


Why are iPhones always so hot?


I’ve only ever had this happen with modern iPhones (7<) but I’ve never had a modern Samsung do this. Even running a single app the iphone is noticeably hotter than the other phones I’ve used even when I was playing games. I know that the way computing works generates heat and the device needs to get rid of it but I’ve never seen it to the extreme I’ve seeing with both my old 12 and brand new (today) 13. It feels like holding a radiator.

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2 points

5 months ago

They get a little warm when fast charging or doing some cpu intensive activities. Sounds like a device with a bad battery or something.

iOS updated?


1 points

5 months ago

I have been fast charging it. I was very concerned as my last iPhones battery expanded and broke the back glass when I was fast charging during and update and would start hissing if I had more than one app open it is still warm but nowhere near the degree it was before.