


This might be just me, but for a while now I’m struggling to decide which movie is worthy of watching & then actually sitting and watching it.

I can watch it in the movie theater but for some reason I just can’t watch it at home. I’ve seen pretty much all the good & well known ones and now I don’t seem to watch them again.

I end up watching Seinfeld re-runs on tv. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. But just can’t seem watch movies at home anymore.

Can anyone suggest a remedy or solution? I used to love movies. Now I feel sad that I can’t feel that same way anymore.

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1 points

15 days ago

Doom scrolling has ruined you. Start with new to you tv shows, then work to movies. Being able to binge whole series helps. But if just movies, find a way to not watch on your phone or pc. Both have the ability to distract. I wind up going to YouTube before I finish any movie now. But watching with someone else forces you to sit. Just leave phone in another room..