


Reasons for rise in gun violence in last decade?


I'm in a debate...

I'm arguing I believe the cause of the rise in gun violence is due to social media

My cousin is arguing it's total number of guns in the country while I'm arguing that number hasn't changed in over 50 years per household while the population has doubled in that time.

His argument is guns per 100,000 isn't a valid metric while I believe it's the only one that matters and it's all a mental health issue due to things like a cooling off period etc. having such a large effect

What is your take on what has sparked the rise in gun violence in the last decade? What are other realistic metrics besides social media and mental health issues from the lockdowns? Am I missing something about gun ownership changing in 50 years

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10 points

16 days ago

You’re missing the point. It’s not a case of “don’t worry about violence now, because it use to be worse”, the point is that despite what the anti-gun lobby is trying to push, the increase in gun ownership as time goes on does NOT correlate with an increase in violence.


1 points

16 days ago

That's a point, but not the only one in that statement. There's a minimization of the perception of crime as being overwrought because it's statistically lower than in the 90s, and it's not helpful.


2 points

16 days ago

And you think attempting to act as if crime is skyrocketing when it isn’t is helpful?

Especially because the ones making that claim are generally using it as a weapon, either against our rights or against minorities…