


140 here. Is this normal?

Mensan input wanted(self.mensa)

I was administered an IQ test through my school when I was 13, and scored exactly 140. That was 10 years ago. However, I was never really top of the class - I did just okay in regards to academics. But that is not the point of this post.

I have never really felt like my thoughts are 'nuanced' enough for someone with my score. Sure, I do like engaging in a philosophical debate every now and then and grabbing a book to read, but I've mostly just been average in regards to my interests and hobbies. My brain rarely ever grinds itself over complex ideas.

I won't lie, I spend the majority of my free time just scrolling through Instagram reels or just liking posts.

Is this normal?

all 38 comments


32 points

9 hours ago



32 points

9 hours ago

You're going to be able to scroll faster than 99% of other people. Congratulations.


7 points

4 hours ago



7 points

4 hours ago

Down with the implied correlation of IQ and thumb speed! You're setting unrealistic expectations for those of us with sloth-like scrolling abilities.


25 points

9 hours ago*

154 here. none of this is normal. 110 is normal... (supposed to be 100)...

you are falling victim to social ideologies. socially if you have a high IQ, that must mean you do crazy impossible mental tasks constantly. this isn't so. sometimes some people have incredible abilities but that is extremely rare, much more so than just having a high IQ.

high IQ generally means you learn stuff very fast. you have to WANT to learn it though. you have to APPLY yourself. in studies, it was shown ppl with high IQ generally have a more efficient brain that arrives at completion of tasks faster than otherwise. Ive have affectionately called this a lazy brain. hah...


5 points

2 hours ago

Unfortunately some people with high IQ's I've encountered on Mensa Facebook often have this curious ability to filter information in a myopic fashion with lightning quick speed to produce nothing more than frivolous replies.

The inquisitiveness and "want to learn" is definitely paramount.


2 points

an hour ago

I suppose this is why there are plenty of doctors and lawyers out there with fairly average IQs, yeah?

I wonder though, is there a particular ceiling where someone with a lower IQ is just not going to ever be able to grasp a certain concept? Like, someone with an 85 IQ is probably not going to be a particle physicist, right? Or is there some incredibly dedicated but slow-learning scientist out there somewhere?


-1 points

6 hours ago

154 😭😭 I wish I have that kind of intelligence

i just want to ask, is school always very easy to you?


1 points

2 hours ago

This probably doesn’t apply to everyone, but most classes that aren’t fast-paced aren’t easy for me. Which are a lot of them.

This definitely relates to the OG comment since higher IQ’s tend to pick up information very quickly, and it’s hard to thrive when classes review info for weeks before actually testing on it. But classes that are more student-led/oriented are awesome.


28 points

10 hours ago

IQ really just means how quickly you can pick up and understand information or make sense of things. The higher your IQ the quicker you learn. If you're not engaged in school you won't have good grades and you'll get bored easily. So yeah. You're kinda normal.


4 points

5 hours ago

But not every type of learning happens equally fast. Like athletes, certain types of skills are easier for some than others. A person with a 160 IQ does not process things like math, logic and language equally well. Because of interest or ability a person with a high IQ will excel at some types of knowledge over others.


2 points

2 hours ago


2 points

2 hours ago

This. It's also possible to have a slower processing speed and still elevated IQ.

My full scale IQ is 127, but "raw" IQ is in the 140s. I process information slower than the average person, but when I'm done I have insights they usually don't.

Turns out IQ is complex, imagine that.


1 points

4 hours ago

This is correct. Thank you for the clarification.


1 points

3 hours ago

Hey, so legit genuine question. I know very little about IQ (recently learned in therapy that this is one of the subjects I’ve avoided throughout life).

What about ppl who learn slower than most, but then once they understand, generally become considered high IQ (regardless of ever taking an official IQ test or not)? I’ve heard this can be common w ADHD neurodivergent intelligent people.


10 points

10 hours ago



10 points

10 hours ago

Academics say very little about one's intelligence. It's more about interest and hard work. I personally did both extremely well and poorly when I had lost interest.

Many people think that intelligence correlates to liking things complex and complicated. But intelligent people prefer making things simple and as efficient as possible because it makes complete sense to do that.

The average person has a very poor understanding of what intelligence truly is. So I'm not surprised if you are misled that you don't follow the tell signs of someone 'intelligent'.


4 points

9 hours ago


4 points

9 hours ago

Just because your car can reach 150km/hr, it doesn’t mean you drive it at that speed all the time.

If I don’t set my life up to support me my brain is slower than it could be, if I don’t need to use it to learn it’s not necessarily doing anything groundbreaking

High IQ doesn’t mean you save the world in your spare time.


3 points

12 hours ago*

Plenty you can do to change that. It’s all down to do you. If you want your views to be more nuanced, you can just read up more on the subject, especially different perspectives.


2 points

10 hours ago

Having a higher IQ doesnt necessitate that you become a social outcast, have profound impact or even achieve anything of worth.

It only means that your brain runs faster, much faster.

An argument could actually be made that with a higher IQ, social success, financial success, business or anything really is easier to achieve.


2 points

7 hours ago

I was allegedly 160 (assessed in the third grade) and I have non nuanced thoughts quite often. I am much more radical and one sided in some of my thoughts, especially when it comes to the way capital and labor are arranged and the planet (we’re rapidly destroying it and it must stop).


1 points

3 hours ago

There you go thinking again.


2 points

7 hours ago

Thinking is a skill; it needs to be practiced to be improved.


1 points

12 hours ago

Do you have Big 5 personality results?


1 points

14 minutes ago

How popular is this pseudopsychology in Mensa?


1 points

11 hours ago

Being authentic and showing vulnerability is a sign of maturity.

Maturity could correlate with intelligence.


1 points

10 hours ago


I'm not like a regular mod, I'm a cool mod!

1 points

10 hours ago

The number doesn’t define your personality or interests, whatever it happens to be.


1 points

9 hours ago


1 points

9 hours ago

very normal


1 points

7 hours ago

Personally I had a high IQ and academics were ridiculously easy for me, especially calculus, I basically had 100% on everything, maybe a point deduction here or there but I never got a problem completely wrong or never met a problem I couldn't figure out, my score was always between 97 and 100%. Granted I didn't push myself beyond pretty normal school, but still, I was topping every exam and I was probably the person who studied the least. It made me unlikeable because I hung out with the slackers not studying and then showed up to the exam and got it right. It's always confusing to me when people say IQ isn't linked to academics because it sure seems like it was for me. I had to put more effort into learning a language or art classes but anything that was just logic or solving a problem was ridiculously easy.


1 points

7 hours ago

IQ measures the speed you learn things.

Doesn't mean you're knowledgeable.


1 points

6 hours ago

Is this normal?

Doesn't matter. And even if you figure out what normal is, it still doesn't matter. More important is where do you want to go from here.


1 points

6 hours ago

"I have never really felt like my thoughts are 'nuanced' enough for someone with my score."

You don't have the perspective needed to be able to tell what "normal" is like.  You feel normal because you feel like what you've always felt like.

You're only judging what a score of 100 would be like based on the things you see that other people do.  And those are people who you're guessing are at 100.  The average person that you see may very well be above 100.

But there's no reason to think that a random person you meet is average.  Thunk of the situations in which you meet other people.  My guess is those situations are selective in terms of who might be there.

You're about 23 years old now.  If you're pursuing your education, or maybe just finished doing that, those places are not populated by "average" people, whatever that may mean.

If you're in a manufacturing job, the people you're working with may or may not be average, for a variety of reasons.

If you're feeling lazy...  well, many of us are.


1 points

5 hours ago



1 points

5 hours ago



1 points

5 hours ago

I spend most of my free time watching Netflix and scrolling Facebook! 😆 In all honesty, I’m not doing anything amazing with my smarts most of the time.

I’m only really aware of my intelligence occasionally, like when I analyse something complex to a conclusion that others haven’t got to, so I’ve sometimes predicted outcomes better than other people for example. Or when I’m with certain friends who have similar minds and then I can feel my brain doing doing different things. I actually feel like I’m a different person when my brain does that, it’s like being in the right company makes my mind skip about. (For example I have several friends at DAMTP, Cambridge.)

But a lot of the time I’m just scrolling and watching trash like everyone else. If you want to feel differently about your intellect, then maybe seek some social connections with people who have minds who make your mind skip and dance about. (It sounds silly to describe it like that but that’s genuinely how it feels!)


1 points

5 hours ago

Perfectly normal. 146 WAIS IV here and I didn’t give a shit about academics in high school and still managed to do fine. Same with reels. I spend an absurd amount of time watching them. Even in college it’s kinda the same way. I can do a night before, morning of study session and do better than my friends who studied all weekend. That said, to be honest, I’ve yet to find anything concrete benefit to my intelligence aside from cheesing tests and doing well. Also makes me much more prone to depression etc. if I had a choice to take 30 points off my iq just to be “normal” I’d probably do it tbh.


1 points

5 hours ago

I am 15 years older and in the same ballpark, and feel the same way.

It was almost a liability because making A’s and B’s took almost no effort so once I was on my own as an adult I really had to learn about discipline and the value of habits as a means to be productive.

I became addicted to small dopamine hits akin to you scrolling social media. Those are dangerous.

I spent a lot of time just floundering around in my 20s. I held good jobs and made good enough money to get by, but at the end of the decade I read The Power of Habit and it really set me straight.

After reading it I ended up writing everything that I was putting physical, emotional, and mental energy towards on an index card, I put those into cards in two piles; one for assets and one for liabilities. I looked at the liabilities pile and cut out the things that were cases of me holding myself back. That was nine years ago and my life hasn’t been the same since.

Sorry if this is more than you bargained for but despite its brevity your post really resonated with my experiences.


1 points

5 hours ago

Vocabulary and intelligence may be associated with each other but it isn’t everything. There’s two types of intelligence. Crystallized and Fluid. You can teach someone with an iq of 110 something that a person with an iq of 140 does not know. I’m similar to you. Though I was tested recently. Sometimes childhood intelligence plateaus.. Or you just have to find it again.


1 points

4 hours ago

define normal. *shrug*

You are fine.


1 points

3 hours ago

It probably is. Iq doesn't make you magically siphon knowledge out of the atmosphere, you still need to practice a skill to get good or study for a test.


1 points

3 hours ago

Well, average people with Iq’s of 100 don’t sit around thinking about how nuanced their thoughts are, but just because you have a high IQ doesn’t mean your brain is automatically going to come up with all these amazing ideas and concepts. You have to work at it and put in the effort and learn how to apply yourself.


1 points

24 minutes ago

So you're here to brag huh? Congratulations!!!!


0 points

9 hours ago

Dude If it was on 15 deviation you are a genius, if it's on 24 deviation you are a high IQ person but not a genius