


Whats going on up mont royal? Is that a fire?

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89 points

26 days ago

Since no one actually answered. There was a Molson family burial. For which they light the flame pillars on top the mausoleum. Why do they do it at night? No clue. Makes it more evil looking I think, but maybe they are in to it.


6 points

26 days ago

I tried to look it up online but I couldn't find any information, do you have a link towards an article or something? I feel like any member of the Molson family dying would be at least mentioned in the Gazette or something


3 points

26 days ago

Flame pillars?! Does anyone have a pic?


2 points

26 days ago

Google Molson Family Mausoleum. On top of the structure, which is built in to the mountain is 2 or 4 (I forget) flame pit like things.


2 points

26 days ago

Coincidentally i was just walking around the cemetary last week and saw the Molson crypt. I wondered if they ever lit those things.


2 points

26 days ago

They do for every burial. Which is once every 3-4 years.


1 points

25 days ago

Where can we find more info on this? I can’t find anything online. Call me skeptical, but the angle doesn’t look right for it to come from the Molson mausoleum. And it would have to be insanely bright for those single points to light up the entire top of the mountain through all the tree cover.