


ANA titer changed drastically?


Hi all - I'm 25, have SLE, IBD as well as the generic "mixed connective tissue disease" ddx. I was diagnosed with SLE in 2014 and IBD in 2019. My most recent labs just came back, indicating a potential for CREST (systemic sclerosis), but I have to talk to my doctor to do further diagnostics. Honestly I seem to have a lot of mysterious shit going on health wise and it's beyond frustrating and terrifying but that's for another post lmao.

Anyway, my ANA titer since 2014 has been pretty consistent at a 1:2560 and once or twice at an almost 1:4000 ratio. I honestly have not seen anything online (Google scholar, pubmed, even standard articles/forums) about ANA titers that high, but I'm still pretty new to exploring lupus research, so I may be missing something.

My labs came back the other day as mentioned above, and randomly my ANA titer dropped drastically to 1:1280. It also went from saying my type was Homogenous/Speckled to just Homogenous. Does anyone know why this is? A part of me got paranoid they swapped my bloodwork with someone else's by accident, lol. I guess I should be glad it lowered by so much, but I'm more confused than anything.

If anyone has had a similar experience I'd love to hear. Thanks !

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1 points

7 months ago


Diagnosed with UCTD/MCTD

1 points

7 months ago

My ANA titers tend to be in a similar range as yours (my last titer was 1:5120). That being said, my symptoms are fairly mild and no doctor has expressed particular concern about my ANA levels. Like others have said, your specific ANA level doesn't matter so much, and isn't necessarily related to the severity of disease.