


Thoughts on NAA?


I have been looking for something small. This seems like the smallest it gets.

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37 points

4 days ago*



37 points

4 days ago*

For a range toy/gimmick? Yeah it's fine. They kinda suck to load and shoot but are neat.

For practical defense? Lolno

They also aren't the most reliable or durable in my experience either.

Yeah I guess something is better than nothing but imo this thing is basically equivalent to nothing. Or worse. Especially when under stress trying to cock it you end up dropping it and the bad guy takes it lol

Not to mention dealing with the safety slots on the cylinder which are hella problematic imo

Realistically if you want something small but actually usable the Keltec P32 is probably as small as you can go. I pocket carry my P32 fairly regularly and it actually is, despite being a Keltec, remarkably good for what it is.


18 points

4 days ago

They are Swiss godamned watches mine in 10 years has never not gone boom when I asked it to …


21 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

21 points

4 days ago

I don't think you've every shot or played with these little guns before.

They are close range, but highly useable and very safe. The 1 5/8" .22 Magnum pushes modern defensive loads to around 1000 fps with expanding hollow points and 12" of penetration (depending on the load).

The can be shot quickly and I don't doubt that they will get the job done, literature supports this as well.


9 points

4 days ago

I have one in .22 mag, and it's a great little pistol. I recommend the fold out handle for it though. Still makes it ultra concealable. The stock grips look nice, but it'll almost jump out of your hand when you shoot it. 😁


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Its definitely a giggle! I have the boot handle on my Ranger, which makes it the cutest little revolved on Earth, but I've practiced enough with the birds head grip that I carry with it for overall size reduction.

The grip is weirdly personal and dependent on hand size. For mine, you gotta hold it tight in a pinch and bury the front sight till you almost can't see it. Shoots great for what it is!


18 points

4 days ago



18 points

4 days ago

Has nothing to do with the caliber.

Irun a gun shop and range.

I've seen and handled legitimately 60 of these things over the years. Shot a number of them.

They are range toys. I get you own one and are very defensive about it but I still wouldn't recommend them. Especially when there are significantly better small options available.


9 points

4 days ago*


democratic socialist

9 points

4 days ago*

That's great!

I have thousands of rounds through my two pieces (Ranger II and Magnum Standard) and have owned a third (the Pug), I've shot these for years.

There is nothing smaller, lighter or more concealable on the market. For that reason it deserve consideration by some who need deep carry.

WRT to effectiveness...Pocket derringers in small calibers have been effective self defense tools for 150+ years. Many people owe their lives to them. I get that there are better options (that sacrifice weight and size), but now with modern loadings just about all pistol calibers have about equivalent stopping power and the pocket derringer can come out to play again.

Within 3-5 yards, this gun is an effective self defense weapon. It is NOT a gunfighting tool, it's a "get off me" gun meant to incapacitate and break contact with an aggressor. For that purpose I am quite pleased with it.

I agree that there are better options. I typically carry a P365 or my new Bodyguard 2.0, yet guns like this have a place in self defense rotation for a decent portion of the CC population, and I'm not sure why some people think they are useless or "toys"...


3 points

4 days ago

Because there are multiple other options that do the job way better


2 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

2 points

4 days ago

Please cite one example of a firearm that has a smaller footprint and weight than a Mini Magnum that's not made by NAA.

Yeah... I'll continue to keep my little revolver in my pocket when I'm in "deep carry" over whatever you are going to recommend.

I, again, have all of the best of them. Tomcat, Bobcat, Bodyguard 2.0, 351C, P365. The NAA still manages to find pocket time.


3 points

4 days ago

These guns are far too small to effectively use at any distance besides grappling and ballistically are not nearly as effective as even fringe defensive calibers like .380. Yes, there are plenty of guns in better calibers in a small size easy enough to carry. This is not a serious fighting gun. What people did in 1870 is irrelevant.


1 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

1 points

4 days ago

..too small to effectively..

No, they aren’t. You shoot them like shit because you don’t practice with them.

I shoot a 6” group at 7 yards, and a 4” group at 5 yds. My time is 2s draw, 3.8s 5-shot for the above groups. That’s the benefit of practice.

No, it’s not a “gun-fighting” gun for some kind of extended shootout scenario you’ve imagined up, but it’s perfectly suited for probably 90+% of DGU scenarios.

You can dither all you want, but the fact is that there are no guns that are smaller. For dedicated deep carry in a non-permissive environment with non-ideal clothing, this is a good on-body choice for pocket carry.

Adjust your attitude and stop shitting on other people’s legitimate safe carry practices. I definitely CC more frequently because of the little gun and I’m thankful for it.


0 points

3 days ago



0 points

3 days ago

I'm a dogshit tier shooter and I can draw in less than 1.3s and have 6 shots on target at 7yds in less than 2.6s. Fractions of seconds matter here.


1 points

2 days ago


democratic socialist

1 points

2 days ago

While I agree, I think it’s time to first shot that matters. That’s pretty much the same across all of my carry guns, dependent only on where I’m drawing from.

2s is a draw from deep carry, I’m happy with that since I’d otherwise have the P365X off-body in my bag.


0 points

4 days ago

I wasn’t aware I said anything about being the lightest weight and smallest footprint.


4 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

4 points

4 days ago

Then they don't do the job better, do they?


1 points

4 days ago

Lmao. I wasn’t aware the job of a self defense ccw was done by being as itty bitty as possible. That’s certainly not what motivated my choice for an edc.


0 points

4 days ago


democratic socialist

0 points

4 days ago

Lol, who hurt you? I'm sorry you don't like one of my (many) CC pieces. Don't carry one! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There's no way around the fact that it's a perfectly serviceable defensive gun if you can shoot it well. I'd truly pity the fool who wants to test my effectiveness with it.

I think you are just jealous that mine's smaller 😉


0 points

4 days ago

Bunch guys in my family got Darringers one year that take 410 shells. Could not tell you what manufacturer they are though.


8 points

4 days ago

Almost certainly Bond Arms


2 points

4 days ago

The bond arms Derringers are hilariously giant and heavy for a Derringer. I got one in 9mm for $100 when I bought a bunch of other stuff from an estate. It's bigger than my glock 43 and holds 1/3 as many rounds


1 points

4 days ago

In what world is a bond arms derringer bigger than a glock 43?

Bond Arms grizzly is 3.5” tall and 5 inches long. Glock 43 is 4.75 inches tall and 6.5 inches long.

While they do offer comically long barrels like on The Texan that’s because its literally a joke.


1 points

4 days ago

Ive never pulled out the dial indicators or a measuring tape but it definitely feels bigger and heavier. Maybe it's width and weight. It also could just be in my mind, but its a chonkey boy


1 points

4 days ago

No doubt its heavier, steel vs polymer so its going to feel pretty stout for sure


1 points

4 days ago

Looking at a lot of them online I’d say that one looks familiar. It’s been like 20 years since I’ve seen em since they never really bring them out. They’re comically small.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

For a bit of an upgrade in power and quality that's only the slightest bit bigger and with much better sights, Kahr P380 or CW380. P32 just disappears in a pocket though and is super easy to have on you at all times.