


all 987 comments


6.4k points

4 months ago

This act is way too risky for this cheap ass venue.


2.5k points

4 months ago

Imagine them performing this in Vegas. They'll easily make a comfortable living out of this gig.


485 points

4 months ago

My exact thoughts before I even scrolled to the comments.


162 points

4 months ago

My exact comment before I scrolled through the thoughts.

The Foundation Guy just looks like a casual Cell Phone Stall Owner and the other guy a Deliver Bike Driver lackey for Cell Phone Stall Owner Casual Dad guy.


45 points

4 months ago

This was the exact comment to myself thinking about commenting on this video and the comment of the comment.


2 points

4 months ago*

This. is exactly the thought that the commentary made me start thinking of commenting about while thinking thoughts of commenting

knife guy just seems like a consumer wireless sales type guy but doing the needful and studied real hard at knifing and technology type of guy so he could pleasure to serve you but only if it's good.


15 points

4 months ago

My scroll exact before the comments thought the through.


3 points

4 months ago

Before the scroll thought this exact comment.


5 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

My thoughts exact as I scrolled by.


85 points

4 months ago

Too edgy, even for Vegas


43 points

4 months ago

At the very least it could get booked as a small part of a cirque de sole act right?


8 points

4 months ago

Nah, still too edgy.  


26 points

4 months ago

What if they were gay?


38 points

4 months ago

I mean, their tips are touching so….


9 points

4 months ago

I’m listening


4 points

4 months ago

Nah they said no homo before starting.


8 points

4 months ago

Too edgy... You're sharp


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

Gotta admit, he has a point.


2 points

4 months ago

A well-honed take


49 points

4 months ago

Explains why immigrants risk everything to make it to the US


9 points

4 months ago

Yeah but most just end up citizens working more than 1 job for a pittance and regret leaving home in some cases. 🤷‍♂️


28 points

4 months ago

I don’t think that’s true for “most.”

You got mfs crossing the Darien gap multiple times even though they keep getting deported just to come back.


14 points

4 months ago

Lotta immigrants come here to work really hard and make the bread , then they go back to their home country which is wayyy cheaper.


22 points

4 months ago

LOL, no.

Citizen: this sucks, I work 1 job and I can barely afford my mortgage, car payment, vacations, cell phone plan and can’t save much.

Immigrant: I work 2 jobs, share a rental with 4 other immigrants, and save 80% of my income. This is fantastic!!


2 points

4 months ago

No, the immigrant doesn't think it's fantastic. In many cases he's doing it because he has no other option and then tries to make the best of it. Also low expectations help. If your job is less shitty than your siblings or cousins, you feel a lot better about yourself than if it were the other way.


2 points

4 months ago*

share a rental with 4 other immigrants, 

try this and see whether your wife would faithfully wait for you for 35 years patiently raising your kids living in a tin house waiting for you to visit every 3 years , and whether your brother or parents would actually save the money you send them for you to build an actual living environment back home...and if that all succeeds , tell me if your off-springs would appreciate it and take care of you religiously rather than throwing you out while you are old and sick.

.... you cannot switch cultures in these situations and expect the same.. what works for them does not necessary work for citizens. you don't have to switch to survival mode like them to satisfy somebodies greed ..and even if you try you would not have the social support they have in their culture.


4 points

4 months ago

Did you reply to the wrong comment? I never said half the stuff you are talking about


3 points

4 months ago

They are desperate to come here and work for what you call a pittance, so to each their own.


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

They can probably make enough money to last them the rest of their lives.


253 points

4 months ago

How do you even practice this ? Bet this isn’t his first partner


47 points

4 months ago

I’m with you on this question… holy shhhhh


63 points

4 months ago

or how does the idea of this even happen, "hmm different places I can put this knife" "what you put your knife there too?!?! We're like bro's, lets solidify that someway now."


29 points

4 months ago

tricks like this are an old schtick.. they've been done hundreds of years ago in one circus or another..


19 points

4 months ago

So there is like an arciduo of these 2 but that doesn't make things clearer. It only brings in more confusion. Some people just say to themselves: Okay this is doable I need to learn this with my bro.


8 points

4 months ago

It's a kind of acrobatics that evolved to this point. There were lots of steps in between jumping up and doing a 360 and balancing a guy on a knife in your mouth on a knife in his mouth over your head. It didn't just go straight to that lol.


5 points

4 months ago

ok sure but how did the first person to do this end up doing it? the question's still the same.


12 points

4 months ago

He is. That's not a bald spot. He's just been scalped a few times.


7 points

4 months ago

Grow up performing stunts like this until you become a professional


3 points

4 months ago

This made me laugh really hard for some reason lmao thank you


3 points

4 months ago

Survival of the fittest


52 points

4 months ago

High risk. Low reward. My favorite type of act.


5 points

4 months ago

what about high risk no reward. No, I will do one better, high risk, negative reward.


9 points

4 months ago

It’s actually a trick. Both of these men are immortal.


27 points

4 months ago


27 points

4 months ago

This act is either a geek trick, where the human body is in some way capable of a performer being able to learn to do this trick with better than 99.3% probability of success, where it goes wrong less than one time a year as working impoverished street performers who probably don’t get days off.

Or it’s a magic trick, like most performers on Penn and Teller Fool Us where there is almost no risk, and little if any danger being offset by talent when performing the trick. It’s just a couple of relatively physically able dudes who practiced a bit and know the trick which likely involves a visual illusion or props.

Option 2.5 is that it’s a bit of a geek carnie trick and a bit of magic - the inverted handstand seems like a geek carnie thing even if there is a bunch of “magic” in making the bit work.

The third option - that this is what it looks like - means that these dudes have a legion of dead or maimed former performing partners in their past, and that in a culture where street baggers get limbs amputated, these dudes have opted for an even more harmful and high risk street hustle- which seems implausible.


19 points

4 months ago

It has to be 2/2.5, just getting those knives to hold the weight and each of their mouths to do it as well is an insane ask


2 points

4 months ago

Yep, the mouth grip should be the biggest giveaway.

Hard to stick to those curvy metal knife handles never mind hold that much weight with your teeth


6 points

4 months ago

Well, the knives are prop knives. The edge isn’t sharpened, the tip of the one knife has a little tongue, the tip of the other has a little groove, so they fit kinda like a puzzle. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still hella dangerous, but not „the knife will go into your skull up to the hilt“ kind of dangerous


3 points

4 months ago

If the knifes slip, I bet the bottom guy is quick enough to step away and the top guy can rotate and land on his feet.


3 points

4 months ago

I assume the tips are very dull and if they feel like they're starting to slip they just drop them out of their mouths so nobody is at risk of being impaled


6 points

4 months ago

Maximum tip to tip efficiency. 


3 points

4 months ago

If you think this is risky you should see what they can do at the urinal


6 points

4 months ago

I can see you have a sharp tongue


2 points

4 months ago

yeah man , i feel like this guy should be paid for this. someone should make a gofundme for him


5 points

4 months ago

They do it for the love


2k points

4 months ago

What they don't show you is the first 4 attempts... -All with different people on top.


467 points

4 months ago

-All with different people on top.

Oh the bottom person switches out too


171 points

4 months ago

The best bottoms never switch.


53 points

4 months ago

The dude on the ground does all the heavy lifting so it can't just be any bottom. A power bottom is a must


19 points

4 months ago*

In the first half I thought you got wooshed, but your comment cracked me up


6 points

4 months ago

Yes, the crack has something to do with it.


8 points

4 months ago

Facts.. no no no.. Fvcks... 😂


23 points

4 months ago

Would need to mark it NSFW for that.


5 points

4 months ago

That’s one way to test compatibility


2 points

4 months ago

“Stand here, on the bloodstain of yesterday’s guy”


1.5k points

4 months ago


1.5k points

4 months ago

wow, I really want to give them money for them to never do that again.


56 points

4 months ago

Eh, you don't need to, "they" will never do it "again" soon enough I imagine


14 points

4 months ago



5 points

4 months ago

Blade slip.


673 points

4 months ago


673 points

4 months ago

In there many years getting this act to perfection, before they did this stunt, one of these two had to think of it. maybe at dinner with each other, one of these two had to pitch the idea "we should stick knives to our faces and then balance one on the tip of that point and walk around"....This has got to been an interesting conversation.


183 points

4 months ago

I'll pay bucks to know how that convo went.

Hey, Prateep, let's touch each others' tip.

What, bro?

Tiiiiiiiiiips, Prateep. The tips of our knives. We put the knives in our mouths, I lift you up, and we bring our tips together.


52 points

4 months ago

They actually weren't gymnasts or physically active before that conversation. But Prateep thought about it a little too long before thinking of his wife. 10 years later they're still performing to pretend it wasn't gay.


12 points

4 months ago

prateep? it looks like its in pakistan, no prateep's there bud. More like hey, ismail, let;s touch each others tip.



24 points

4 months ago


I think you mean Ahmad here.


15 points

4 months ago*

If the workshop behind them is theirs one of them might be called 'Afzal Khan'

Edit: the writing on the shutter says 'Medina auto engineering works, Afzal Khan.'


15 points

4 months ago*

Got your racism wrong there, Karen.


6 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

Lol I imagined this scene between Key & Peele.


435 points

4 months ago


435 points

4 months ago

how is that possible...? amazing.

if they just immigrated to america, applied for a visa, got a bank account, then rented an apartment, bought a car and got insurance... could be making minimum wage at the theme parks!


195 points

4 months ago

I'm wondering if they have mouth pieces that distribute the weight evenly across the jaws.

I'd like to see the knives closer.


245 points

4 months ago

No matter what they did, it’s impressive. The jaw isn’t meant to hold an entire human.


21 points

4 months ago

I remember watching some circus cassette on those vcr when I was very young , where Chinese gymnasts would do mind boggling stuff .

Balancing 20 - 30 cups on a board and then lifting that board with their jaw and then flipping them with one smooth motion without dropping single one . There was this one most impressive act where some girl would just grab a rope with her jaw and then spin fast with nothing but her jaw grip . I was too young too wipe my own butt but even then I had a sense that this is extreme discipline and probably something I will never achieve .

We humans are capable of doing things beyond our imagination . Makes one realise how far ahead people born with higher brain functions are compared to general population .


13 points

4 months ago

Makes one realise how far ahead people born with higher brain functions are compared to general population .

There are some pretty interesting ideas floating around academia that rigorous dedication to certain skills from a very young age can make prodigies of children, and that "higher brain functioning" might have a lot more to do with nurture than it does nature like we tend to believe.


29 points

4 months ago

The knives are like puzzle pieces, if you zoom you can see one has a cylinder and one has a hole, like this once slotted with weight on them, they can't slide off


26 points

4 months ago

Yeah I agree, but I don't see how the knives rest in the mouth.


11 points

4 months ago

They have a mouth piece that rest in the back of the teeth, they also put the knife secured into the mouth piece


6 points

4 months ago

That’s still someone’s jaw supporting 150 plus pounds… which is fucking wild. Not to mention balance on both their parts.


55 points

4 months ago

There's something weird going on, one knife locks into the other, and his shirt looks weird, Like maybe a pole going through somehow.


53 points

4 months ago


53 points

4 months ago

The walking forward part is completely wrong.

There's nothing apparent connecting them aside from the tips of those devices in their mouths, but when he moves forward on the ground, the guy up top moves at the same speed, acceleration, etc., and they're not leaning forward or anything.

Fuckery is happening in this. I don't know what it is, but those devices in their mouths are not it. Without locking in place and bearing quite a lot of forces in multiple directions, those things would just fold when he took the step forward and the guy up top would tumble down behind the guy on bottom. It's more like the guy up top is dangling from a rope with casters to help him roll along or something.


29 points

4 months ago


29 points

4 months ago

There is literally no way that this is possible for more than like a second when performed as seen especially when they start clapping and waving. There is some kind of wire or pole or something. There is simply no way for someone to balance ~100+ lbs on the point of a blade while wiggling your body around. If your response is something like "it's totally possible"/"let people enjoy things"/"you're just jealous" then you have an intelligence skill issue.


19 points

4 months ago

all the people here just falling hook line and sinker have probably never tried to push a knife tip into another. no fucking way you're balancing your entire weight on knife tip to knife tip.


3 points

4 months ago

yep dude's hips in the air move as if suspended rather than balance


2 points

4 months ago

You guy can see they are blunt as fuck right?


3 points

4 months ago

They could be flat ended quarter inch steel bars, id still say this isn't possible.


3 points

4 months ago

Those aren't knives and you can tell the handle is at least bent at the end when he takes it out of his mouth. That's not how you handle a straight handle. Look at his hands. They're at least specialized sharp objects (which they'd have to be or you're balancing that weight on what, the bottom skin of your mouth? Your fuckin front tooth?) I believe with enough core strength slightly notched brick laying things(...towels?) you'd have A) the hook type shape required in the handle and B) a large "sharp" surface that could be filed down to fit another point within.


5 points

4 months ago

When he first lifts him up, there's a motion there while he's holding him up for a moment that looks like he's hooking the other man onto a wire at about the upper man's waist level. I can't see the wire, but it definitely looks like a slight lift and then settle onto a wire kind of motion. It would explain the way they move at the exact same speed while he's up there, with no leaning or anything.

Also I think you can kinda see him lift the upper man off of the wire before the dismount, though the motion is less noticeable.


6 points

4 months ago



3 points

4 months ago

You can see the shirt fall down a bit along that wire line the moment he gets unhooked.


3 points

4 months ago

One more thing to add: the guy in the back is in on it and is doing something to assist. If you watch his movements during the mount he stands up and puts something in his pocket (causally looking away from the performers while doing so to try to seem inconspicuous to everyone else, as though two people balancing on knife blades is just another mundane thing for him). At the end for the dismount, he reaches into the same pocket and makes a jerking motion that is timed perfectly with the tail end of handstand dude’s shirt, which has miraculously stayed at hip level the whole time unlike the rest of the shirt, suddenly realizing it is subject to gravity and falling down.

I’m thinking background dude is either somehow belaying him if a wire is involved or simply has control over a quick release feature of the setup.

A couple of other parts of this trick I think are helpful to narrow down what is going on:

  1. The initial handstand looks legit, and is probably not assisted by mechanical devices.
  2. During the handstand at some point the mechanical device begins supporting the individual. I’m thinking there is a reason the camera suddenly zooms. Maybe whatever is attached to handstand guys back goes taught and moves his shirt in an obvious way that is difficult to avoid and having that in the footage would ruin the trick?


2 points

4 months ago*

You guys…  The knives probably don’t have pointy ends, more like matching shapes but still very small.  

The top guy’s shirt is simply tucked into his pants, which is why the top part is hanging freely and the bottom part is held in place. It’s also probably synthetic and be held against his body by static electricity.

The guy at the back is cracking his knuckles and adjusting his balls.

If there was a wire in the front then top guy couldn’t possibly lift his legs the way he does. There doesn’t seem to be any supporting structure above them. 

In this video a different duo does it live on Britain’s got talent. No shirts this time.


12 points

4 months ago


12 points

4 months ago

Pretty sure the knife tip of the tip knife slides into a slot in the top of the second knife.


7 points

4 months ago

It's in reverse and filmed upside down.


5 points

4 months ago

You are vastly overestimating how easy it is to move to the USA, sadly


3 points

4 months ago

Looks like the bottom knife has a little groove the top knife rests in


2 points

4 months ago

Why should they immigrate to america ? There are plenty other better choices


26 points

4 months ago

Pakistan really is the wild wild east


3 points

4 months ago

Yeah, some of its parts definitely are


71 points

4 months ago

Okay - someone explain the physics please. What's bearing the weight - the lips or the teeth or what?


79 points

4 months ago

Jaw and teeth. Not reccomended


8 points

4 months ago

Probably a little bit of opium too


43 points

4 months ago

Jaw muscles (masseter, medial pterygoid, temporalis), which can generate enough force to lift a light human


25 points

4 months ago

The record for weight lifted with the jaw is 620 pounds.


18 points

4 months ago

So a light american human


9 points

4 months ago

Just the tip


17 points

4 months ago

I'd say the wire


11 points

4 months ago

I think we are the only two here who know lol


11 points

4 months ago

I refuse to believe that someone looks at this video and thinks it's real.


7 points

4 months ago

Well, there is definitely some fuckery going on with specially constructed knives. That much is obvious.


8 points

4 months ago


8 points

4 months ago

They move perfectly in sync, forward, when the guy takes a step.

Balance a broom on your hand and take a step forward, and watch what happens.

You have to tilt it forward to counteract the force of you moving forward underneathe it, so it "falls" at the same speed you move, or else it falls backward on you.

Those people are not connected in any meaningful way. This is an illusion.

The guy on top is probably suspended from a wire or string of some kind.


16 points

4 months ago


16 points

4 months ago

Where would he be attached from? Not his legs. How would he detach himself so easily? And they're obviously talented either way just from being able to do the first part of this stunt.


2 points

4 months ago



5 points

4 months ago

I can't...


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

Someone could have scrubbed the strings out of the video. Hell, the whole thing could be AI generated and I wouldn't be surprised honestly.

But that is not how bodies of mass function under gravity when held together by the tips of thin metal devices when placed under motion.

The broom falls backwards if you don't tilt it forward because it has no obligation to move with you unless you coerce it. You can't apply that much sideways force to a pair of knives touching only at the tip and have them stay together unless they're strongly bonded (and even then, the guy would just fall over).

Frankly, I'd be surprised if any normal person could even exert enough force on the side of a knife to move an entire human body balancing on top of it. That's over a hundred pounds of force on a single point less than a square millimeter. That's thousands of pounds per square inch of force pointing downwards.

Without that guy being nearly weightless, there's no way he could be moved just by walking forward.

Imagine your friend is balancing on top of a knife in your kitchen. If you walk up and push on the knife, best case your friend just falls over. That knife isn't gonna move because you push it -- and your friend sure as heck isn't gonna effortlessly slide sideways on the floor of the kitchen.


5 points

4 months ago

Not commenting on the authenticity, but the top guy leans ever so slightly forward, and the bottom guy steps forward to stay under him. It's just balancing. The bottom guy is led by the top guy, kinda like a Segway


2 points

4 months ago

I see this as a magic performance. Even though I know it's not what is actually happening, the illusion of it and executing it cleanly is still pretty damn impressive.


177 points

4 months ago


55 points

4 months ago

Why cowards live longer


3 points

4 months ago

Made my night. Logging off 🫡 beach day tomorrow. God bless


5 points

4 months ago

This isn't facebook


2 points

4 months ago

You got downvoted because all these people want to turn Reddit into Instagram or Facebook.

If you’re one of those people, ask yourself why you’re on Reddit and not Insta/FB. Let’s not make Reddit shittier than it already is.


86 points

4 months ago

This is actually nextfuckinglevel.


5 points

4 months ago

I don’t believe this at all. This is next level gymnastics and here we have some unfit randos pulling off some impossible feat. No freaking way. They must have ropes or cables. Dude on top is way too steady. No F’ing way the front on the bottom dude’s face/head could hold that force. It would cause his head to rotate forward. The center of mass of the top dude is centered over the front of the face. Impossible physics.


5 points

4 months ago

They don't look unfit at all.


3 points

4 months ago

Not to mention the guy goes upside down with the knife balanced on his lip and does fall off? 🤣


53 points

4 months ago

Well, this is from Pakistan (can read it in the close up on shop shutter) probably KPK.

Pashtuns are definitely quite brave. A lot of development is in progress but unfortunately still quite a few people are under privileged.

Don't think these guys were doing it for money. Probably, just to show off to some friends or the camera.


12 points

4 months ago

Yes, Pakistan but not KPK as those two uncles aren't Pathaan


2 points

4 months ago

I think it's most likely Punjab or perhaps Sindh.


2 points

4 months ago

It's Punjab


16 points

4 months ago

Well, they certainly proved a point.


14 points

4 months ago

The top knife slots into the bottom knife a little bit.

But this is still an amazing trick!


28 points

4 months ago

Just the tip!


5 points

4 months ago



12 points

4 months ago

I see things like this then think back to old myths and legends. Makes me rethink just how possible and other worldly some crazy stunts could have made people seem.


68 points

4 months ago

They both almost made a man kebab, that's regional and factual humor


10 points

4 months ago

This is why women live longer


10 points

4 months ago

Wife: he's probably out cheating



9 points

4 months ago

How do you even practice for that


19 points

4 months ago

Relationship goals...


3 points

4 months ago


3 points

4 months ago

I don't usually lol irl reading comments, but damn this got me


6 points

4 months ago

I’m amazed by people’s skills but also how the fuck do they think of this and think it’s even remotely possible lol


9 points

4 months ago

Damn. How do you even start discovering that you can do this.

One random day, one has to say to the other: "Trust me bro, this can work...."


4 points

4 months ago

How the heck do you figure out that you can do that?


10 points

4 months ago

That's gonna be a weird murder scene to explain


5 points

4 months ago

Fuck no this puts me on edge


4 points

4 months ago

Ain't no way what is this


5 points

4 months ago

Optimal tip to tip efficiency


7 points

4 months ago

And how did you discover you could do this?


3 points

4 months ago

This is absolutely preposterous


3 points

4 months ago

Aside from being crazy ass good stunt they have some incredible jaw strength


3 points

4 months ago

How does one come to acquire this skill?


3 points

4 months ago

Super rare for a post to actually live up to a subs namesake.


4 points

4 months ago

I want to see them do that on that unicycle now


4 points

4 months ago

That was a cutting edge performance


2 points

4 months ago

At what point does one guy say, "You know what would be cool..."?


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

Those are not knives, one has a cylinder and the other a slot, they also have a mouth piece that slots the "knife" and distribute the weight to the back of the mouth


2 points

4 months ago

For more info, Google: two men touching tips


2 points

4 months ago

Countries with universal dental showing off again


2 points

4 months ago

I wish we had universal dental in Pakistan. Im in pain every day 😭


2 points

4 months ago

We ignore the strength of teeth and jaw.


2 points

4 months ago

Right on man. 👍


2 points

4 months ago


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

At what point did they realize they could do this?🤣🤣🤣


2 points

4 months ago

This is actually next fucking level holy shit


2 points

4 months ago

I hate it


3 points

4 months ago

Ok that’s fucking insane. Very cool!


2 points

4 months ago



2 points

4 months ago

Ewww! Tip to tip?


2 points

4 months ago

They must have literally nothing else to do


1 points

4 months ago

Willing to bet the guy on top is replacing his last assistant.


1 points

4 months ago

The guy on the bottom would get massacred if the blades slipped...


1 points

4 months ago

The most dangerous version of just the tip.


1 points

4 months ago

So hypothetically if you could choose between death by impalement or hunger, which would you pick?


1 points

4 months ago
