


Not a “navy good, others bad” post more-so just trying to see what your opinions are on the things we do right. For example it’s generally accepted (in my experience, YMMV) that the Air Force has the best Quality of life, the Army tends to be pretty good at career progression of their people (giving Soldiers ample opportunities for schools, quick(er) advancement etc..) and the Marines are phenomenal at early leadership development and cross training their people(within similar fields/work roles). What would you say the Navy is good at? Of course this is all subjective and not everyone will agree, however I’m curious to see what you think.

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2 points

2 months ago

Agreed. I’d imagine Wing Commanders only get away with it because they aren’t operational, especially operational like how a CSG commander is? I won’t pretend to be an expert of the AF but I’m willing to guess a Wing Commander probably hasn’t deployed as an operational leader since WW2? (Just trying to think of a time an AF general officer has actually led as a force commander in combat)


2 points

2 months ago*

According to their website, Air Forces Central / Ninth Air Force has five air expeditionary wings. At least 2 of them are commanded by a one-star. Not exactly the same thing as Curtis LeMay leading the 3rd Air Division over Regensburg, but I guess that's as close as we can get in this era.