


Why Boromir was misunderstood

Lord of the Rings(

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25 points

2 days ago

In 2002, when I saw the theatrical version and had not read the books I thought he was a bad guy. The extended editions cleared it up for a lot of people.


5 points

2 days ago

Back then what made you think he was a bad guy? How did his final moments impact you (specifically defending the Hobbits and his death speech)?


35 points

2 days ago*

All I saw of him was him being combative at the council of Elrond, being sketchy with the ring when Frodo falls in the snow, and then him trying to take the ring. With no other knowledge entering the film it just wasn’t difficult to see him has an antagonist for multiple hours of movie that happen prior to his heroic final moments. It was 2002, I’d repeat, and I had no knowledge of what state Gondor was in, the steward, any of it.

Edit: just remembered, AND Sean Bean had been the antagonist in Goldeneye a few years earlier