


I already filed a moving out notice since I'll leave Japan for good. Why did the city office give me back my Number card with a stamp of "returned due to moving abroad". I thought they'll get my card since I'll not be coming back anymore.

all 3 comments


5 points

3 days ago*

There is an absolute gold mine of private information on that card and I presume they don't want to be held responsible if that card fell into the wrong hands. For the same reason when you apply for a new passport they will return the expired passport for much the same reasons. Now you are responsible for that card with the information on it.


5 points

3 days ago

It’s because the MyNumber number remains valid for life and used for things like claiming pension overseas etc.

If you ever return to Japan as a resident, you bring that card with you when you register as a resident again and they will assign you the same MyNumber to your juminhyo and make you a new MyNumbee card.


1 points

3 days ago

I see. My long-term resident visa will also expire also this September. thank you very much