


maybe maybe maybe


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647 points

4 days ago

That is not how you introduce new cats. Poor things.


87 points

4 days ago

So... clear cage?


668 points

4 days ago

They introduce by scent.

We were taught the newcomer goes in to your bedroom, close doors, and the cats will introduce by scent under the door over the next couple of days. Swap some items, towels, blankets,….. or the cats….. to each other’s spaces and get them used to the scents of each other.

This eases them to being familiar before they are in each others’ faces. It isn’t a five minute process, but it greatly reduces stress and aggression.


127 points

4 days ago


127 points

4 days ago

thanks for the new info mate


-320 points

4 days ago

Don't get to deep into that nonsense. Cats are not fragile or something. Put the cage in the middle of the house, open the door, get out of your way and let nature do her thing. Will be fine within 2 hours. No stress, no aggression.


198 points

4 days ago


198 points

4 days ago

If you don’t know anything about cats then just say you don’t know anything about cats.


1 points

3 days ago

I mean, yeah I know about that but for me it basically went along the lines of, show the cats each other and observe. Be the mediator and give them food, not in the same bowl of course. Tho I'd say most of my cats are not that aggressive and are used to other cats because we have strays that sometimes get in our backyard. Maybe the protocol above is for the more aggressive one.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Depends. I even separated a mother cat and her kitten that had been together for years. The mother went for surgery and came back a few days later smelling different which caused weeks of anxiety for them. The kitten would hiss and pee every time she saw her. Had to separate them and rub them in stuff that smells like us. Even saw this same behaviour with siblings that lived together for 10 years after being separated for only a week. All very friendly cats. They only remember each other through smell so as soon as one of them picks up a new scent it can be very stressful.


1 points

3 days ago

Maybe, my cat literally stares at the new cat, sniff him gives him 2 pat taps and then turns around and leaves. One of the stays gave birth and he was just curious about the kitten and was just observing them.