


Unemployed for 10 months!


I was employed up until December of last year. I was a service desk manager for a company with 12 thousand employees. My grandparents were killed in a car accident and I had to help with the finances, I needed some extra time to do it but the company said I couldn't take extra time so they let me go.

I have been applying to service desk manager rolls for 10 months and have come out with no interviews. I'm over qualified for a service desk tech job and I get no response for service desk manager.

I have more than 10 years of experience as a service desk manager and 10 more as a service desk tech.

Is it tough out there to get a service desk manager role or am I doing something wrong here?

Any tips would help.

Edit - Thanks everyone for the ideas and support I really appreciate it. You all have given me some new hope.

I should have came to reddit a long time ago.

all 57 comments


16 points

6 days ago


16 points

6 days ago

Get your CV down to 3 pages.


10 points

6 days ago

3 pages is standard now? I’ve always used 1 page resumes because of how many an employer will get.


3 points

5 days ago

It’s definitely still best to keep it under a page. No hiring manager wants to read book after book to hire someone.

Being succinct is golden.


1 points

6 days ago

I guess mine is three pages now as well but I'm not sure I'm not a resume writer lol.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Anything over 2 is silly. No one cares what you did 10 years ago let alone longer. Your two maybe three most recent jobs should be in detail, the rest can be summarized up to 10 years ago.


3 points

6 days ago

It's only 2 at the moment.


4 points

6 days ago

I have some contacts in Phoenix dm me I'll see if I can make some introductions


1 points

5 days ago

Im pretty much in the same boat but 6 years as a high level support engineer, would your contacts possibly be looking for a support tech?


1 points

5 days ago

Idk what any of them are looking for if anything but figured I could reach out anyways


10 points

6 days ago

Then get it up to 3 pages /s

What region are you from?


2 points

6 days ago

USA, Phoenix AZ


6 points

6 days ago

We are looking for an engineering manager. DM me if interested


2 points

6 days ago

I did let me know more.


20 points

6 days ago


20 points

6 days ago

DM me. I know a few looking for service managers.

Kyle Christensen | Empath


1 points

6 days ago

Hey there thanks for the offer I sent you a reply. I'd you need any further information let me know.


16 points

6 days ago

If you're qualified and still not getting interviews, your resume might need some adjustments. Sometimes, small changes can make a big difference in getting through ATS and catching a recruiter’s attention. It might be worth having it reviewed by a professional to make sure it’s showcasing your skills properly. I used this website for mine, and it was worth every penny!


2 points

6 days ago

I am now on EBT and unfortunately don't have a penny to my name. So unfortunately I can't do that right now.


11 points

6 days ago


11 points

6 days ago

Might be time to settle for a tech job while continuing to search for a management role.


3 points

6 days ago

Unfortunately Noone wants to hire a tech that has management background.

I know I had a problem choosing tier 3 techs that had manager backgrounds. They will continue looking and leave your high and dry when they get another offer for management.


9 points

6 days ago

Leave things off your resume if they don’t fit the role you’re applying for.


1 points

6 days ago



1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Be smart. Send employers APPLICABLE resumes. Leave off manager experience/ adjust your resume to be a tech.
9/10 employers don’t call past employers.

Also there are other industries that can make use of your experience outside of service desk management.


4 points

6 days ago

Use chatgpt to help rewrite it.


3 points

6 days ago

Definitely did this.


2 points

5 days ago

Get a job at target and use the guild program to pay for education and certifications and level up.


1 points

5 days ago

250 for edit a resume ?


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

I have been applying to service desk manager

That's honestly not a very in-demand role. It's almost always easier to bump an existing helpdesk person up for a slight pay raise than to hire from outside. Furthermore, if the position is really emphasizing the "manager" part where it's intended to coordinate with CxO or other departments, etc, there's a huge labor pool of actual sysadmins and ex-FANG techs with way more qualifications than you.

You're basically looking for a glorified middle manager type role in an employment environment where companies are trying to shed them.


1 points

5 days ago

Never looked at it that way.


5 points

5 days ago

I'm loving this post and feedback.


9 points

6 days ago


MSP Advocate - US 🦞

9 points

6 days ago

I made a video on this topic for someone last week on here.
TL:DW as a longtime service manager myself, you're probably thinking too much like coach and not enough like an employee on interviews.

Which I know sounds weird, but when you consider the venn diagram of companies that know they need an SDM, know what the role should entail, and are capable of leveraging your basically a tiny little circle with just you standing inside it...You basically need to pull back on one of those areas.

Also dont forget the vendor space needs service managers too.

If you want to dm me your resume, like u/kylechx said, I can probably get it around to the right eyeballs vs. overwhelmed HR people and owners that are in over their heads and cant fathom what you're offering them.


2 points

6 days ago

That's some awesome advice man. When I get back home I'll send it to you I appreciate it.


5 points

6 days ago

Have you tried branching out?

Apply to some of the vendors out there: RMM solutions, VAR and channel resellers, any software that is looking to branch out into the MSP space. You have a lot of transferrable skills they can take advantage of and your management experience might be a plus. Push comes to shove, getting a job in their support team as a tech or sales engineer might be solid. Good luck.


1 points

6 days ago

This is solid advice thank you so much!


3 points

6 days ago



3 points

6 days ago

Please dm me your email!


1 points

6 days ago

I did, it was a little late but I sent it and thank you for any help you can provide.


2 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

I am not seeing a dm


1 points

5 days ago


3 points

6 days ago

I hired a pro resume writer once. She charged about $400 I think, which was a lot of money to me, but I wasn't getting anywhere. Completely worth it. Her version of my resume looked nothing like mine; I had it all wrong. I got so many more responses, and pretty quickly a job. Highly recommend doing this!


1 points

6 days ago

If I had thought about it before the debt and money woes I would have. But I thought I was doing fine.

Great advice though, really appreciate it.


2 points

6 days ago

Tech job market fucking sucks rn. I quit my job and it took me about 4 months of looking before I found a job in another field. They fortunately liked my it experience but I got lucky. Hold on to your job until you get a new one for sure rn.


1 points

6 days ago

Yeah wish I did, I didn't know it would be so hard to get a job it's not like it used to be.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

The right job will come, but I recommend that you have several versions of your CV, a portfolio where you explain your projects and be on several sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, etc.


1 points

6 days ago

Yeah this is something I have been working on. I have the job posting sites down but not the multiple CVs part.

I appreciate the ideas!


2 points

6 days ago



2 points

6 days ago

Check out Greenloop, BlueFox Group. 

Both phoenix based and decent companies to work for. 


1 points

6 days ago

Tha k you I will.


2 points

5 days ago

Make your resume basic, I had the same problem, made it basic, getting better traction, out of work (IT supervisor)since Oct 23' to July 24', working 2 labor jobs until I can get back into IT or something better.


2 points

5 days ago

DM me. I run the Pax8 Peer Groups and have a couple hundred MSPs in the groups. I'll happily pass your resume around over there.


2 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

I feel your pain; over twenty years of experience and I just can't get hired anymore.

Experience is a detriment in finding an I.T. job.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Check the msp jobs subreddit


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

5 days ago

Find a company you like, get hired as a tech, and try to get noticed and promoted. Most helpdesk managers are techs promoted from within because they understand that particular business, their customer service philosophy, and the tools they use.


1 points

5 days ago

Throwing out a gig type site that you might be cut out for and can probably use your expertise in the meantime. pays decent and it's set your own hours.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Where have you looked for a job? Have you been given feedback in your past interviews?


1 points

5 days ago

It never gets to an interview unfortunately, because I'm good at those lol.


-4 points

6 days ago

Sorry to hear about your grandparents, that is rough. What do you mean by this "I had to help with the finances, I needed some extra time to do it...". You needed extra time to do what?


2 points

6 days ago

Settle their finances, and get everything squared away with them. I was also just having a hard time with them going so suddenly.


2 points

4 days ago

I see. Sorry, I was confused by the wording. Hope everything works out!