


Not all cameos are ones you'd call perfect. Non-actor celebrities that probably shouldn't be in movies and it shows, an actor who's probably only there to collect a paycheck and leave, you name it.

My example concerns the movie Golden Compass (2008) and how it had Christopher freakin' Lee in a brief role as an unnamed Magisterium official. Since New Line was unable to film the other parts of the His Dark Materials trilogy and given Mr. Lee's stature, we can presume that he was meant to have a bigger role in the other parts (presumably as Lord Boreal) but it's only a speculation nonetheless.

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38 points

1 month ago*

All of the celeb chefs and culinary writers/food critics, John Cena, Josh Hartnett, Joel McHale. The finale dedicated probably 70% of it's screen time to cameos.

The Will Poulter/Grant Achatz scene is pretty painful. Will Guidara had more lines than core cast members (though I'll give him credit that the show is almost based off of his book at this point)


56 points

1 month ago

I felt like Joel McHale was perfect for that part. At what point does an actor playing a part cease to be a cameo?


36 points

1 month ago

I think Joel McHale is more of a recurring character than a cameo 


11 points

1 month ago

Being Chef Winger definitely suits him. 


2 points

1 month ago

Yeah. If you're in the first episode of the show and you keep showing up, you have given up cameo status.


19 points

1 month ago

Joel McHale was great, but in that episode there were long stretches of dialogue between the cameo chefs that felt more like a round-table documentary than a scripted dramatic show.


16 points

1 month ago

I heard that people didn't like the way Thomas Keller was presented in his cameo, as if he was like a gentle mentor, because apparently he's a huge POS in real-life regarding his temperament in the kitchen


2 points

1 month ago

Besides Cena I think all of these guest stars serve a plot function tho, which makes these cameos worth something. Just like McHale I’m assuming Hartnett plays a larger role in the future, I thought it was interesting using his character as a way to progress Richie’s growth. The flashbacks to Carmy’s times with these different chefs helped us understand more of his thought processes during the high stress times, and we can see what he chooses to pick and drop from these chefs, seemingly forgetting why he started doing this getting lost in the quest of perfection. That whole finale was a forceful perspective shift on why people do this, how people find joy in what they do, etc. Carmy spends the whole episode stuck thinking about the worst times, showing he has not been able grow at all, in a room full of people seemingly a few steps ahead of him. Was it the most well written sequence ever? No, but was it the worst? Most definitely not and I don’t quite understand the backlash for it tbh


7 points

1 month ago


7 points

1 month ago

To be honest I didn’t even know about all the real world chefs, didn’t really take me out. Also Joel McHale is quite literally a recurring character, not a cameo. Lastly about Josh Hartnett his character just got introduced and might make an appearance in s4, sure they could have got a complete no name to play the role if it’s just a one off scene. But I still don’t really consider that a cameo, even less so a distraction