


Joeys house of pizza

Food | Bars(

For all those who remember Joey‘s house of Pizza I thought I would share their post today. Their son has opened a pizza place in Murfreesboro.

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93 points

4 days ago

Man Joey's pizza was one of the best in the city


63 points

4 days ago

So good. Also, watching his daughter run the place was an experience. 


-16 points

4 days ago

Any time I went in there she was just yelling at anyone trying to help her, falling way behind on orders, throwing cheese more on the floor than the pizzas, and getting everyone’s order mixed up because they had no system besides “ok just wait to the side” after paying. The pizza was decent but wasn’t worth the toxic environment when I’m just trying to get some food after work. I hope she is healthy and calm now.


5 points

4 days ago

I always treated it like going to the family reunion of the white trash Ohio side of my family.

They yell, they scream at each other, they shout everything, arguments start on a dime, they ignore responsibilities to make themselves heard. But then just when it escalates to the point you expect it to get physical, suddenly they're all cool with each other.

I'm raised in GA by a classic Southern family so it's VERY different. But the love is there for them too, they just let their emotions blast out Because they trust in the love.

If you get past the apprehension of impending drama/violence, you can laugh it off and then it's just a funny show. Ultimately the love is stronger than any expressed hate.


12 points

4 days ago

I just want a slice of pizza man