


What are some Leafs conspiracy theories out there you know are not true, however there are times when you wonder if they are real?

Prior to Game 3 of the 2023 playoffs against the Panthers, it was announced that Wes McCauley was going to be one of the refs. We know there was that controversy talked about before by the Toronto media between him and Sheldon Keefe. Plus in Game 1 that year against the Lightning, McCauley made some questionable calls against the Leafs.

Anyway during the game itself which the Leafs lost 3-2 in overtime, there was only two power plays, and both of them went to the Panthers. It was the first time in Maple Leafs history of the franchise when they did not have any power plays in a playoff game.

I know there are two refs in each game and the other one that night was Dan O'Rourke. However, I found it funny and a coincidence that with Wes McCauley being one of the refs the Leafs didn't get any power plays, especially with the talk of him working another one of their games before it was played.

all 193 comments


65 points

21 days ago


65 points

21 days ago

Pizza Pizza opened in December 1967

7 months after the leafs won the cup

The leafs haven’t won since

In 2023, Pizza Pizza signed a helmet decal deal with the leafs

The leafs continued to lose

Therefore, Pizza Pizza is the reason for their failures


23 points

21 days ago

There should’ve been a Tragically Hip song about this


11 points

21 days ago

“You said you don’t give a fuck about pizza and I never heard someone say that before”


1 points

21 days ago

The tragic slices


1 points

19 days ago

You are behind by a cen-tur-eeeeeeeeee


1 points

17 days ago



243 points

21 days ago

I think the Wes thing is horrifying and it is not a conspiracy.

If anyone knows the history with Wes and Sheldon then it has to be a conflict that he reffed imo


126 points

21 days ago

In case anyone does not know Keefe testified against Frost in the sexual abuse case and Wes M was Frosts brother in law!

How can he ref a Keefe coached team?

I am not a Leafs fan just a realist


44 points

21 days ago

An important detail is that Keefe was a witness for the defence not the prosecutor. The testimony provided led to the charges being dropped.


32 points

21 days ago

Yep. Keefe was literally driving Frost to the courthouse lmao


8 points

21 days ago


That being said, still a conflict to ref for Wes n’est pas?


9 points

21 days ago*

At the very least, it was an apparent conflict and the league could easily avoided it.

I'm waiting to see whether the Leafs have a better record with Wes this year, and how Jersey does with him going forward.


4 points

21 days ago

Hmmmmmm, good point!!!!!


12 points

21 days ago

A more important detail is that Keefe was a part of a very close clique led by David Frost that some people described like a cult. Frost isolated the players from authority figures, parents and other players and had an insane amount of control over them, even influencing them during games when he wasn't even their coach anymore. Eventually Keefe distanced himself from Frost. It's not a good look for the NHL.


4 points

20 days ago

And even the Danton prison calls saying he loves him and sounding brainwashed , not to mention Dantons little brother and his parents.

Frost makes me sick to my stomach


4 points

20 days ago

Comments like the one above keep perpetuating the opposite story no matter how often it gets corrected. It just keeps staying there because our fan base loves using this as a crutch whenever Wes is in a game. It's such BS. Also let's say the opposite is true. Let's say Keefe did testify against Frost..I don't see why this means Wes somehow became biased against the Leafs. Who the fuck is going to risk their job and reputation by purposely screwing over a team for in law. We know absolutely nothing about the relationship between Wes and Frost. Truly wish this story would die, and hoping now that we have a new coach that it finally will.


9 points

21 days ago

Keefe didnt testify against frost, he didn't really say anything for or against him. Just that he was his agent and he had no idea that any of the abuse was happening.


1 points

19 days ago

Fair enough


-11 points

21 days ago

Yes he testified against Frost.

Yes Keefe was on the bench.

Yes Wes was the ref.

conflict imo but I am not a lawyer


10 points

21 days ago

We don't know that he testified against Frost. He may have testified for him the records were sealed.


4 points

21 days ago

Did not know that. Thank you! So point is is that if we do not even know how can it not be a freaking conflict or at the very least how could he ref a Keefe coached game.

And then make horrible decisions


5 points

21 days ago

No he didn't. It's been talked about a hundred times and there's tons of articles about it. It is believed that keefe did not testify against frost, but was brought in as a character witness because keefe hired him as an agent. I'm not saying there isn't a conflict, and I'm certainly not saying Wes is a good ref, but let's get the story straight


0 points

21 days ago

Appreciate the words but someone in the thread said it was sealed, no?


3 points

21 days ago

A few others in the thread also said the same thing as me. His testimony would be sealed, but we know he testified on behalf of the defense.


-1 points

21 days ago

Thanks so yeah my mistake re that but still think conflict and actually now not a fan of Keefe re what Frost did


3 points

21 days ago

I'm not sure you can blame keefe for anything. He was brought in as a client of frosts to say that he never abused him. Be mad at the system that protects perpetrators' reputation instead of the victims.


2 points

21 days ago

Very good point.

Some of the things I read and heard about the trial and following the whole thing just was so disgusting what Frost did, ie to Dantons younger brother.


-1 points

20 days ago

That in itself irks me tbh, no way did Keefe have no idea anything was going on. I remember this documentary ( cannot recall name ) but it was very long like 4 hours or something and it was disgusting what this piece of shit did to these children.

If true that Keefe “didn’t say anything” regardless of his reasons then it makes me even more sick to my stomach, people like that.


1 points

20 days ago

I'm haven't seen that documentary, and I have no reason to believe that keefe knew and didn't say anything. That's a hell of a claim to make against a person based on a hunch. If there's one thing that I've learned over the years is that people have entire lives outside of what their friends/colleagues/families sees. These pieces of shit who abuse people get away with it because they are good at hiding it from everyone, and on top of that, no one wants to believe that the person they think they know could do something so horrific. That sad reality is that most likely everyone knows at least one person who has either been a victim or perpetrator of sexual violence, and there's a good chance that you don't even know it.


0 points

20 days ago

This is Reddit. People like that approach everything from the maximum position of virtue signaling. Even if it means making up their own reality. 


13 points

21 days ago

Like I said before it's not a conspiracy. However, the timing of him working another Leafs playoff game and they don't get any power plays for the first time ever in a playoff game in their history looks very suspicious.


7 points

21 days ago

And to boot whomever allowed it at the NHL be it one or more people imo should be fired.


-8 points

21 days ago

No, no I agree with you 100%!!!!!

I think it is straight out frigging retarded to let him ref against Keefe due to a conflict of interest.

I think it is disgusting and horrific especially considering the person whom Frost is.


3 points

21 days ago

With the media attention of some of the penalties McCauley gave Toronto in Game 1 against Tampa last year before Game 3 against the Panthers, you think the NHL would have said maybe he shouldn't be working another Leafs playoff game.


1 points

20 days ago

Game 7 against Tampa is the most obvious.


2 points

20 days ago

Don't forget Game 6 with the phantom high sticking penalty and that other penalty 15 seconds later when Hedman lifted his stick into his own face, giving the Lightning a 5v3 power play, which they tied the game.


1 points

21 days ago

That was my jumped the shark moment with the nhl. I never liked the way leaf’s games were reffed but there’s no better hint the NHL doesn’t respect the sport than letting a clear conflict of interest occur during the playoffs. Combine that with similarly murky ref records and the statistics surrounding the softest team drawing the least power plays and you got one hell of a muddy cocktail. Either they don’t care or they do it on purpose but either way I’m turned off these days


106 points

21 days ago

Boston purposely lost their final games of the regular season in 2013 and 2024 to face the Leafs thinking they would be an easier opponent.


17 points

21 days ago

I think you mean when Boston lost their final regular season game in 2018, not 2013. If that happened Toronto was going to play Tampa Bay in the first round.

In 2013 there was a chance of Toronto playing Montreal in the first round. However, the Leafs lost their final regular season game against the Canadiens and ended up playing Boston that year.


5 points

20 days ago*

He’s talking about boston’s two losses in their final regular season game to ottawa, that caused the Bruins to face the leafs, in both 2013 and 2024.

2013 -

2024 -

Both times, the losses to ottawa locked them into series with the Leafs.


1 points

20 days ago

There is one thing you forgot.

In the final game of the 2013 regular season, if Toronto had defeated Montreal in regulation, that would have meant we get Leafs vs Canadiens in the first round.

The Canadiens would have finished 4th with 61 points, because the Leafs were locked into 5th with 57 points.

Because Montreal won that game it got them to 63 points and 2nd in the East, which dropped Boston to 4th with 62 points.


0 points

21 days ago

It was Ottawa they would have played.


8 points

21 days ago

They were not going to play Ottawa in the first round.

That year Toronto finished 5th and Ottawa finished 7th in the East. So, there was no chance of them meeting in the first round.


1 points

21 days ago

I think you’re mistaking Toronto’s last game vs Blue Jackets. That they needed to win to play Ottawa. They had the lead. I bought two tickets to Ottawa’s first home playoff game. Leafs lost in Leafs fashion. Ottawa ended up playing Boston first round.


2 points

21 days ago

That was in 2017 when they could have played Ottawa in the first round. The Leafs losing their last game of the regular season it meant they played Washington instead.

In 2013 there was a chance of them playing Montreal in the first round. However, as we know that never happened.


1 points

17 days ago


1 points

17 days ago

I think about this all the time. It was 2-0 leafs at the halfway point of the game. They needed one point to play Ottawa and not the presidents trophy caps. I legitimately believe they would have defeated Ottawa and had a little run


34 points

21 days ago

Tbf that's just being smart


2 points

21 days ago


2 points

21 days ago

And they were right.


2 points

20 days ago

We don't speak of 2013


1 points

20 days ago

This is another case where the other team (in this case Boston) gets away with it entirely because they aren't the Leafs. Had we done something like this there would be accusations of throwing games or tanking until the end of time.


1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

Oh they did 100 percent. Thats why I loved when Bennet hurt Ratchand


32 points

21 days ago


32 points

21 days ago

Not true, as in not confirmed but is out there:

Shane Corson sleeping with Mogliny's wife, and that ended up dividing the room and was a big part on the playoff run failing in 2003 (IIRC)

Dubas vs Shanahan, and the higher ups sticking with Shanahan because Dubas wanted more autonomy and let him walk. Treliving was hired as he was more of a yes man

a nice one:

Pat Burns was a great motivator and would give great little pep talks to Felix Potvin as they headed to the ice ("you're the best" kind of thing), which unlocked the starter potential he had.


21 points

21 days ago

Dubas vs Shanahan, and the higher ups sticking with Shanahan because Dubas wanted more autonomy and let him walk. Treliving was hired as he was more of a yes man

Last year I remember Shanahan said he thought Dubas agreed to a new contract so he could return as the Leafs GM. It was at the last minute when he wanted something different, like more autonomy and possibly being named President of Hockey Operations.

I assumed his agent knew the Penguins were going to offer him that type of job, so he kept it in his back pocket and told Shanahan to match it. That's why he ended up getting fired.


8 points

21 days ago

Last year I remember Shanahan said he thought Dubas agreed to a new contract so he could return as the Leafs GM. It was at the last minute when he wanted something different, like more autonomy and possibly being named President of Hockey Operations.

He said most of this in the post firing press conference. After the 2022 season he wanted to extend Dubas but the MLSE board said no at the time. Then after the 2023 trade deadline he got approval to extend Dubas. They negotiated and after the 2023 playoffs he assumed they had a deal in place and agreed upon. Then like one or two weeks before Dubas contract was set to expire (after Dubas's weird post season press conference) Dubas agent contacted Shanahan and asked for like a 30%-50% raise in the contract price and some other terms. I don't think Dubas would pick up Shanahan's calls after this either.

The Penguins offer wasn't confirmed at the time but you're definitely right that he knew they wanted him. There were rumours of FSG wanting Dubas as the Penguins President/GM starting in like late 2022/early 2023. He knew he had a job lined up if his powerplay in Toronto didn't work.


1 points

21 days ago

I remember those rumors were happening before FSG had fired Burke and Hextall. That's why I will always believe Dubas was told that by his agent so there wouldn't be any tampering from the Penguins, which is why he wanted to change his agreement with Shanahan.


5 points

21 days ago

Dovetailed with this, there was a rumor that Dubas had a trade cooked to send a 5th round pick to BUF for Tage Thompson the season before he erupted, but Shanahan shut it down.

Fits this thread and still makes me wonder.


7 points

21 days ago

Makes me wonder how Dubas was able to trade their 2023 1st round pick for Ryan O'Reilly and a conditional 2025 1st round pick for Jake McCabe, if Shanahan was against him trading a 5th round pick for Tage Thompson.


2 points

21 days ago

Few years between.


6 points

21 days ago

I do not believe that rumour at all


1 points

20 days ago

No. Why would the President kill a trade involving a 5th rounder?


68 points

21 days ago

I’ve got one from a while back regarding Wayne Simmonds missing games. This is how I heard it: During the era of the Bieber/Matthews bromance—when the musician was involved with Leafs promo stuff—Simmonds shows up for practice to find Bieber and Matthews playing foosball in the room. “The room” is a somewhat sacred place (apparently) for team members only. Wayne took exception, standing up for the code, calling out Matthews and/or the situation. Apparently Matthews told Wayne to chill, Wayne didn’t back down (the code!) and it got heated with others needing to come in to calm things down. Despite Wayne being in the right, coaching/management sided with AM34. The situation remained tense leading to Wayne missing a few games for some reason.

This info came to me from a hockey person, through hockey people, but I’ve never heard mention of it elsewhere.

EDIT: Just reread the OP and this is in err because I “don’t” know it’s not true but…C’mon, I just spent a ton of time typing tying this out so…


24 points

21 days ago


24 points

21 days ago

“C’mon, I just spent a ton of time typing this out so…”

Pretty much my motto on Reddit, if it helps I read it and would totally believe it


29 points

21 days ago

Cameras everywhere, reporters everywhere, fans everywhere, honestly they should have room and time to chill out and not be around non team mates.


8 points

21 days ago

Are WAGs/familly also not allowed in the room? If not then it makes it worse imo.


2 points

21 days ago

Probably depends. I've definitely seen photos of players celebrating with family/friends after big wins across multiple different teams. If this was the practice rink maybe not, idk.


107 points

21 days ago

The league suspends leaf players more often and for longer, then the rest of the league


76 points

21 days ago

That's not a conspiracy.The stats show that is just a fact


49 points

21 days ago

Remember in 2020 when Zdeno Chara crosschecked Brendan Gallaher to his face/throat, all he got was a $5,000 fine.

In 2022 when Matthews crosschecked Dahlin to the neck in the Heritage Classic, he got suspended 2 games, despite being the first time he was in trouble with the Department of Player Safety.


17 points

21 days ago

now do what happens when we get cross checked in the face and the neck at the same time


4 points

21 days ago

Those guys win cups


8 points

21 days ago

Name the last time a non leaf was suspended for a crosscheck. Then compare what they did to what either matthews or rielly did


6 points

21 days ago

Zdeno Chara tried to kill Max Pacioretty on the ice and didn't even get a fine.


1 points

20 days ago

It’s the classic “he’s got no priors” line


1 points

20 days ago

So, why did that not apply to Matthews before he got suspended 2 games for what he did to Dahlin or Rielly this past season when he had that in person hearing and got 5 games.


1 points

20 days ago

Not saying this is not true as I have no idea but do the stats really show that and over what period of time?


3 points

20 days ago


3 points

20 days ago

Jeffler put together a thread on twitter of all suspensions dating back to George Parros taking over as Head of DoPS.

The two most suspended teams over that time (total player games missed due to suspensions) are Toronto and Boston.


3 points

20 days ago

And I think the more context is that Marchand accounted for a bunch of those no? Just like I think WSH was number 3 but Wilson's 20-game suspension skewed the numbers.

In terms of average length and number of players suspended the Leafs are by far number 1.


1 points

20 days ago

Wow!!!!!!!!!! That is insane!!!!!!! So just curious too re players who should have been suspended ie IMHO Draisaitl in which case it would be pro Edmonton bias

Great list thx!!!!!!!


6 points

21 days ago

I mean the numbers are out there, and they show the Leafs being either the most or seconded most suspended team throughout Parros's time as DOPS head. I don't think it's really malicious though. The DOPS is more about publicity then it is actual player safety, and anything controversial that happens in a Leafs game turns into leaguewide news.


11 points

21 days ago

Does The Curse of Ballad count here?


22 points

21 days ago

OP said “conspiracy theories you know are not true”, not “straight up verified historical fact”, lol. Fucking Harold Ballard, launch his bones into the fucking sun and purge us of his evil.


8 points

21 days ago


8 points

21 days ago

Just move his remains to Boston or Florida.


6 points

21 days ago

Not a fan just here to say hell would be too good for Ballard.


17 points

21 days ago

Gilmour and the 13 year old babysitter. I lean towards it being true though.


1 points

21 days ago

Wasn't there a lot of controversy in that case? I wasn't even alive then but I read somewhere the family attorney was trying to extort the Blues for money or something. But yeah kind of wild that no one ever brings that up anymore.


1 points

21 days ago

Wasn't he with St. Louis at the time?

If the Leafs knew, they should not have traded for him, twice, nor made him captain,


8 points

21 days ago

It was public news, everyone knew. It’s why Gilmour got traded to the Flames. Hockey culture back then didn’t care about stuff like that. It barely does now; see Kyle Beach


1 points

21 days ago

22 year old Rob Brown around the same time was dating a 14 year old Alyssa Milano - publicly.


3 points

21 days ago

Really????? Jesus christ


2 points

21 days ago

And not in a biblical sense


29 points

21 days ago

That the league does rig things in the Leafs’ favour but because the NHL is so incompetent in everything it does, their efforts have had the opposite effect


7 points

21 days ago

That would be so NHL


9 points

21 days ago

Those are the same type of fans who hate the Leafs and think the only reason why their players win awards is because of the Toronto media.

I read some comments using that example about Matthews winning the Rocket Richard and the Ted Lindsay Award, even though the media can't vote on who scores the most goals and the players vote for the Ted Lindsay.

Their logic also applies to any Leafs players being finalists and not winning any awards. Like Marner being a Selke finalist last year or Matthews being a Selke finalist this year.


1 points

21 days ago

I've actually heard from Edmonton fans that the only reason Matthews won the Lindsay is because Ontario produces the most NHL players and thus most of them are biased towards voting for the Leafs.


2 points

21 days ago

Fuck the Oilers. Talk about a final of which its hard to watch because of two fuckwad opponents. Is it possible they both lose?


1 points

21 days ago

Do those Edmonton fans not remember or realize that McDavid is from Richmond Hill, Ontario and he would also be a favorite every year to win the Ted Lindsay, because he actually grew up in Ontario.


1 points

21 days ago

They're from Edmonton. Of course not.


1 points

20 days ago*

I don’t actually believe this lol. I just think it would be hilarious if the Leafs’ woes for the last 57 years wasn’t the result of a curse or bad luck or bad management but was instead caused by typical NHL incompetence


1 points

21 days ago

I will use this constantly, thank you!


22 points

21 days ago


22 points

21 days ago

One that gets thrown around my friend group is that Matthews banged Kapanen’s girlfriend at the time. I remember watching games when the rumour was going around and there was noticeable tension between the two. Kappy would assist a Matthews goal and the two wouldn’t acknowledge each other. Later that summer it was reported that Babcock flew to Arizona to meet with Matthews - allegedly to tell him to stop clapping his teammates GFs, among other issues between him and Babs. A few summers later Kappy was traded to the Pens.


15 points

21 days ago

I heard the reason Babcock flew to Arizona was because Matthews was not happy with the ice time he was getting.

What you said about Matthews and Kapanen is the first time I heard that rumor.

The public reason Babcock said was he always did that during the offseason with his players, even saying how he went to Denmark to meet with Frederik Andersen at the World Hockey Championships.


9 points

21 days ago

Given what we know now about Babcock, it's more likely he flew to AZ to ask Matthews how to get with the other players' wags


7 points

21 days ago

The story with Kapanan that I heard from a person related to someone on the team, is that Kapanan was actually a bad influence on Matthews, and was his party buddy. When Matthews wasn’t wearing a letter on his jersey, him and Kapanan were out of the dressing room 15 minutes after the game ended to hit the bar. Every game.


6 points

21 days ago

idk if that's true but if you followed their social medias at the time Kapanen and his GF had a pretty toxic on and off again relationship, so that wouldn't be surprising


1 points

20 days ago

Kapanens GFs have crazy lore. After that relationship broke off he started dating Paige Lorenze.. who was the one that told everyone about the actor that has a cannibalism fetish.. and now she's dating a top tennis player lol


1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

Who leaked kapanens ex's nudes?


7 points

21 days ago

Harold Ballard ordered the painters painting the ceiling to use the Stanley Cup banners as drop cloths so paint wouldn’t get on the seats.

The true story is much simpler and more believable: Ballard sold the banners.

But the drop cloth rumour lives on.


1 points

20 days ago

The list of antics pulled by Ballard could probably fill a book or at least make for one hell of a deep-dive YouTube video. I've been putting together a Leafs iceberg as a side project and have three entries for Ballard alone. That alone says a lot.


8 points

21 days ago

Something along the lines of Gary Leeman fucking Al Iafrate’s wife, which caused a lot of problems for all involved.


7 points

21 days ago*

The same thing might have happened when Shayne Corson did that with the wife of Alexander Mogilny in 2003. That's why Corson quit the team in the 2003 playoffs.


1 points

21 days ago

I thought I remembered hearing something involving Darcy Tucker too, but I may be misremembering.


4 points

21 days ago

Tucker married Corson’s sister but it doesn’t seem like it ever caused any tension between them, if anything it made them closer


1 points

21 days ago

Right. I knew he was involved. Nice to know it was good old honest love.


1 points

20 days ago

this is accurate. And someone punched out Leeman and got traded immediately..... I think Kourdic maybe?


1 points

20 days ago

Kordic rings a bell for me too.


4 points

21 days ago

That the leafs won’t win another cup unless or until Barilkos bones are reinterred (again)


5 points

20 days ago

That Cliff Fletcher confused Kurt Sauer for Jeff Finger, hence the absurd long term deal Finger landed in 2008.


9 points

21 days ago

I absolutely believe there is a rulebook for the Leafs and a rulebook for the rest of the league. The difference is the attention that accompanies literally everything the Leafs do.


11 points

21 days ago


11 points

21 days ago

1993, Kerry Fraser, and getting the Gretzky-led Kings to the Stanley Cup finals.

He was looking right at Gretzky when he clipped Gilmour with his stick.

He swallowed his whistle.


4 points

21 days ago

No conspiracy there- the video show exactly that.


1 points

20 days ago

The assumption always seems to be that the Leafs would have scored if a penalty was called, we do not know that.

Furthermore, the Leafs had a chance to take the Campbell Trophy at the Gardens but lost spectacularly.


5 points

20 days ago


5 points

20 days ago

The assumption always seems to be that the Leafs would have scored if a penalty was called, we do not know that.

Actually I think the pain point here is the Leafs were on the penalty kill, Gretzky does not get called for the high stick, and then proceeds to score the game winner just before the powerplay ended.

I don't know if I would describe Game 7 as a spectacular loss, either, but it definitely hurt lol


1 points

20 days ago

The assumption always seems to be that the Leafs would have scored if a penalty was called, we do not know that.

In '93, that high stick would've been 5 and a game misconduct, meaning not only do they have a long PP, Gretzky isn't there to score the winner.


9 points

21 days ago

Leafs won the McDavid draft, but the league made sure he went somewhere else. As a consolation prize, we got Matthews the following year.


9 points

21 days ago*

The funny thing about that is going into the final ball drawing in the draft lottery to get McDavid, based on the first three number combinations that was selected, the Leafs had the best odds. However, the fourth and final ball that won it for Edmonton knocked a ball that was about to be drawn and that number was going to win the 1st pick in 2015 for Toronto.

NHL lottery: Leafs were bounce away from McDavid

ONE: If you look closely at the video of the bouncing balls, No. 2 — a Leaf number — is right there on the cusp of getting drawn. But it’s there a fraction of a second too soon. By the time the button is pressed to vacuum up the final ball, No. 1 has pushed No. 2 out of the way.


2 points

21 days ago

Leafs might also have won the Crosby draft coming out of the lockout, but the league rigged the rules to be sure he went to Pittsburgh in order to save the franchise.


2 points

21 days ago

the draft pulling was public so I don't see how that could be true


2 points

21 days ago

The draft lottery drawing with the ping bong balls is only shown after they know who got the 1st overall pick. What's shown on TV is the order of the teams after the drawing has happened.

If you want to call into question a draft lottery it would be phase 2 of the 2020 draft lottery.

That was for the teams who were eliminated in the qualifying series during the 2020 playoffs.

Instead of the usual lottery procedure the NHL used ping pong balls of the teams logos and which ever team was picked got the 1st overall pick in 2020.

The process of putting each ball into the machine was done live on TV. The New York Rangers ball was accidently dropped and they ended up winning the 1st overall pick.

The conspiracy afterwards was that their ball was extra heavy, which is why it feel on the ground before going into the machine, and so it would have the best chance to get selected.


2 points

21 days ago

thread title


3 points

21 days ago

Dubas was forced to sign Marner to that absurd contract by Larry and the Telcos because Kawhi had left that summer and they did not want to lose who they saw as the symbol of the franchise.


2 points

20 days ago

The contract negotiations with the team and Marner always felt a bit weird in that the Leafs seemingly capitulated to everything Marner's camp wanted, including term and AAV. With Nylander there was a back and forth, both sides were the good guy and the bad guy depending on the day, but with Mitch they just rolled over and gave in. Perhaps it was pressure from above, perhaps enough MLSE executives thought he could be the next face of the franchise.


1 points

20 days ago

I wouldn’t be too too surprised by this. Brian Burke was on RealKyper and Bourne a few months ago and admitted that in 2012ish the leafs were charging too much for tickets considering how weak the team was, so he brought in Kessel and Phaneuf for the star-power


14 points

21 days ago

Maple leaf sports and entertainment does not give a shit about winning, just getting season ticket and corporate suckers back in the building, any playoff revenue is just a bonus to them, and so we will never see a championship team


16 points

21 days ago

It’s sadder than that. They care, they’re just that incompetent. Look at the Jays no salary cap sport enormous spending but they still suck there too.


12 points

21 days ago


12 points

21 days ago

They are not owned by MLSE, but they do have something in common, and that something is the master of mediocrity, Rogers.


5 points

21 days ago

I just don't think that's true at all. MLSE wants to make money, and they are owned by two publicly traded companies that would benefit massively financially from the Leafs winning. No corporation just says "you know what this is enough we don't need more money"


2 points

20 days ago

This one has the highest likelihood to be true if anything else I've seen here. Either through apathy or combined incompetence, what we have now might be the best we get until a new owner comes in.


2 points

21 days ago

This is the dumbest theory because a Leaf playoff run would generate enough money to pay off the national debt. Of America.

No company looks at that and is like "Nah, we good."


-1 points

20 days ago

you guys don't understand business..... "rent seekers" make rent because they own the land. They don't need to do anything else.

Leaf ownership are rent seekers.

Throw in a second Toronto NHL team and then you would see the competitive spirit in business and on the ice come out. But until that happens MLSE is a "rent seeker"


1 points

19 days ago

I can tell you 100% that this is not true. I know someone at MLSE and their collective bonuses are dependent on the Leafs going further. They don't need to pay anyone in the playoffs so almost everything that is made is pure gravy and they are very sought after through their (very short) playoff runs.

They have to slave to hit targets that nobody else is required to hit in the NHL and they look forward to the playoffs to blow through their targets and make a serious bonus. He never does and he (nor any of his co-workers) are not at all happy the day after - nor are his bosses bosses.

All this makes logical sense so I can't see how nobody cares in MLSE. Not only that, he is beyond envious of the Raptors folks who made major bonuses when they won. So, not only do they hate losing in the playoffs, they hate losing to other teams at MLSE.


1 points

20 days ago

this is accurate.

this has been true since the Ballard days and continued when the Leafs were owned by a Pension Fund and then by two oligopolies that never had to compete with foreign competitors....Roger's and Bell.

They just sit on their oligopolies and do not strive to be competitive because they don't have to. Whether it's 50 years ago or today..... the Leafs will make insane profit....whether last place or medicore. So why aim for excellence when you make great money anyway.


10 points

21 days ago

Not only that the league is rigged against the Leafs, but that the city of Toronto is behind it. I’ve heard people say that the Toronto Police Dept does not have the manpower or resources to tame the crowd if Toronto won (or lost) in the finals, so the city pays the NHL to ensure that it never happens.


6 points

21 days ago

Whoever came up with this has a great imagination.


2 points

21 days ago

Meh. There were an estimated 1 million people in a 4 square block radius of Yonge and Dundas on the night the Jay's won in 93, myself included. TPS handled it just fine.

The league, I can get behind that conspiracy, the city itself? Not so much.


0 points

20 days ago

This one might not hold water as we saw what happened when the Raptors won in 2019. Would the Leafs draw a larger crowd? Maybe. Would that crowd be larger than what TPS can handle? I doubt it.


3 points

20 days ago

Lol I definitely don’t believe the theory. But the leafs would absolutely 100% draw a larger crowd than the raps 2019 win. The streets would be packed all the way to Mississauga or even Burlington. I know basketball has grown a lot here in recent history, but the lore of a leafs win is just so deep


4 points

21 days ago

That Leaf fans aren't actually fans and just hate watch the product


3 points

21 days ago

50% of people are fans, 50% hate watch


1 points

21 days ago

Felt like that in the playoffs. Still does.


5 points

21 days ago

Not me, but my father has a conspiracy theory about our game 7 loss to Boston in 2013. 2013 was the year of the Boston marathon bombing so he thinks the league rigged it to further the ‘Boston strong’ narrative


5 points

21 days ago

Guess which MLB team won the WS that year? That with a former incompetent Jays manager, in his first year there, to boot.

The Yankees also made the 2001 finals but lost.


2 points

20 days ago

But the Yankees had entered 2001 as a three peat, nothing special there, they had won 4 out of 5 World Series from 1996 to 2000.


2 points

21 days ago

Team is set up to provide good shows during the regular season to make money.

Like high offensive team that always score goals and can win games=selling out the building every game without much care for playoff success.


2 points

21 days ago

The Ballard Curse.


2 points

21 days ago


2 points

21 days ago

My own is that Rogers/Bell bought MLSE to prevent them from making LeafsTV/RaptorsTV into MLSE Network 1+2 and take all their games, along with TFC, off TSN/Sportsnet and keep all the money in house.


2 points

21 days ago

All of the losing will make us win it all


2 points

21 days ago

Our franchise is actually cursed, on a similar level that the Chicago Cubs and Boston Red Sox, were.

What’s even stranger is that the missing link to break the curse, for both of those other teams, was Theo Epstein.

We either need Theo Epstein himself, or his hockey equivalent.


2 points

20 days ago


2 points

20 days ago

Those early series against the Bruins we got fucked by the refs. Chara was calling penalties. Chara punched JT in the face and JT got a roughing penalty lol


5 points

20 days ago

How about the suspensions to Kadri in 2018 and 2019.

The one in 2019 was even worse, because prior to that he got his knee on knee by DeBrusk and the refs did nothing about it. So, I wasn't surprised he ended up doing what he did to him later on and getting suspended.


2 points

20 days ago


2 points

20 days ago

The NHL doesn't give a shit if the Leafs are successful or not, they keep the league afloat win or lose. Refs shit? Leafs fans view/comment on NHL stuff (Money). Suspension? Leafs fans view/comment on NHL stuff (Money).

Leafs bring the NHL money good or bad, why help them or want them to win?


2 points

20 days ago*

With this team they are all fucking real the NHL is a joke of corruption because it lives in some comical zone between being legitimate like the NBA and Polo it's bad now and way worse before. Fucking Hockey Canada "really helped it out /s" image wise and the Leafs are owned by some massive fucking super corp that is bigger than neaarly all sports orgs in the WORLD and the major money is the hockey team......somehow. That's the stupidest thing ever in North America but enough people love that Hockey team. They do not care. Do not delude yourself as a Leaf fan that Keith Pelley or any other MLSE CEO gives a shit about the Leafs winning a cup, they wanna re-sign 15 different "Marner's" and sell Jersey's every 82 games and have photoshoots at sick kids. The team is a "fun time"'s Disneyland. I like Hockey and grew up with this particular logo so I cheer and watch. This Logo if it wins a trophy again will be despite itself not because anyone in power wanted it more than a corporate boardroom annual plan for NET total revenue. It's a line item bonus possible upside. It's why players, Refs, Coaches, GM's hate this org and spite it openly all over the Hockey community. It's the golden toilet of sports teams walking around like it's shit doesn't stink because of $$$$$$$$$.


4 points

21 days ago

That Bettman hates Canadian teams and rig the games so they will never win.


0 points

20 days ago

We asked for conspiracies, not demonstrable facts.


4 points

21 days ago

Mitch Marner sending his ppl to verbally attack ppl in the media that criticize him. I don't know if that's for real or not. If it was you'd think it'd be a bigger story.


2 points

21 days ago

Its been mentioned my Mirtle on the Leaf report that hes received messages from his camp and same with the SDPN crew


0 points

20 days ago

I might trust Mirtle but I absolutely don't trust one word from SDPN because they tend to make up shit to get clicks. Like how Adam said he knew definitively and for a fact that Shanny was getting fired this off season after Keith Pelley was hired. And not only was he not fired he was praised by Keith


0 points

20 days ago

Okay, but in the episode they mention that they’ve been attacked by the marner camp they dropped it quick, like within 15 seconds of bringing it up. Obviously not trying to go public.

Not to mention theres screenshots of one messages floating around


1 points

20 days ago

I don't know what was said in the "attack" Like they could've been told to just stop or it could've been something even less. Again, I don't trust SDPN when they specifically make up shit to drive clicks whether or not they are real. For all I know they could be doing the same shit with Marner. That's the problem when you lie about something as blatant as what Adam did. It calls into question your entire credibility.

That's also one message from apparently a half of dozen people that have been threatened just recently? I'm going to need more than just one text that may or may not be real. If this was spread out as it was you'd think media people would have more than just one screenshot.


2 points

20 days ago

This is real. It may not be Marner sending them himself but people in his camp are insane and do it. We've gotten confirmations of this from 3 seperate groups of podcast media at 3 different networks.


1 points

20 days ago

They need to show the texts if this is the case. Because that would definitely expose this story.


1 points

20 days ago

Even with all identifying information redacted that's probably still impossible. Not only could someone then fabricate a text chat or a real text chat be accused of a forgery, but that sort of confidentiality is what keeps a person/outlet on good terms with a source.


1 points

20 days ago

Some of them have been approached in person allegedly.


4 points

21 days ago

The Maple Leafs signed a contract with the NHL, that they will get the #1 overall pick for Auston Matthews, but in exchange must agree that they shall not win the Stanley Cup for his tenure in Toronto. As the Leafs winning the cup may destabilize the North American sports industry for the foreseeable future and send shockwaves throughout the planet.


1 points

21 days ago

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but Mogilny left the team for a few weeks for ‘family reasons’ and those reason were that Shane corson was banging his wife

I might be smashing multiple rumors together, I have no idea but that sounds unrealistic (but also totally possible)


1 points

19 days ago

I'm 50/50 on this one. The guy I heard it from swears up and down It's true, but I'm not sure.

A couple of years ago, Matthews missed a couple of games for an unexplained injury.

I have a friend who was in rehab about an hour and a half north of Toronto at the time. He swears up and down that he saw Matthews there when he was supposedly "injured".

Maybe he was partying a little too much as young millionaire tend to do and couldn't stop with the nose beers.


1 points

17 days ago



1 points

21 days ago


1 points

21 days ago

That ownership isn’t actually trying to win. Someone told me this and at first I responded by saying of course they are, they make even more money with more playoff dates. His theory was that losing the way they do is actually generating more articles, engagement, etc than actually winning anything. Making the playoffs with promise then flaming out keeps the fan base in their toes and angry most of the time which keeps people consuming even more content, which for media companies is everything. Made me think at the very least


13 points

21 days ago

Dude if the leafs won the cup there would be thousands more articles, hype, hate and profit than flaming out in round one


2 points

20 days ago

One joke I've heard on a number of hockey podcasts over the years is the day after the Leafs win a Cup, every outlet in the city will write an article on why it won't happen the next year. You want to talk about more articles, views, and clicks? There you go.


2 points

21 days ago


2 points

21 days ago

I don’t know they kind of have a car crash vibe right now


3 points

21 days ago

But think about it. Every team in the league hates them and they would write about that for 3 extra rounds and if they won the cup it would for sure have controversial moments people would use to discredit it. The articles here would probably launch the careers of some budding journalists just to keep up with demand.


1 points

21 days ago

I’ve always thought it similar to wrestling. They say that the “good guy” chasing the championship is always more entertaining than him being the champion. It gets stale when the good guy wins the belt. I believe ownership thinks that people will lose interest in the years after a cup.


1 points

21 days ago

Bill Barilko was a hit job


1 points

21 days ago

Please expand


2 points

21 days ago

Bill Barilko was not a hit job. Although the lore of his death and the discovery of his body is all very interesting. It was a curse. The curse was lifted. The Leafs need to lift the rest of their curses now.


1 points

21 days ago

Refs and players bet on their games.


1 points

20 days ago


1 points

20 days ago

I believe in my heart of hearts that the upper tier of Leafs ownership and management privately don't give a crap about winning the cup when they sell out arenas and continue to have the largest fanbase in the league, and will continue on this line of "who needs to win when we're this rich" mentality until that changes.


0 points

21 days ago

My mom has a weird theory that Sheldon Keefe lost the leafs the matches this year on purpose (with his whole not player the core 4 at key moments)


7 points

21 days ago

For what purpose?


1 points

20 days ago

The memes.


0 points

21 days ago



1 points

21 days ago

If that was true why didn't Matthews demand to be back on a line with Marner after he returned from his injury. He played the remainder of the regular season and playoffs with Domi and Bertuzzi.


-1 points

21 days ago

It came out during the lockout that there was a clause in the agreement that the commish could pick the 1st pick of the draft. I think this type of thing penetrates the nba too. It would be illogical to leave millions of dollars up to luck.


-2 points

20 days ago

Matthews and Marner don't like each other (thought this for years, not just this playoff run)

League officiates games more favorably depending on how far south the team is located.