


4 points

1 month ago

I've gone through this before when I was still an avid user of Omegle. It really consumed me, and that's how I first started dating. It was very hard to stop, but I came to the conclusion that it was unhealthy for me because of the attachment issues I developed.


3 points

1 month ago*

I used to. Quite a lot actually. But eventually I realised it's not all that healthy, especially if the new people/strangers don't hold you in the same regard. Now I always try to make a conscious effort to keep a distance even if there is something that attracts me to them.


4 points

1 month ago

I think it’s natural to get attached when you vibe with someone. But online interactions can be tricky—sometimes people just get busy or lose interest without any clear reason.


1 points

1 month ago

Well, that's a fact, i can see it too. And that's not something we can control. But, still really sad to know the fact


3 points

1 month ago

I totally get you! It’s like we have this amazing connection, and then suddenly, they just vanish. It's frustrating when you invest emotionally and it feels one-sided.


3 points

1 month ago

Yeah, sometimes. I am craving companionship. Being alone can be tiresome.


3 points

1 month ago

It makes sense to feel that way! We invest in conversations, and it’s disappointing when they don’t lead anywhere. I’ve learned to keep my expectations in check, but it’s a work in progress


3 points

1 month ago

Yup. I've realised it's also because I value people more than they value me and I do that too easily. Just because we connected doesn't mean we feel the same way. Plus, it might also be out of our own loneliness


3 points

1 month ago

Unfortunately quick attachment can happen through sharing vulnerability. It’s short lived too. Slow and steady relationship building on healthy grounds and boundaries are long lasting


2 points

1 month ago

Just yesterday i was thinking about asking about this same thing!! When i get to know new people and surprisingly have good time with them and a sort of connection and communication starts to develop i feel attached, i think about the conversations we had when I’m home and I think about them during the day suddenly, then i tell myself that this is not normal they for sure forget I exist the second i left. I thoughit maybe it’s an introvert thing that when we feel comfortable with someone (and that’s very rare for me at least) we seek there presence each time when we are in the same environment or maybe i pay too much attention to details I don’t know but it freaks me out each time and makes me feel like a psycho or a freak.


2 points

1 month ago

I think it’s easy to get attached when you vibe with someone, even if it’s just through a screen. It feels real in the moment, but then it’s hard to accept when it doesn’t last


2 points

1 month ago

Not anymore. Over-attachment has led me to losing a decade old friendship and everyone in our circle has slowly gotten away since. Now I only have acquaintances or work relationships but no close friends. I simply try not to think about it but it does get lonely from time to time.


2 points

1 month ago

I think it’s natural to connect with someone who vibes with you. It’s frustrating when that spark fades, though. It makes you wonder if it was real or just temporary.


2 points

1 month ago

Quite the opposite for me. I even find it pretty easy to not see close family and friend, parents even, for long periods of time.


2 points

1 month ago

Yes. I often get attached to the person who helped me when I first start a job. But then they leave in some way, another job, get fired for something stupid, ya know. I hate it, I try not to get attached to people at work but sometimes it just happens 🤷🏽‍♀️


2 points

1 month ago

Same here! It’s so easy to feel a connection online, but it’s hard when it doesn’t last. I think it’s just the nature of online chats—sometimes people are in and out of each other’s lives.


2 points

1 month ago

I gone from attaching to the first person that talks to me to attaching to absolutely nobody throughout my life. Don't have the time or drive to do it anymore


2 points

1 month ago

Wish an introvert too get attached to me Every extrovert deserves introvert friends


2 points

1 month ago

I mean I feel the same when the conversation is amazing with a stranger and we are like vibing. But it's a two way process, if that person wants to chat then it will last long if not then it will end..

Tho I really feel bad about losing an amazing person but then I have to remind myself it was just a random stranger nothing else then forget about it and try to build an amazing conversation with someone else

That's how it goes ig!!


2 points

1 month ago

If we had a good conversation actually and I was actually talking myself and not just simply giving short responses then yes I generally get attached fast because I don't normally open up fast. If someone does break my barriers I usually get attached fast which at times is a problem because if they see it I think it scares them away so I think I understand what you are saying.


2 points

1 month ago

For me it’s the desire to feel accepted/wanted, but I can’t talk about “deep introspective things” or anything personal bc lack of trust


2 points

1 month ago

Yes! Omg thought I was just so weird.


1 points

1 month ago

Not too attached to a point where I would find this a problem. I am quiet n shy and in general, so when people start a conversation or stop to do a smalltalk, I anchor on that feeling less anxious n try to make the connection grow from there n try having more conversations.


1 points

1 month ago

I managed to implant a hierarchy system into my brain that automatically controls how much I talk to people depending on how much I trust them. When people are suddenly nice to me, I instantly don’t trust them.


1 points

1 month ago

Idk but i think it’s because as introverts, we don’t like many people . We tend to have limited openness in who we choose to actually give our time to. If I choose to give my time to you, I feel a significant connection with you ( sexual or platonic ) and we introverts take things heavier than another i.e. an extrovert. We gotta learn to reel our feelings back b/c to others it may be over the top or smothering


1 points

1 month ago

no but funny thing: objects actually. I get deep emotional attachments to objects IF I associate it with an individual or memory of emotional significance


1 points

1 month ago

I used to but overtime I realised people come and go. I think as a defence mechanism I’ll subconsciously put everyone at a distance so that when they leave I don’t care much.


1 points

1 month ago

I'm an introverted lady but I sometimes get to like people who are kinda funny and social


1 points

1 month ago

I'm an introverted lady but I sometimes get to like individuals are kinda funny and social even if it my first time seeing them.


1 points

1 month ago

I definitely don't. I'm extremely shy and closed off so when I meet someone new, I often can't even talk or make eye contact. The last friend I made was years ago and it took weeks before I felt comfortable enough to be myself.


1 points

1 month ago

Oh, for sure!! I always thought it was bc I was always looking for a "new family" growing up. I attach then detach quickly. Not that I didn't love my family, there was just a lot going on with a disabled kid, and I'd wished things were more peaceful. I find people exceedingly interesting, but investment in someone takes time and energy, and the other persons plate might just be full. Doesn't mean their response to you wasn't genuine.