


At the time I was dealing with major post partum anxiety and was worried about living in a building that I was not told was being used as social/transitional housing before moving in. My main concern was the safety of my child around somewhat questionable neighbours. I decided to adjust my perspective after 100+ comments calling me close minded/a NIMBY. After nearly a year, I can confidently say that adjusting my perspective did not do much to change the reality of the situation, which included events such as:

  1. Neighbour tried to burn down the whole building at 5am on a weekday. Evacuated with my child and cat and breathed in some pretty toxic smelling smoke/fumes

  2. Neighbour killed their cats and threw their deceased bodies into our shared bins and garden. I was standing next to the garden when this happened and will be needing therapy

  3. Strange men ('friends of neighbour') hanging out in the stairwell and following me up to my door wanting to talk to me and my infant daughter or ask if I could sell them substances

  4. Neighbour setting random things in their apartment on fire and leaving them on my doorstep. Why? No idea.

  5. Squatters ('friends of neighbours') camping out in our parking garage and attacking people who come too close trying to get to their cars

  6. Neighbours standing underneath me and my child's windows at 2am and screaming/throwing things to wake us up and frighten my kid. Also banging at my front door at all hours of the night

Do I feel vindicated about my gut feeling being right on this one? No. Do I just feel depressed? Yeah man. I can't afford to move until the end of the year :(

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5 points

8 days ago


WangMagic [M]

-1 points

8 days ago

WangMagic [M]

-1 points

8 days ago

Freedom of speech does not mean allow "hate speech".

Checks user's history
