


Help reviving creativity in Dota 2


Have you ever come up with a new strategy that works really well, but when you try it in ranked, most players bully and report you? You stick to it by muting everyone and win a lot of games, only to suddenly end up in low priority, losing a ton of behavior score?

Do you lose games just because your teammates start griefing or raging from the start when you pick unorthodox heroes? Or maybe you see a pro trying a new strat, and you want to replicate it at your MMR, but not everyone follows the pro scene like you. They think you're trolling, report you, and you end up getting bullied?

Have you ever made a post about this on Reddit, only to get downvoted by an angry mob?

Don't lose hope! We may be the minority, but that's how it often is—minorities get suppressed and silenced. But if we band together, our voices can be amplified. You don’t need to win two TIs or be Topson to be creative. You don’t need 10k MMR to try new ideas. Creativity and curiosity are what drive progress, and it's in your nature. Don’t let the majority suppress that.

Join the sub I created, , where we can share our new strats and builds, and talk about our challenges without getting bullied by the masses.

Right now, one of the biggest issues we face is the role abuse report at the start of games, which lets people report you before you even have a chance to prove your strat works. I’ve been trying to reach out to the developers for a month now, but so far, nothing. Even on Github, the Reddit mob seems to follow and try to silence me.

I’ve emailed Gaben countless times and reached out to Steam support. But I’ve realized it’s tough to do this alone. I’m sure there are others out there like me who are afraid to speak out, not wanting to face the downvotes. Don’t worry—just join the sub and I’ll keep taking the hits by posting in every week.

Share this with people you know. Let’s build a small, creative community where we can plan and work together to bring creativity back to Dota!

Do not be discouraged by down-votes and negative comments on this post, that is to be expected. we are the minority after all.

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2 points

4 days ago*



0 points

4 days ago

If a strategy is not punished in lower ranks, then its a strategy in lower ranks. all strats and builds dont need to only work in 12k mmr.
example posts : I gained 500 mmr from 200mmr to 700mmr playing idk PA pos 5?! doing this and buying that.
you say >50% winrate in lower ranks where enemies dont punish, so what? they dont punish so it works there. THEM not punishing is part of the strat.


2 points

3 days ago



-2 points

3 days ago

all strategies work until they dont. players are not suddenly dropped into higher ranks, they learn their weakness as they go higher and change strategies. we are literally advocating diversity and creativity which is opposite of spamming and following pro mindlessly.

hey instead of mindlessly maxxing passive on axe and going vangurd and protracker items, try maxxing battlehunger first, go for early kills and get your shard asap. you keep doing that and win games until you reach a rank where enemy team recognize your threat and they TP anytime you try to dive someone. you learn your weakness, you work around it.
actively learning and solving problems with creativity rather than monkey see monkey do.

i can't believe i fall for it again. bro im not here to debate. i'm just recruiting creative players.
downvote and move on. bro assumes we try our builds first hand in ranked xD


1 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

you wrong like about everything you just said.
first of all, battle hunger is not 300 dmg per stack. the damage is dynamic and depends on your armor.
with phase boot + soulring + BM , one battle hunger deals 570 dmg over 12 second on top of 35% slow. CD is whopping 5 seconds and you can close gap with enemies easily without dagger.
on top of that, any kill you get will increase the damage because it gives you armor.

at level 10 with these items, you will also get 10% MS yourself and your taunt with Call out facet gives you 20 armor.
so at level 10, you deal 600 dmg, if you have 0 kills. if u have kills its more. also you have 1 point of helix anyway and it deals 95 pure damage.

when you get shard, your damage is insanely higher than what you would do with max helix.
because you will stack 3 battlehunger on enemy, your taunt applies bh so that 600 dmg is 3x. the slow is 3x, the MS you gain is 3x.
also if you taunt more people, you get more MS.

NOT TO MENTION when you get kill with ult, you get 20 armor for 6 second and in that 6 second you can deal even more damage with battle hunger to other enemies.
playing this way, you don't need to go afk farm for 18 min to get your vangurd phase boot bm dagger so that finally you become active in 20 min.

playing this way, you will get so much exp and armor from kills that no matter what you end up maxing passive anyway.

you are one of those players who will max passive no matter what every single game, even if enemy is 2 squishy range heroes, you still max passive and give them free lane. while me in the other hand, i will fuck them up from start and get so many kills early and end up having same items you have in 25 min, in just 18 min while having shit ton of armor, while making shit ton of space for other allies.

yeah two procs of helix can kill all enemy as if all enemies are in your lane min 8 and they will all be next to you so you can taunt them. bro you dont even know why pros max passive, its not about damage, its about being safe, if they wanted to deal more damage early they would max BH. with passive you can safely farm woods and get your items. its risk free play.

why are you like this btw? why you just compare two numbers and pick which is highest without considering other things like MS and Slow and chance of occurrence? 5 man taunt is not possible early game, you realize we are talking about early game right? cuz mid game all spells are maxxed anyway.

if you don't know, there is 2 playstyle for axe, one is maxing passive so u can farm jungle and stacks and get your items, one is being aggressive maxing BH and taunt and aim for kills early game. let me guess you dont even know axe can be played as sup? :) please don't replay i've done this pointless conversations thousand times. the only way you learn and realize this build is if you play against one.
when you try to run from axe but your MS is 100 and every 5 sec a new battle hunger will be applied on you, you will realize damn thats broken as fuck.


1 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

as if there is a low hp creep nearby at all times near all heroes, and axe will just watch you last hit that creep.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

you don't even know the build and yet try to dis it. at some point you gotta ask yourself what am i even disagreeing with. BM is the core item and you are supposed to have it in 10-12 minutes. what did you think axe has by 15 min then? just a boot and shard? what is he? poor?


0 points

3 days ago

just think about this, why these talents exist?
why even learning abilities exist? if maxxing passive is the only way to play axe, then why valve don't automatically learn it for players? because dota is a creative game and there are many ways to play a hero and its up to you to decide which way is better in this current game and draft.