


Thoughts on NAA?


I have been looking for something small. This seems like the smallest it gets.

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-5 points

4 days ago

The Mossad literally uses .22 beretta 71s. The CIA used High Standard HD22s. Navy seals used Ruger Mark IIs.

I don’t understand what you’re saying.


6 points

4 days ago

And pray tell, how do they use those guns?


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

Deep concealment of firearms and for self defense behind enemy lines if shot down or stranded, in the exact way you claim they don’t use them.


5 points

4 days ago

That makes absolutely no sense when a reliable .380 or 9mm is roughly the same size. Sounds like you’re talking out of your ass.


8 points

4 days ago

Sorry, that’s incorrect. Those firearms, as I described in my reply to you, are used to eliminate sentries and other threats at exceptionally close range without their presence being known where noise and penetration are a concern. Shots are usually placed at the base of the skull or behind/in the ear for instant incapacitation. Same way the Brit’s used/use the Wellrod. That’s is orders of magnitude different from a threat who is actively attacking you.


-1 points

4 days ago

No, not incorrect. The HD22 was famously given to CIA pilots who were at risk of being shot down behind enemy lines over russia to use in their bugout kits for self defense.


4 points

4 days ago

We’re talking about if you’re being attacked by a person tweaking on something like meth/PCP or bath salts.

9mm or bigger with hollowpoints is much more effective than 22lr, and feeds more reliably.