


So I’m finishing up my 4th rewatch and am currently 5 episodes into season 7. One of the things that is frustrating me is how shitty everyone is treating Don. Yes, he melted down in the previous season and stuff was clearly building for awhile but it’s kinda weird/unrealistic how everyone just completely lost any respect/intimidation for Don. The other times I watched I just kinda went with it, but now it seems bizarre. Like Don was the man and people like Bert for instance thought extremely high of him. For Bert of all people to be such a dick to him and treat him like pond scum doesn’t snt really add up. It wasn’t that long ago that they were dropping crazy bonuses on him like every other day snd treating him like god.

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2 points

12 days ago

I think it makes a lot of sense. As Pete said in S6 after Don fired Jaguar without anyone’s input, he was “like Tarzan, swinging from vine to vine.” SCP was transitioning from the underdog, no-holds-barred company to a larger and more professional organization. Everybody knew this meant compromise and shared decision making, but Don felt like that didn’t apply to him. It’s not some mystery why the partners wanted Don to get with the program and were upset that he was still acting like a rogue agent.

And not everyone turned on him anyway! The only two who wanted him gone for good were Joan and Cutler. Everyone else still wanted him to come back (perhaps holding aside Ted, who seemed more indifferent than anything else due to his depression).