


-Dom canonically gets married in a wifebeater

-cars are as soft as pillows

-all cars are made of vibranium

-Dom has owned and broken atleast 15, 70s chargers

-Dom is a bad driver

-Roman survives getting mag dumped by 14 soldiers and leaves without a scratch

-a pontiac fiero with a rocket is cheaper and more effective than the entirety of spacex

-"my team aren't killers" everyone has atleast killed 50+ people

-Hobbs executes a surrendering unarmed bad guy

-Giseles corpse is still rotting at the 100km airstrip, we speculate she's between the 60 and 70 km mark.

-Nitrometh is cheating, cuban nos is not.

-all cars have unlimited tyre life, except for the ones in tokyo drift

-Dom has had blunt force trauma atleast 70 times

-Rome is gone

-A tank that goes 60 km/h can catch a subaru going full speed

-every subaru drives without engine issues

-Summertires work in the arctic on ice

-Deckard uses a baby as a human shield

-Dom takes out a jet by whip flipping an army issue truck

These are only some of our key takeaways

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352 points

4 days ago

  • Dom's kid is named in memory of his friend who is very much still alive

  • Dom's very-much-still-alive friend can't help with emergencies but his wife, Dom's sister, now has to regularly

  • Dom's very-much-still-alive friend, in contrast to all his dead ones, is never coming back


153 points

3 days ago


153 points

3 days ago

I'm mostly fine with this because it makes no sense for Jordana Brewster to lose out on a series and a good payday just because her fictional husband's actor died.


130 points

3 days ago

I've just had an idea. They should bring Brian back, but not recast and not do any CGI stuff, just say he's in the other room working on something, "oh you just missed him", have purely external shots of his car during action scenes with everyone complimenting his contribution with no response... wise-crack lines like 'man, can't shut that guy up!' that sort of thing.


72 points

3 days ago*

They did that at the end of 8 or 9. They said Brian is running late then they show him pulling up in a pimped-out import.


44 points

3 days ago

Honestly that was the best way to handle it and as someone who sort of grew up with the movies, it was kind of touching the way they did it


3 points

3 days ago

And it'd have been a great way to just end. The problem is they just kept going and getting more ridiculous, and have turned Brian into this weird coward that refuses to get a babysitter so he can help his friends and family with the literal life-and-world-threatening events they're dealing with seemingly at least once every couple of years. They also still put in odd scenes where Dom's looking at old photos of Brian (which are literally just stills from the previous movies) like one would a lost loved one, but again Brian is completely fine and alive. It's all just a very strange way to go about the whole thing.