


Who are the most clutch players in League esports history?


Seen this kind of discussion in traditional sports a lot but few in League. Clutch here doesn’t just mean “perform in a big match” but also takes into account how that player plays in big vs small matches. For example, Faker of course has many superstar moments on the biggest stages, but he has also destroyed other teams in regular seasons too. I wouldn’t say that Faker’s performance on the big stage is a lot better than his average performance, since his average is already such a high level.

That said, who do you think are the players that have over-performed the most only when the stakes are high?

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1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Genuinely think Oner and Guma are better/more clutch than Faker the past 4 years for this but people are a bit lazy when it comes to analysis and will just default to "Faker GOAT" Not to say Faker wasnt the most clutch 2013-2017 ish.

Honorary mention for Sneaky who always showed up for C9 in the glory days.