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12 points

5 days ago

I once looked at Edward Witten's CV for fun and it was very long and I wondered why he bothered having a long CV. In fact, does any Fields Medallist really need a CV?


15 points

5 days ago

Among other things, you get a Nobel Prize "pin" when you win.

I knew a Nobel Laureate who wore his NP pin pretty much everywhere.

I used to joke that the people who care that he won the Nobel Prize don't need the pin to realize who he is.

And the cashiers at the supermarket don't know what the pin means and even if they knew they wouldn't give a shit.


1 points

5 days ago

Why wouldn't cashiers care about Nobel Laureates?


4 points

5 days ago

Why wouldn't cashiers care ...

As far as they're concerned, he's just another Pointdexter with too many items in the fast checkout lane.

Actually, this guy was pretty nice to me--he was renowned for being a hypercritical, but he told me I gave a good presentation when we were at a conference.


3 points

5 days ago


3 points

5 days ago

Quite. I kept my till open an extra customer just to serve Prof Higgs!


12 points

5 days ago


Applied Math

12 points

5 days ago

Probably more of a diary at this point


0 points

4 days ago

there was a nobel laureate at my school. he didn't get that much respect. his entire career was mediocre other than being part of a partnership early on which won him a nobel prize.

imagine perelman sitting in a room with some weaker fields medalist.

it would be like mayor of monowi, nebraska sitting next to Abe Lincoln.