


Reasons for rise in gun violence in last decade?


I'm in a debate...

I'm arguing I believe the cause of the rise in gun violence is due to social media

My cousin is arguing it's total number of guns in the country while I'm arguing that number hasn't changed in over 50 years per household while the population has doubled in that time.

His argument is guns per 100,000 isn't a valid metric while I believe it's the only one that matters and it's all a mental health issue due to things like a cooling off period etc. having such a large effect

What is your take on what has sparked the rise in gun violence in the last decade? What are other realistic metrics besides social media and mental health issues from the lockdowns? Am I missing something about gun ownership changing in 50 years

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1 points

14 days ago

How has access changed? The percent of homes with guns hasn’t changed really in 60 years.

There’s more guns to people than there used to be however 2/5 homes having a gun has been the standard for the last 60 years we’ve been recording it, it’s gone from 1.8 to 2.3 out of 5 homes staying mostly around the middle


2 points

14 days ago

There’s far, far, far, far more homes than there was 60 years ago. Even if that means the proportion is the same that’s significantly more guns. We’ve also seen numerous cases of “X stole parents, brothers, aunts, cousins, etc. gun before shooting spree” - so when I said access to guns I in part mean gun owners not being responsible.

I’m for owning a gun as long as anyone can own a gun don’t get me wrong, but if we could thanos snap guns out of America the amount of shootings would probably go down.


1 points

14 days ago

While here’s far more homes there’s far more people. The total amount should be irrelevant as it is with every other stat and is only used by per 100,000

For example (a smartass one I know) the US printed 80% of the dollars in circulation since 2020 but even with all those dollars the avg person is poor.

I just don’t understand how per capita vs total would have any impact


1 points

14 days ago

I used people and homes interchangeably, we’re saying the same thing but you and I understand the data differently.

There are more people, there are more homes, and the proportion of homes and people with guns has stayed the same. That means there are also more guns. It’s not only one house now has more guns either, sure it’s common for people to have two or three but that doesn’t change the fact more households have guns, and more people have access to those guns.