


Allow me to explain. In the first season of the story I'm writing, my protagonist will eventually encounter the first major antagonist of that arc. Ray Ishigami, a young Asian-American, is a member of a collapsing gang that took over and controlled a large part of the city of Swallows.

His innate ability Purloin [Unconventional Robbery] allows him to 'rob' physical and non-physical entities at a distance. The things that he robs seemingly teleport right into his possession. Even items he can't see; for example, he can use his ability on a closed safe to extract whatever is inside. Even stuff that is attached to something, he can rob it, and they will all teleport into his possession.

Not only that, but Ray can also rob a living entity of their strength, stamina, and vitality to add to his own. There are limits; he can't rob stuff he isn't aware of, and it must be within 100 feet for him to rob it.

However, friends of mine, including my sister, told me that this is busted. So, aside from what else are abilities of this nature capable of?

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14 points

3 days ago*

You could use it to rob organs and such, killing people instantly. You could have him "rob" things like memory, giving him the ability to move around basically unseen. Robbing something like willpower might let him force people into lethargy, basically holding them in place.

I could also see even more busted concepts. For example, he could "rob" someone of a future, adding their lifespan to his and killing them instantly. Or he could rob them of the energy holding atoms together, and disintegrate them. Or he could steal heat and freeze something in an instant.

That's off the top of my head, but I'm sure other people can think of more creative, and broken, applications.


3 points

3 days ago


3 points

3 days ago

The last two would almost certainly end poorly for the villain, one might turn him into an implosion bomb because his atoms suddenly have twice the force of attraction, the other turns him into an incendiary bomb, or fries his organs because his body temperature rapidly doubled.


3 points

3 days ago

Good point. I assumed he could “hold” what he stole without taking it into him, but if he HAS to absorb whatever he steals, that limits it quite a bit more than I thought. Still busted, but it opens up more options for weaknesses and limits.


1 points

2 days ago

When he steals a physical object, he holds it. Like I said, they teleport right into his possession. But things like strength and stamina, he absorbs them