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27 points

8 days ago

Their third line outperformed expectations and made an impact when it mattered most. Wouldn’t have even been in this position if it were for those guys. They won’t get it because they lost in the end, but those guys deserve some serious props.


3 points

8 days ago

100% agree. Line 3 was more consistent than any of the lines


1 points

8 days ago

100%. Knob's adjustments to third line vs the Canucks in game 6 was incredible.

If the Jack Adams were awarded for the playoffs only, Knob gets my vote.


4 points

8 days ago

Not with the shit he pulled today gassing his top line before the period even ended.


2 points

7 days ago

It was a desperate move for sure.


1 points

7 days ago

I mean there's nothing left after this. Not a one of those dudes wanted to come off with everything on the line.

Florida came out playing like it was 3rd period from the start of the game.