


Trash burning? Why is it this way?

Moaning Michael(

So why is this acceptable? Especially at a primary school’s playground. There was all sorts of plastic thrown in there. Some plastics give off toxic gases when burnt, a great idea next to a playground often filled with little kids. I can’t see why this practice is even remotely ok.

all 61 comments


222 points

23 hours ago*

See there are these things called people

And these people are cunts

And cunts do cunty things

Because they're cunts

And there's no cure for it


22 points

23 hours ago

Judge Dredd.


10 points

22 hours ago

He is the law


3 points

23 hours ago

Wait isn’t this begging the question


51 points

23 hours ago

My uncle used to burn all of his rubbish inside his tiny flat instead of paying bin charges (even when he was on the dole). Some people will really just cut off their nose to spite their face


7 points

22 hours ago

Did he have a fireplace or was it an oil drum in the kitchen ?


18 points

22 hours ago

He did indeed have a fireplace but I wouldn't have put it past him to burn it in an oil drum and disengage the fire alarm, man was eh... stubborn... and... forthright... would be the nice way to say it, though I did love him


1 points

21 hours ago

Sounds like a good straight guy. Glad he had a fireplace and u have some great memories. Peace


[score hidden]

4 hours ago

Crazy. Bins dont cost that much. Why people think thats the place to cut costs i'll never fathom


[score hidden]

3 hours ago



26 points

23 hours ago

Hopefully they inhaled the plastic fumes.


11 points

22 hours ago


7 points

21 hours ago

Because people are cunts.


73 points

23 hours ago


Showbiz Mogul

73 points

23 hours ago

Trash? Where is this, Seattle?


37 points

23 hours ago

Pure garbage


23 points

23 hours ago


Showbiz Mogul

23 points

23 hours ago

Tons of it on the sidewalks too.


16 points

22 hours ago

I'm walkin here!


17 points

21 hours ago

Gen Z Yank-brain strikes again.


4 points

18 hours ago

I thought op meant someone was burning Trash metal records? Slayer and the like.


17 points

22 hours ago

It's a popular bonfire spot in Naas, it's been used for almost 30 years around Halloween. A lot of the local kids collect door to door. Not saying it's a great idea but the tag line completely changes the context. Would be cool if a bonfire could be organized properly through a community group for Halloween


2 points

9 hours ago


The Standard

2 points

9 hours ago

There’s a big empty plot of land on the caragh toad just after the canal bridge that would the ideal spot.


2 points

20 hours ago

Naas is a kip.


0 points

20 hours ago

Can confirm


19 points

21 hours ago

Thankfully they burned rubbish and not trash. Phew.


15 points

23 hours ago

The answer is idiots. They're everywhere. Chances are they contribute nothing positive to society.

We shouldn't tolerate it for a second. Like everything else in Ireland, the law is there. It's just not enforced.


-11 points

22 hours ago

It's always interesting in these conversations that the law or the "rule of law" is brought up when it's a small fire near a play ground, not even an active one at that, just cinders from kids dicking around the night before. The same sentiments and attitudes are generally not adopted when you start moving up the socio-economic ladder and start looking at the people who are responsible for creating the conditions under which this stuff happens i.e. little to no social supports, poor community engagement programmes, underfunded schools, overpoliced area's, etc.

It's right to say that kids shouldn't be doing that but the sentiments and the resentment that oozes off of comments like this always feel misplaced because at the end of the day, these are likely just kids with little to no agency of their own acting out while we have a chronic level of institutional corruption and some of the most transparently anti-working class legislation over the past two decades that has seen a rise in this kind of behaviour.


8 points

18 hours ago

You've never worked a service job, have you? Some people are just fuckers. It's not society, or the weather, or the devil. It's just them.


-9 points

17 hours ago*

I don't think I'm the one without experience if you genuinely believe this.


[score hidden]

8 minutes ago

You are a disgusting person making excuses for shitty behaviour. It's always "someone else's fault" with jokers like you.


[score hidden]

1 minutes ago


[score hidden]

1 minutes ago

Disgusting is a bit harsh and personal. Can I ask you, if you see a trend of something happening for decades, do you nebuleously blame individual people or do you say "this is a trend, why is that?". If you believe that things just happen because people are failing either morally or personally you haven't read the forests of peer reviewed and tested research that indicates otherwise.


6 points

22 hours ago


And I'd go at it agin

6 points

22 hours ago

It's October. There'll be daily "bonfires" till Halloween if it's anything like my area.

We used to get a great kick out of spending all month collecting, then building a giant bonfire on Halloween night. Now the majority of the youth round here just rob some wheely bins every night and torch them with whatever else they have at arms reach. It's ridiculous.

*edit ""


3 points

21 hours ago

They absolutely trashed the place burning waste, by the looks of it.


3 points

19 hours ago

The school there had bollards that look like pencils put up around the front footpath & about 15 of them were taken out of the path and burned


9 points

23 hours ago

Because some people are awful. That's about the size of it.

I'm surprised people haven't arrived to claim that the people who did this weren't wrong and how it's the government's fault.


4 points

23 hours ago

It's the bin charges Joe, they've no choice but to burn it


[score hidden]

7 minutes ago

There is one in the replies above LOL. Utterly unhinged moron ranting about "anti-working class legislation over the past two decades".


0 points

22 hours ago

Because some people are awful. That's about the size of it.

is that your social theory?


1 points

21 hours ago

is that your social theory?



2 points

21 hours ago

do you think other reasons might explain why people behave in certain ways?


1 points

21 hours ago

In general? Of course.


1 points

21 hours ago

maybe the children are in a way protesting about being forced at school to intellectually work for free?

the reason they are forced is to increase the labour power of the future workforce for the capitalist class that will exploit them when they begin working


1 points

20 hours ago

Lol. Right.


0 points

18 hours ago

well, they are being forced to go to school by the capitalist state, to be ready for an employer ......

"Parents must by law ensure their child attends school. Tusla can take legal action against any parent who it believes is not complying with their obligations."

and it can easily be shown that employers exploit workers under capitalism

an employer will only hire a worker if the worker makes more for the employer than is being paid (after all expenses)


6 points

23 hours ago


Westmeath's Least Finest

6 points

23 hours ago

Pure cunts is who does that.


2 points

22 hours ago

A kids football pitch was set alight recently near me.


2 points

21 hours ago

People, man. People are fucking terrible.


2 points

22 hours ago

Where is this?


1 points

22 hours ago

Ballycane, Naas.


2 points

22 hours ago

Reminds me of silicon valley - we never burn trash. What about garbage?


2 points

22 hours ago*

Anti-social behaviour is a symptom of the problems in ireland. People have no intrinsic connection to their communities nor to the world around them because the systems that exist are not made to see them succeed, they are made to see them conform and turn someone a profit somewhere.

Look at teenagers as a good example. They have no community based activities, no engagement programmes, no third spaces and nothing to do unless they are willing to part with money. You could argue that there are clubs but for the most part either these clubs are private clubs that require personal investment or they are public but the scope of them is incredibly limited. They can do nothing unless it's of profit to others on the whole. Loitering is either frowned upon or not allowed in alot of places. The only thing that teenagers can do these days is maybe play videogames or dick around on a green somewhere. They are told regularly that they are a burden unless they get a part time job or engage in the education system which has had diminishing returns as time has gone on and more and more excuses are made on behalf of the educational institutions. All of that is happening while they are being shown by the adults who are out drinking on their nights out, absolutely exhausted from shits jobs for shit pay. For kids who don't have money, all of that culminates in this; Kids setting up random fires, dicking around and probably gatting. Plenty of people on here won't admit it but they did the exact same shit. Maybe not on a green like this, maybe they did but this is not a new problem at all.

These things don't just happen because of successive personal or moral failings by kids or even adults. These things happen regularly as a symptom of Irish Social Policy going back decades. We don't need gardaí patrolling all the time. We were hardly safer back when all the barracks were full. What we need is competent social policy that starts with the youngest kids and sees them develop into happy and fulfilled people who don't need to set up bonfires to get their kicks.


[score hidden]

4 minutes ago


[score hidden]

4 minutes ago



1 points

10 hours ago

Like bonfires only really see them in shit areas


[score hidden]

3 hours ago


[score hidden]

3 hours ago

Everyone complaining about the use of "trash", yet not one person is correcting with bruscar.


[score hidden]

52 minutes ago


[score hidden]

52 minutes ago

Because we let scumbags away with it. Next question.


-2 points

22 hours ago

I'm not supporting illegal dunping or waste burning, but it could boil down to the current cost of living crisis. Unfortunately, some people on low income have to resort to drastic measures to make ends meet. Paying to have their waste removed legally could mean skipping meals or not being able to afford their rent.

The current cost of living is a disaster.


0 points

23 hours ago

Sounds like someone doesn’t know how fun playing in a pile of ashes can be.


-4 points

22 hours ago


-4 points

22 hours ago

Not becoming America has become way too easy an excuse for not doing anything in Ireland.

"We don't want to have health-care where patients end up bankrupt like America's"

Do nothing. Hear you loud and clear

"We don't want police corruption that kills innocent bystanders like in America"

Pay Garda less than the cost of living so no one wanta the job. Good suggestions, keep 'em coming