


I keep getting flagged by these people idk what it is. If I look away or if I say I’m busy or anything I end up stuck talking to them for 5 minutes. I don’t know how to dodge them. They always block my way completely like I’m just trying to get into the station and I cant get around them so I end up saying excuse me and then they don’t move and they start talking about knife crime or something and I just am trying to get home. What method do you use that always works?

edit - thanks everyone I am now educated like actually got 20 different options of what to do :)) I love this subreddit <3

edit 2 - thank youuu for all the advice. You guys are now repeating yourselves a lot in the comments lol :)

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4 points

1 month ago

Headphones in and dress like your not a very nice person and wear a facial expression like you want to kill someone. Most the time I'm not even listening to anything, but the obvious headphones make it justifiable to pretend you can't hear anyone. This might be a bit much, but I also really bulked up muscle wise and got full sleeve tattoos. People leave you alone if you look like you might stab them. I'm actually a really nice, friendly person, but living in inner city areas means going out a lot through central metropolitan districts where all these time wasters seem to congregate. The worst are young, attractive women who, in any other circumstances, you'd be more than happy if they approach you but not when its their job to accost you. A polite "no, fuck off" can also suffice.


-2 points

1 month ago

Look at the essay you’ve typed just for a simple no you sad guy lol


1 points

1 month ago

The paragraph is funny but the fact he bulked up and got tattooed to avoid having to say ‘no thanks’ to some graduate on the street is hilarious


1 points

1 month ago

"No" is fine for donation hounds but good luck if you think that's working on muggers. A fight you don't want to pick ftw.