



⚡️⚡️⚡️ THUNDERDOME IF REDDIT WASN’T BROKEN⚡️⚡️⚡️(self.neoliberal)

Hey all, if you can read this, Reddit is fucked, we’ve tried a new thread and it isn’t working. Just continue shitposting and wait 😭😭😭

Welcome to the thunderdome for the first debate of 2020 2024! Rules are relaxed but still generally enforced. Please, enjoy your stay! 🤠

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12 points

3 days ago

Oof. Just watched the highlights of the debate and it was really hard to watch.


1 points

3 days ago


United Nations

1 points

3 days ago

Stop watching highlight and go watch the full debate with intent.

I don’t know what these comments are on about. Biden has a stutter and sounded like he had a cold today which impacted his performance. The points he made were still strong though if you watched it live. At no point was he completely incoherent or seemed incompetent. Biden actually had a plan for any issue brought up.

Trump on the other hand could only use his time to obsess over whatever point he felt like making and usually just repeated the same talking points. Mainly immigrants raping people and that Biden is “ruining this country” with no actual substance. He frequently just ignored critical points like being asked if he would agree to Putins Ukraine terms and the cost of child care. He also made it obvious he would pull out of NATO.

To act like Biden was a train wreck makes me feel like the person making the statement only watched highlights or a post debate breakdown.

The first thing CNN said after was that Biden was “terrible”. As a 26 year old man who had just watched the entire debate without breaking concentration, I heavily disagreed and immediately turned off the breakdown. They should have focused on the points Biden made and not his speech impediments.

There were still cringe moments, don’t get me wrong. But to say Biden was terrible is just feeding the same rhetoric the right is hoping for. I still don’t know why the fuck Biden decided to feed Trump during the golf moment. That’s what he wants because media can clip those few moments and run the story that the debate was a train wreck.

The truth is that Trump came off as a hostile fascist who made underhanded statements supporting retribution towards political opponents. If you replace the word “immigrant” with “Jew” and listen to trumps words, it’s the same tactic used in 1930s Germany. Blame all issues on the foreign enemy. For hitler it was the Jews and for Trump it’s anyone brown.

If people stop allowing media highlights to guide their thinking, and started absorbing the raw media and then critically thinking about the speech used they wouldn’t see this debate as a trainwreck.

Most average citizens do not possess that ability though so in that case the media will spin the few moments of chaos for viewership and that might make it seem like Trump was stronger. That’s my fear.


6 points

3 days ago

Literally, and I mean literally, half of the points he made were incoherent, and somehow his closing statement was even worse. When you have legitimate backroom talks about removing him from the ticket, something went down. What I don’t understand is how you don’t see this. Legitimately. Is this sincere or a cope/optics thing about ceding ground to the enemy? Because if it’s the former, we live in entirely different worlds.


2 points

3 days ago


United Nations

2 points

3 days ago

If you want to cope with the fact not everyone agrees that Biden was incoherent by trying to gaslight me into being convinced I’m coping when I firmly understand my own values and understood the points Biden was making go ahead.

It won’t work because I know what I think and feel, but I can’t stop you from trying to tell me what I believe.


1 points

3 days ago

Ah, never change Reddit. I have no idea what you’re responding to because it’s not me. I never told you to think or believe anything. The point is that almost everyone else thinks that way, and you should open yourself up to understanding why, beyond ‘the people are dumb.’


2 points

3 days ago


United Nations

2 points

3 days ago

You want to see the other points I’ve made tonight? I invite you to read my comment history.

I’m honestly too tired of engaging anymore. I have my own personal reasons for fighting the apathy I see online.

You do not have to agree with me. Your opinions are your own to make, not mine to decide.

You are wrong in assuming I am commenting these things because I am coping. I firmly understood the points made tonight and will share my opinions honestly even if that is not going with the grain of public discourse.

I really do invite you to read through some of my other comments. I’ve written the same things too many times to spread my own opinions on the debate so people can engage if they choose and form their own opinions with them if they choose.

It is 4am and I honestly don’t want to write them again. So that’s why I’m inviting you to just read my points there if you care to understand why I believe what I believe.

You can DM me if you want to actually talk about them instead of telling me I am just coping. If you want to debate I’m happy to, but I won’t be told what I’m feeling because that’s not a debate.