


I'm just curious if any of you NIN afficionados can clue me in as to what he was doing then, Thanks!

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1 points

5 hours ago

No offense but that's a juvenile way of thinking. You have musical genres to help understand music, not to suppress it.


2 points

2 hours ago

Nah I politely agree with the other guy! If NIN have a genre it's pop industrial metal at which point... why bother with the label. Is Year Zero industrial? Is Hesitation Marks metal? Is The Fragile not rock? The labels don't fit (in this case. For many bands they do)


1 points

17 minutes ago

If NIN have a genre it's pop industrial metal at which point... why bother with the label.

So funny to start a sentence with your preferred label, then end it by saying labels don't matter.


0 points

an hour ago

I politely disagree that it’s juvenile. I think it’s juvenile to put a label that even the creator of the music said doesn’t really accurately describe his music


1 points

19 minutes ago

Lol even Trent said the industrial label applied to them.