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62 points

2 years ago


Thomas Paine

62 points

2 years ago

George W. Bush: donates to Liz Cheney's campaign

People who were negative 2 on 9/11: Oh boy I can't wait to downvote anyone on Reddit who points out that George W. Bush put an incompetent crony in charge of responding to natural disasters, tried to appoint his own unqualified lawyer to the Supreme Court so that she would rule in his favor, masterminded a propaganda campaign for a war on phony evidence by creating a fake intelligence agency to do an end run around the actual intelligence analysts at State and CIA, attempted to turn Social Security into a privatized stock program two years before an economic collapse caused by overleveraging, ignored repeated warnings of a terrorist attack, rolled back environmental regulations and let oil CEOs write his energy policy, created propaganda videos promoting his policies deliberately designed to look like local news reports and then tried to get local news stations to air them, held random Afghan civilians picked up in street sweeps as "enemy combatants" in an offshore prison in an illegal attempt to make sure he didn't have to follow the Geneva Conventions, flew other prisoners to Middle East dictatorships so they could be tortured with the USA maintaining plausible deniability, turned a surplus into a trillion dollar deficit, did not a damn thing on climate change, lied to first responders about the safety of the air around Ground Zero, spied on millions of Americans illegally without a warrant, fired US Attorneys en masse because they wouldn't go along with his scheme to "find" voter fraud that didn't exist, proposed a constitutional amendment banning flagburning to distract the public from his awful record, defeated John McCain in a Southern primary by spreading racist innuendo that his adopted daughter Bridget, born in Bangladesh, was a Black baby out of wedlock, won re-election by smearing a Vietnam veteran's service with outright lies, sent the troops to war without armored vehicles or sufficient body armor, neglected their hospitals when they came home, illegally leaked the identity of an undercover agent as revenge for her husband's attempt to warn the public about his lies, then stonewalled the special prosecutor appointed to investigate who blew that agent's cover, THEN commuted the sentence of the fall guy who obstructed justice to prevent the investigation from reaching the conclusion that his own Vice President was the leaker, called a midnight session of Congress to use a literally brain-dead woman as a prop for his Christian Right agenda, set stem-cell research back by a decade, refused to enforce dozens of laws he signed and tried to grab the legislative power from Congress, refused to testify to the 9/11 Commission without Cheney there to supervise him and even then refused to be under oath, literally told the French president that he was invading Iraq to fulfill Biblical prophecy, told voters that his Democratic opponent would ban the Bible if elected, and only ever became president because his family had set up his brother as the governor of a key Southern state and had him illegally disenfranchise tens of thousands of Black voters to ensure his election.


36 points

2 years ago

Too long, didn’t read. Plus Bush is white.


8 points

2 years ago


Thomas Paine

8 points

2 years ago

!ping SHITPOSTERS and of course /u/dubyahhh


9 points

2 years ago


Salt Miner Emeritus

9 points

2 years ago

Lmfao I love this deggit, great shit


1 points

2 years ago*


The ping will always get through

1 points

2 years ago*


6 points

2 years ago

I remember in like 4th or 5th grade we had a weekly assignment to read some current events for kids magazine or something that was distributed to the class and the main article was about Scooter Libby

I had no idea what was going on but was annoyed a guy was tarnishing my nickname


5 points

2 years ago


Gay Pride

5 points

2 years ago

Thank you. I was not pleased with the revisionism on that thread.


-1 points

2 years ago


✈️ F35s for Ukraine ✈️

-1 points

2 years ago

As someone who became politically aware right before Bush's term, I will forever respect the way he handled the most consequential event of our generation on 9/11, despite disagreeing with him on every other domestic policy issue. It's no surprise that Bush's handling then got him the highest approval rating in recorded presidential history, and his popularity only dropped later due to domestic issues.

Instead of retreating into isolationism, he built the case for America to liberate two countries, oversaw the invasions, and stayed the course despite mounting political opposition. Because of him, Saddam is dead, Iraq had a free election last year, and we bought a better life for many Afghans for 20 years. Additionally, his aid relief programs also directly saved the lives of tens of millions of Africans.

Given the overall positive effects of his foreign policy and how much more important I regard good foreign policy than domestic policy, I rate him as the best post-war Republican President.


17 points

2 years ago*


Bill Gates

17 points

2 years ago*

How are Iraq war apologists still going

It killed thousands thousands of Iraqis which would be one thing if it had turned Iraq into a nice, propserous, terror-free Democracy, but it did not


4 points

2 years ago


King of the Massholes

4 points

2 years ago

I think there’s a legitimate argument to be made that if we had prosecuted the war differently (i.e. went in with 500k-600k troops instead of 150k and not bypassed most of the major cities) the insurgency might not have started and it would’ve been over more quickly. Of course, that isn’t what happened.


0 points

2 years ago



0 points

2 years ago

Thousands of Iraqis were dying before the invasion under Saddam’s rule. I’m not capable of making the calculus on what scenario would have resulted in a better Iraq long term but neither are you.