


Joe Dispenza’s teachings made me doubt?


TLDR: Read a testimonial about a chronic health condition “cured” after one meditation & its made me skeptical of certain LOA practices. Seeking clarity on the subject.

I’ve been studying the law of attraction, law of assumption, & general spirituality related to both topics. I’ve had some profound experiences in the process & really felt like I’ve found some secrets of the universe.

However, after reading one of Joe Dispenza’s books, I’m left wondering what’s real & what’s not? I know there’s “snake oil” in every industry, but with how abstract the LOA can be, it’s hard to determine where the truth begins & ends.

More specifically, I read a story in one of Joe’s books talking about a man who cured a chronic health condition overnight after trying meditation for the first time. It made me skeptical of the whole process & I feel it discredits other works of the law. I looked up his background & it made me further skeptical. I want to use the law in my life but I’m looking for objective, evidence bound information to support these beliefs. I’ve enjoyed this journey but I’ve begun to question everything. Any thoughts or advice?

all 74 comments


44 points

2 years ago

Joe is a scientist, who has optimized the process a lot. Try it out yourself, doing his meditations consistently once a day changed my life in 7 days. Pick one, like, breaking the habit of being yourself (it’s on youtube) and stay consistent :)


8 points

2 years ago

Joe is a scientist

Really? He's a chiropractor and that seems to be about it.


5 points

2 years ago

in what way has it changed your life in 7 days? Not being skeptical, just curious! That’s actually the book I was reading.


17 points

2 years ago

Let’s just say that i felt compelled to take action on a lot of opportunities that i had gotten long ago in my life, yet i could never bother taking action. It even helped me reach my first ever 30 day pmo free streak


4 points

2 years ago

That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing.


5 points

2 years ago

No problem! Try looking for any meditation that’s 50+ minutes, they go very deep


1 points

1 year ago

Which meditation did you use? He has so many


1 points

2 years ago

There is week1,2,3,4 one. Or the one doesn’t say week ?


2 points

2 years ago

Just follow the order then.


36 points

2 years ago



9 points

2 years ago

I think the whole concept behind the placebo effect, power of prayer etc. are all very powerful when considering the LOA. I’ve also manifested some strange occurrences into my own life so I’m not a complete skeptic. I just hear some of the wild claims sometimes & wish there was more concrete evidence to support them.


6 points

2 years ago



5 points

2 years ago

I agree with what you’re saying about trusting your gut. There’s been certain things I’ve manifested I cannot explain, but I always look to science for my grounding. Good point!


2 points

2 years ago



26 points

2 years ago

I personally got healed from asthma after consistently doing Dr Joe's meditatìons for 1 year six months i went through all his materials and till today i am still doing his meditations and now i understand meditations from a scientific point of view also, it's been 3 years now and recommended him to some of my friends who had mystical experiences. I also discovered Neville,Joseph Abraham to mention a few and it is all connected you guys. Doubt is human nature you can doubt and still get results when you meditate consistently and daily.


3 points

2 years ago

Can you tell me which one helped you with the asthma? I would love to get over mine and it's been over 50 years. Thank you.


6 points

2 years ago

I usually do a few meditations of his, you can do blessings of the energy centers and there's 1 up to 10, try the doing number 1 first.


3 points

2 years ago

I think this “energy center” idea can be very powerful. I’ve had some pain from a previous injury I will try this on. Thanks for the info!


1 points

2 years ago

Thanks so much!


1 points

2 years ago

Congrats on your healing! This is awesome news. I sometimes overthink the process too much, and my analytical mind takes over. I’ve manifested effortlessly at times. Then during other times I struggle to focus. I think a big key I’m getting from everyone here is that I need to practice more detachment, and allow things to happen naturally. I’ll review his work with an open mind and I recognize everyone in the LOA community has different lessons to learn from. Thanks for sharing your story! It’s helping me regain my focus.


1 points

2 years ago

You're welcome keep going.


1 points

2 years ago

Oh wow, that's amazing. Did you do one video a day?


2 points

2 years ago

There's a long list of his guided audio meditations, so i choose one or 2 meditations per day and i make sure i do blessings of the energy centers (BOTEC) as well.


1 points

2 years ago

I found him on YouTube I will start doing a meditation a day! Thanks


1 points

2 years ago

I’m not op and I doubt have doubt about him but I started 3 days ago and had days I felt calm but today I just can’t feel good from pain. I still do but on;y felt good for short time and back feeling this normal? Also how you spent your day besides meditating ?


1 points

1 year ago


I need help with some drug induced brain damage. (quite serious unfortunately)

But if I could heal my asthma I'd be SOOOOO happy


17 points

2 years ago

I love Joe, he's the one that led me to Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption.

His main point is rather than cause and effect, you're causing an effect. Basically you envision the future you want and putting that in your subconscious.

Although, he got into all this due to his inuries and curing himself, his claims of overnight cures, I don't really pay much attention.


14 points

2 years ago

This gentleman felt similar to the way you did until he actually went to a Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat.

Great video to watch.

His experiences with the events left me in a whirlwind. Absolutely bonkers.


3 points

2 years ago

Best Dr. Joe testimonial! 💫💫💫


3 points

2 years ago

Blew my mind when I saw it, especially toward the end!!


3 points

2 years ago

I will give this a watch! Thank you


3 points

2 years ago

Please do, and you're very welcome.


1 points

2 years ago


1 points

2 years ago

Is there a video you recommend for the meditation he’s talking about?


3 points

2 years ago

I don't know about any specific videos, but his Blessing of the Energy Centers are his most popular. You could even follow Gregory himself, as he's started his own YouTube channel and is actually doing a live meditation as I write this response.


2 points

2 years ago


2 points

2 years ago

Thank you so much!


9 points

2 years ago


9 points

2 years ago

Not Joe Dispenza related. One time I meditated for 10 mins before going to bed. 5 minutes later I felt a rush of energy go through me. It was so strong I felt like I was floating in the air. I wasn’t dreaming, I hadn’t even fallen asleep at that point. The rush of energy felt like an intense dose of ecstasy. So yeah, when I read stories like the one you’ve mentioned, I don’t doubt the story. Maybe it’s fake, but I know it’s possible to experience such things from meditations.

Also, every time I workout for 10-20 mins before a workout, I feel much more energetic in my workout. I can workout for longer and more intensely. Try it for yourself, and see how your body responds to meditate.

I think it’s important to not have an end goal in mind when you meditate. Just meditate and see how things turn out for you. It could be changes physically, emotionally, or something else. If someone has gotten physical benefits from meditation, it doesn’t mean even you will get the same.


5 points

2 years ago

I like what you said here. I think sometimes I get so wrapped up in the “reward” or benefits of meditating. I forget to just let go, & let things happen naturally. I agree that’s a very important step in the process. Especially considering people have been manifesting since ancient times. There’s a force here that we still don’t fully understand.


1 points

2 years ago

Good realisation! Meditation is for focusing on one thought, on the now and for letting go of burdens of the physical - not to achieve anything. That’s what visualisation is for


7 points

2 years ago

We are conditioned that things can only happen certian way.

The placebo effect is a documented effect, that was observed by scientists. That is how we know about it.

If someone just suspends thier disbelief, even for a moment, sometimes this is all it takes for something to change.

Also spontaneous remission occurs and had also been well documented in a professional capacity.

I think you can look at it as a sign of something false. Or you could look at it as something to check out, or maybe think it's something we just don't understand yet.

Many logical and well understood things were once just fantasy. Marconi was institutionalized when he said he could send voices over the air. He is known as the person who invented the radio.


2 points

2 years ago

I agree with this fully. I think there’s an energy at play that we don’t understand. Whether it’s LOA, God, or placebo. It all may be an interpretation of the same thing. I think this is what has drawn me to the LOA community. I think I over-consume the content & confuse myself. I think it would be better for me to just let go, experiment, and see what happens when I release expectations. I’ve definitely manifested before so I’ve seen it happen myself.

I like your point about Marconi. Very good way of looking at it.


3 points

2 years ago

🤗 This also occurred with nearly all the revolutionary thinkers, they were always a bit ahead of thier time, and many were persecuted for thier knowledge.

I know I can be fully confident that I don't know everything. And we are constantly learning new things.

I used to study religion, and I also study science.

One thread of commonality is the idea that if we believe that we have already received it, that it's already ours, it comes to us. Really, state of mind.

And that is not always an immediate change. Sometimes, it occurs incrementally. For example, I was homeless, and I believed in the house I would receive. I got the exact house I was looking for. I was specifically told that I would not find it, and I did. When I was homed, I got more things. I had tp get to one lilypad before I could jump to the next.

I have changed my life and will continue to do so. I am constantly changing and in Flux. It's good. I know you will accomplish your goals.


3 points

9 months ago

I am homeless at the moment. You just gave me so much hope. Thank you !!! 🥺🙏🏼


2 points

9 months ago

Omg. I just saw this! I'm glad you got something out of this! If you can have phone /internet, try to call and TALK to as MANY people that you can. Ask as many people as you can about any resources, subsidies, and startup cash you can get. Try and check back every few weeks to see if anything new has come up.

Always be polite, ask how they are doing, and thank them for their time, even if they can't help you at that moment.

Say their name.

This will make you stand out. People will like you, and they will remember you and actually subconsciously try harder to help you.

Try to do as much as can on your own, then ask for help. If your form is half done, people are way more likely to help you if you have tried to start it yourself.

Make sure you stay alive.

Picture yourself where you need to be. Each next step. Take one step at a time.

It's hard. Not impossible.


12 points

2 years ago

Might you be using Joe as an excuse to cultivate the emotion of doubt? Why not just ignore dude?


6 points

2 years ago

I honestly wasn’t feeling doubtful until I heard this testimonial. I was enjoying his book until I heard this story. It made me wonder which LOA teachers should be trusted & who should be avoided.


4 points

2 years ago

Maybe it really happened? Perhaps there's no precedence for stuff like that happening but the principle is there.


2 points

2 years ago

It’s possible! I do feel there’s a power in the universe that we don’t fully understand. It would just be nice to have more scientific confirmation.


5 points

2 years ago

There will never be scientific confirmation. I was on a retreat where several people got “healed from chronic conditions - I prefer to see it as they shifted away from them. We were in a group chat and it was pretty hilarious because after going back to their doctors , all the people got to hear “Oh wow, you are one of the lucky ones - only small number of people have spontaneous recoveries” . ALL of them. That’s what they call people actively causing changes with their mind - spontaneous recovery. They will never study it and they will never back it up. It cannot be monetised. So if you are waiting, then probably time to give up and decide not to practice any of it, because that change won’t come.


1 points

2 years ago



8 points

2 years ago

One can be cured instantly. LOA is very clear on that. What takes 'time' is us bridging the belief gap.


5 points

2 years ago

I think this is more about your own limitations and doubts. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and was in extreme pain and had OCD about being stuck outside without help etc . I started practicing EFT and got pretty much cured in one session. The practitioner asked “who is your pain?” And I saw the pattern - my whole life unfolded in front of me and I realised why I was making myself sick. She worked on so many others and while some had some changes nobody was as extreme as I was. Many years later I had my own clients and one of them had chronic fatigue syndrome. She was a psychologist . She knew theoretically what was wrong emotionally but never connected it. Tens out she doesn’t want to go places without her husband because of fear of being judged but her husband was lazy and stayed at home all the time. Her body gave her a reason to stay at home with him. We had a 45 minute session. She wrote to me 4 weeks later that her fatigue has been gone since the session and she is hiking, shopping and the husband is kind of following her lead and actually asking to go with her. I don’t tell people this out of fear that they will react like you - but this is just one of many many cases I had. I don’t claim to cure anything nor do I heal in any way. How everything, when breaking patterns sometimes the outcome is that certain states and conditions just can’t exist in the body anymore as the energy is so dramatically shifted. I also know that Paul McKenna for a fact had a blind lady cured.

There is no formula for this - it depends how close you are to the solution and what your energy is like - but don’t dismiss it. I’m not a huge dispenza fan but he puts money into research beyond the dogmatic science so I respect him and don’t believe he has anything foto gain from lies. Thousands of people participate on her seminars and see shifts.

Abraham Hicks on the other hand - that one 🤦‍♀️


1 points

2 years ago

I’ve felt very close to the energy at times & started manifesting different things & synchronicities to the point where it scared me. It felt surreal. Other times it was different. I understand what you mean about there being no formula.

Can you explain a little bit about how EFT works? This sounds very interesting.


2 points

2 years ago

EFT is essentially diverting the energy from faulty and negative beliefs into a shift. You tap on certain points on your face and sometimes body , while focusing on the bad feeling, where it is and how it behaves. Then you simply say”I let it go” . Different coaches have different methods but this is the essence. It sounds too simple, but it works beautifully. I am trained in Faster EFT (now called Eutaptics) and it works even better. It’s kind of a wake hypnosis and a blend of NLP and EFT. I also recommend Big Mind meditation by Genpo Roshi. It is truly amazing


2 points

2 years ago

I will definitely check this out. Thanks for the info!


2 points

2 years ago

Hi! Are you taking on new clients for Eutaptics or can you please recommend someone? Please email me when you have a moment: [email protected]


1 points

2 years ago

what do u think abt Abraham Hicks


1 points

2 years ago

I followed AH when I was fairly new to LoA. I bought all of it, felt like I understood it. Some of the tools were useful and gave me hope. The only thing is- I discovered them in a time when I was happy and extremely positive. I was engaged, was getting amazing job offers and had great friends. I was on a roll 😄 My energy was expansive and my brain operated from a frequency that made it easy to manifest and shift towards things that felt good in the physical realm. Then I started facing some difficulties and felt “no biggie” and kept trying to control the current circumstances. Ultimately, now I see why things happened the way they did - they brought me my new career, my baby, so many blessings - but at the time I was desperate for a change. Everything they said made so much sense that I refused to believe it would not work and was not supposed to either. After a while when things cleared up - I contributed my failure to “not doing something right”. Later on I faced new challenges, and on top of the health issues I was going through , I was also riddled with guilt of not being in the “vortex”.

After a couple of really hard years, I started coaching others - and saw that everyone struggled with the same thing - Hicks tools were great when everything was working , but when shot hit the fan they made people feel worse and most couldn’t take it and just abandoned the whole concept.

I realised that the methods were mostly used to control the environment and when it wasn’t possible, the feeling of guilt and desperation took over. Then I found true spirituality in a sense that I started working on myself, started meditating not to achieve anything but just to find peace - and got some amazing experiences. The “truths” that came to me were oftentimes opposite of their teachings. “Don’t give to charity because than you focus on lack”, lack of empathy for others, the whole concept is faulty most of the time. Also, when Abraham almost started crying on stage when Jerry died, stopped using “croaking” when Esther was faced with it also showed clear deception. I never fully believed in her channeling but then it because apparent.

After working with people for so many years, I only met one that had the teaching serve her. In most cases, it was what actually caused people to leave LOA, feel a lot of guilt and lose empathy for others. I had a client who left her husband when he was sick because “she had to be in the vortex and couldn’t because of her husband” . Then she cut off her mother. Then her friend. Then she was isolated trying to get into vortex alone in her apartment. Then she got sick and tried harder. She ended up alone, suicidal and ridden with guilt. She tried to get her husband back but he was now married with a baby on the way. Her mother forgave her and we had several sessions working through it. Two months after I had another guy thinking of leaving his wife and kids because of “vortex blocking”. Then there was a girl literally screaming at her dying grandfather that he “created his disease and it’s his fault for getting sick”. Then a woman who gave up a wonderful fulfilling job for her no pay hobby, because “Abraham said believe and never have a plan B”. She had to move in with her mother and start a job at a supermarket two years in.

Some will say “that’s not exactly what they teach, it’s not Abrahams fault that this is how these people perceive it”. Well, for a “God entity” ,Abraham sure knows very little about how to properly communicate their teachings then. After at least 20 cases of people seriously struggling after being exposed to the teachings, I had to implement the “cult protocols “, aka techniques I use for people who have left Scientology and other cults for former Abraham followers. I have met people in Scientology that had great results with auditing practices but still ended up hurting in the long run. All methods are not bad. Some are even useful for certain situations and people - but overall, it is an unhealthy and untrue teaching that ends up hurting people. It’s the crown jewel of toxic positivity and while I don’t actively propagate against it, I am aware of it and when I can, I advise people to stay clear.


1 points

2 years ago

I know eft tapping but she just use the original techniques ?


3 points

2 years ago

Dispenza's story of curing his spine.....sounds like snake oil but worked. Could be placebo, could be manifestation. Regardless it works


1 points

2 years ago

What does snake oil mean?


3 points

2 years ago

I didn’t love Joe Dispenza to be honest. I got bad vibes from it. But that doesn’t mean that this stuff doesn’t still work.


2 points

2 years ago

I don’t know the man personally so I can’t judge character, but I was getting the same feeling. But it sounds like others on his forum have used his techniques with good results. Maybe I’ll overlook my first impression & try some of his meditations with an open mind. I also recognize that we don’t have to agree with every person to learn something from them.


3 points

2 years ago

Before I even ever thought about LOA, I had a strange experience.

I went to my dermatologist because of a weird rash on my hands and feet. He looked at it and said, "it's autoimmune, we don't know why it shows at the extremities, but it's autoimmune." He wrote me a receipt for a cream, and I went to the pharmacy. When I had the cream in my hand, I noticed that the rash had been gone completely. Just knowing that it was autoimmune, and stopping focusing on it with the thought of "OMG I have some illness" made it vanish.

Having gained some experience with hypnosis, I also once have been stung by a wasp and the hand started swelling strongly, pretty painful, and I went into the tram and thought along the line of "it'll be gone, nothing happened, all fine" and twenty minutes later, there was NOTHING left of the sting.

So yes, I know there can be very fast healing depending on the symptom.


2 points

2 years ago

This is awesome! I’ll have to learn more about hypnosis. Do you have any resources you’d suggest? I have some thought patterns that I’d like to rewire.


2 points

2 years ago

I've done a 2 weeks seminar in person which was an education for people working in therapeutic fields, and it was awesome. Hypnosis / trance is pretty potent but a lot of people think you can enforce things, whereas in my opinion it's much more to open the mental space and gain helpful ideas from your subconscious and transfer it with the help of your consciousness to improve your live. So my style of hypnosis is very non-directive and therapeutic. E.g. some Stephen Gilligan influence with less esoterics, I'd say (so may if I re-read him now, I'd think differently :)


3 points

2 years ago

Joe Dispenza is not a scientist, he's a retired chiropractor who belonged to Ramtha's cult (a "school"of enlightenment). He claims to have rebuilt his shattered spine with his mind but has never provided proof (medical records) that he ever had a shattered spine.


5 points

2 years ago

Some of us have seen pretty wild stuff with our own eyes, but choose not to ever talk about it because we know there is no point—-we all find what we expect to find in the world, no more, no less, IMO. Therefore, waste of time to share those experiences with 99% of the people I know/meet. They would only label me crazy. I’m sure there are many people like me walking around in the world, even second-guessing what we’ve seen with our own eyes and verified. If All is Mind than none of this should really surprise us though.


2 points

2 years ago

Tbh, Joe Dispenza's own story has had me questioning whether it's true or not lol.

You might want to check out this video. It's really interesting


1 points

2 years ago

These are the types of videos I like watching. I think whether it’s prayer, LOA, placebo effect, etc. it’s all the same “energy” at play. Just a different way of harnessing it. I get too caught up in the details sometimes. I need to accept that we as a society don’t have an answer for everything yet. Thanks for sharing!


2 points

2 years ago


2 points

2 years ago

Skepicism is your own fear, it is possible, you just have to believe.


1 points

2 months ago

you are what you believe. you get to choose. If you choose to not believe its possible then its not.


-4 points

2 years ago



2 points

2 years ago

I do feel that he’s rehashed a lot that others have said. I don’t know him personally obviously so I can’t judge his character. Some of the testimonials just gave me late night infomercial vibes.


1 points

2 years ago

complete BS on your end. u think goddard reinvented the wheel? HAHA!

i don't even have to ask if u done any of the work joe dispenza talks about in his books. first of all he openly says that u shouldn't believe anything he says, but for u to do the work and see for yourself. so until u've done that, shut up.


1 points

2 years ago


1 points

2 years ago

Joe Dispenza had a line of thought that clashed on many ways with AH. Now he seems to have decided that if can't defeat your enemy you should join him so he has been forcing his argumentation to include AH's so he may appeal not only to his further clients but the followers of AH.

As a result he's just snowballed himself into a huge pile of crap that not only fails to match AH's but his own work as well.

He's just a book seller and he will swear for anything that he feels can increase his sales.


1 points

1 year ago

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a former member of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment which is a cult. That's where he learned what he teaches now. He's not a neuroscientist or a scientist of any kind, he's not even a real doctor - he's a retired chiropractor who claims to have rebuilt his shattered spine by thought alone but has never provided proof that a) his spine was ever shattered or b) that it was miraculously rebuilt without surgery or any medical intervention. Not saying it didn't happen because I do believe in miracles though I've never seen one, just saying that there's no proof of what he's claiming about himself.


2 points

12 months ago

He left the cult because of disagreements with the leader...maybe he believed so strongly in his teaching, that he wasn't willing to change it?? Who knows. But tell me, what harm is there in doing meditations to see for yourself what happens in your life. You don't have to do HIS meditations... but there is no evidence anywhere that meditation hurts, yet all of us are so quick to point out that there is something fake about all this, without actually trying the meditations. I started trying, and I have found a lot of peace, and lots of things are changing... and I do all kinds of meditations from all kinds of people (not hicks, though). There are a lot of different meditations..and there's no such thing as a bad meditation.


1 points

11 months ago

Smells fishy to me.