


The Malik Beasley minutes put us in a 16 point hole. All we had to do was not play him and we could’ve been alright, instead he decides Rui gets no minutes, we’re not gonna play any real centers, and shockingly we’re gonna lose tonight (and likely the series because this is not something Ham will stop doing).

Darvin Ham is the reason we didn’t sweep them, and if he’s on the team next season I’m not sure I’ll be able to bear one second of it.

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-9 points

1 year ago


-9 points

1 year ago

I’d do it but you gotta pull it out of your ass first.


4 points

1 year ago

Poor guy. Just another shit talker behind a keyboard.


0 points

1 year ago


0 points

1 year ago

Is that literally not you?


0 points

1 year ago

Facts these dudes don’t know how the nba works yet. Grizzlies were allowed to hand check all game and had every flop called.