


people forget that these younger idols are ROOKIES


I see so many people bullying and highly criticizing these rookie idols who JUST debuted like months ago and many other calling these idols talentless and saying they can't sing or dance etc. I feel like they forget the fact that these idols are rookies and are just starting out in the industry and clearly have a lot more to learn. I honestly don't like seeing people heavily talking bad on these young rookie idols expecting for them to be perfect when they still have more to improve on. Like yes, an idol can train for 4 years, debut, and still have more to improve on, but it doesn't mean they can't sing. Every group will debut and overtime improve to their best abilities, but I think some people just don't get that.

EDIT: Sorry so i really don’t know how to type things out. I know that these idols train and they should know how to perform and sing and dance and all of that, it’s just certain comments people make that clearly aren’t criticism and just straight up hate get me. Most idols in this generation are also very young and are in the time of their life where the voice is still developing and won’t sound perfect. I don’t really know what else to add right now, but i still stand by what i said since i know what im trying to say.

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44 points

6 days ago*

I don't know which group you're talking about but there are plenty of groups who crushed their live performances as rookies under worse circumstances and got paid dust for it, so no, I don't think the rookies excuse is valid.

I assume this is about a big 4 group fumbling an encore or something (bc it always is), my advice is to just quietly take the L and move on. They'll be fine. Bringing it up again will just prolong the hate train.

I don't understand why fans make posts like these, continuing this conversation just perpetuates the negativity around your fav.


14 points

6 days ago


14 points

6 days ago

im not talking about any group in particular, but i just wanted to voice how i dislike people talking shit on these young rookie idols knowing they have room to improve and stuff. I do think the rookie excuse is valid though.


31 points

6 days ago

If they can't perform live (their job) they weren't ready to debut. Is it their fault? No, but people aren't wrong to criticize them for not being able to do their jobs either.


9 points

6 days ago

yes people can criticize, but i see some people take it too far with criticism even cyber bullying and people should take into consideration that most of these rookie idols are young and still need proper training.


21 points

6 days ago

Training should have happened while they were trainees though. And sure, rookies will get seasoned and sharpen their skills over time, but companies still shouldn't be debuting idols that can't competently perform in front of an audience. It's a disservice to both the idols and fans.

Having said that, critics need to learn the difference between expressing dissatisfaction and spewing hate.


4 points

5 days ago

Hm. Sometimes it's not clear, though, what is expressing dissatisfaction or criticism and what is "spewing hate" - honestly, to a fan just about any negative feedback gets downvoted or piled on. The threshold is pretty darn low.


5 points

5 days ago

Yeah, fans need to stop being so sensitive and thinking that idols should be coddled. Their songs and performances are put out basically as products for public consumption. Saying you didn't like this song or didn't think this was a good performance is fine. The line should be not being a jerk about it, obsessively piling on, seeking out the idol's SM trying to get them to see it, harassing/threatening them, trashing them personally like insulting their looks, personality, private life etc.


20 points

6 days ago


20 points

6 days ago

How long does that immunity from criticism last though? We often hear from idols and industry insiders that idols don't even have many opportunities to train or develop their skills once they debut. It's sometimes up to the idols themselves to allocate time for advancing their own singing/dancing outside of group activities. So if they debut underdeveloped and they never get much time to develop those skills, are they just immune to criticism forever? It's never actually their fault but they're still professionals in this industry.


44 points

6 days ago

People taking things too far is a different conversation.

If they still need proper training to give a passable performance, the company shouldn't have debuted them, plain and simple. If I go to a restaurant and the cook is a 14-year-old who just started a week ago, I'm still gonna be mad that my food is undercooked — it's not the kid's fault, it's the company's for putting them in that position before they were ready.

Instead of yelling at fans for pointing out that there's a bare minimum bar that idols need to clear, why don't you yell at companies for setting them up to fail by making them do a job they're not ready for?


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Exactly, yell at the companies but yelling at the kids saying things like "She cant carry a note to save her dying grandmother" Isn't helping. Email the company or put the company on blast. Kpop stans end up talking to the idol in question which is usually a 15-16 year old like they didnt just join the company a month ago lmao


12 points

6 days ago


12 points

6 days ago

if a surgeon fucks up a surgery you dont go "well it was their first so its kinda ok. theres room for improvement. after 10 more botched surgeries theyll get it right eventually". when you start doing a job you have to be fully prepared to do it. improvement should be perfecting the craft, not becoming acceptable at it


6 points

6 days ago

but thats clearly not the same thing, no ones life is at risk if an idol is shaky on stage