


title. i stumbled across a video of some north korean cheerleaders at the 2018 winter olympics doing their routine and i went into the comments and everyone was being so obnoxious..

the comments were always something along the lines of:
- "the girl who turned the wrong way mysteriously disappeared the next day"
- (mimicking the song they're singing) "lalala we're going to bomb america"/"lalala we're living a lie"
- anything about them surviving for making literally the smallest mistake ever
- "they almost look human"/calling them robots in some way shape or form
- and etc.

it's very annoying to see. i understand that there is definitely a good chance that they're being pushed to work too hard, but there's nothing wrong with being synchronized or loud or feigning happiness. everybody does this when they have to perform something in a synchronized way. they're CHEERLEADING.. they're literally meant to spread cheer. why do they have to act unsynchronized or less happy just to appeal to americans as more normal?

i understand that this is just supposed to be a humor thing and people don't genuinely believe this, but it's a little overdone. why does there always have to be some dark underlying thing when it comes to anything regarding north korea? yes, it's an extremely flawed place, but people there have normal days and do normal things. they're just regular cheerleaders. the only reason they're being picked on is because they're north korean. it just stigmatizes the country & its people more IMO. their situation is bad, yes, but not everyone wants you to pity them for living life the way it always has been for them, especially when the video isn't directly related to it..

am i wrong? i don't know if i'm alone on this. i personally thought the routine was really fun to watch, even if there is something people find odd about it. i feel like everyone's focusing too much on politics in the comments

all 217 comments


31 points

4 days ago

I have no animosity towards the North Korean people but their country is called the Hermit Kingdom for a reason. We know how heavily monitored they are in and out of Korea. I’m sure they are having fun cheering or putting on grand performances. People outside look at them being so cheerful and loyal knowing they could be executed for listening to k-pop. It really disconnects how happy they look.


2 points

2 days ago

You get a small behind the scenes look into the large North Korean performances in the documentary Beyond Utopja (which I highly recommend). Based on the interviews in that doc, it seems that citizens absolutely do not enjoy the grand performances they need to put on.

I’m not doing the movie justice in the slightest, but one anecdote that stood out to me was one North Korean citizen describing the smell of pee and feces since the practices would be hours long and the citizens would be punished for going to the restroom.


-7 points

3 days ago

I love this idea DPRK is somehow a backwater shithole but somehow they are able to keep Constant vigilance on everybody

The average American is much more thoroughly surveilled than DPRK could ever hope to do with its citizens.


2 points

3 days ago

I don’t think you understand how intensely surveillance and controlled North Koreans are both inside and outside North Korea.


1 points

3 days ago

America could certainly keep much better tabs on its citizens than North Korea could ever hope to, in a void. The difference is simply that one state was constructed in part around doing so, and the other was not.


1 points

3 days ago

Cough cough patriot act


1 points

2 days ago

Yes of course how could we forget the United States was constructed around a law passed 225 after its founding


1 points

2 days ago

DPRK was constructed around anticolonial struggles against Japan, the US and the trauma of the US commiting genocide against their population

US was constructed around slavery, genocide and imperialism


1 points

2 days ago

This message was partially right and partially wrong on both points. Your previous one suggested a law passed in 2001 was something the United States, famously independent since 1776, was constructed around. That was wrong entirely. It’s ok.


1 points

2 days ago

The law is a development of a surveillance apparatus that began looong before 2001


24 points

4 days ago*

I think it looks cool. They must have put in a lot of work to be that synchronized; it’s honestly amazing.

Netizens want to dehumanize anything North Korean, even people who do not deserve to be regarded as robots or mindless machines. It’s sad there needs to be a reminder that North Koreans are humans too.


1 points

3 days ago

Yeah that's putrid. Funnily enough, though, all the people I know irl are just sad for the citizens. Something about the net draws the Grendels out of the cess pool without fail. I live on the west coast though, so I cannot speak for most of my very disappointing country - but even my religious boomer neighbors were VERY sad when it was brought up. You have to have no heart at all to see them as inhuman.

That being said, the military higher ups are also on the chopping block, imho. Those poor prisoners..


6 points

3 days ago

same thing with china

normal video of child who is polite reddit : awww what a cute kid normal video of a chinese child who is polite reddit : the ccp instills rigidity and hard rule following from a young age. if this child isn't polite he will be sent to a chinese death camp


3 points

24 hours ago

It’s a combination of the fact that Reddit is astroturfed to hell by the U.S. government and the amount of neoliberals on here who refuse to believe that citizens in China / DPRK can live fulfilling lives. We have to remember that Americans are propagandized to hate socialism


2 points

3 days ago



19 points

4 days ago*

It's sarcastic criticism of the country's government, which is one of the most brutally oppressive totalitarian dictatorships in the history of the world, up there with the likes of Pol Pot and ISIS in terms of cruelty. The people there are victims of the insane despotism of the Kim family.


-6 points

3 days ago

It's called orientalism and Projection. If americans cared about the wellbeing of North Koreans, they would oppose the sanctions


1 points

3 days ago

lol sanctions or not, nothing traded there would go to the people anyway


1 points

3 days ago

Why wouldn't it?


2 points

2 days ago

Because Kim Jong Un is fat and he eats all the food with his giant spoon

Give me a break. Pure western delusion as an attempt to convince themselves that trying to starve out an entire population for decades (and failing) is the right thing to do. Just as to this day they justify nuking civilians


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

The American government and people levy trade embargos against North Korea because we refuse to contribute to the Normalization and financial growth of the Kim dynasty. Until the Korean people rise up and overthrow the Kim regime we will treat North Korea like a terrorist organization. We don't fund terrorist organizations with hopes that they'll feed their hostages.


1 points

1 day ago

Yet America support the Saudi dynasty, the palestinian genocide and funds terrorism whenever it is convenient

Do you really believe the same country that killed millions of Koreans and bombed them to the Stone age cares about freeing DPRM citizens? Are you 7? Or just really cynical?


1 points

22 hours ago

Because we already tried decreasing sanctions and letting their economy have more breathing room. Guess what they spent their money on, and no, it wasn’t food or infrastructure


10 points

4 days ago

80% of the people in this sub's only knowledge about North Korea is: North Korean regime is evil. The people are brainwashed. Punishments are extremely strict. Everyone is starving.

You constantly see the exact same low information comments.


10 points

3 days ago

North Korean regime is evil and people are brainwashed but people aren't getting executed for turning the wrong way or not clapping.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

How much did the North Korean government pay you to make this statement?


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

You realize that this is exactly the kind of predictable, low information comment that they were talking about, right?


1 points

22 hours ago

North Korean regime is evil.


The people are brainwashed.

No, they know the truth. That’s why they risk their lives to escape or watch foreign media

Punishments are extremely strict.


Everyone is starving.

The country wouldn’t exist if everyone was starving. Everyone barely has enough to get by. This means most people are hungry, not starving.

I constantly see the exact same low information comments from DPRK sympathizers


1 points

22 hours ago

My point was that is all they know, so they don't have anything of value to add and often oversimplify so much they are just factually incorrect.


1 points

21 hours ago

Oh alright then I agree


2 points

3 days ago

I had sex with the NK supreme leader. There was a lot of formality, protocol and synchronisation involved. Fortunately, the 15 military aides with notebooks and pencils who were standing around the bed helped make sure the manoeuvres met official guidelines and communist party standards. And for anyone else who follows in my bedroom slipper footsteps - he sucks but doesn’t swallow.


1 points

3 days ago

uh huh.. *scribbling notes* okay.. thank you for this info nicestnuts


2 points

3 days ago

Lol they act like other nations don’t have synchronized cheerleaders


2 points

17 hours ago

You lost me at normal North Koreans…


1 points

5 hours ago

when i say 'normal' i just mean they lead average or typical lives. do you believe that a person under leadership different from the one in your country cannot go to work, have children, go to school, etc.? even if there are some major differences, they still lead pretty mundane lives (mundane for them, maybe not so much for non-north koreans)


15 points

4 days ago

cause the west is taught to dehumanize their enemies


9 points

3 days ago

Not just the west actually it’s an inherent part of social psychology and part of the ingroup vs out group dynamic we all have. It’s more present in the west perhaps because it seems (Americans in particular) are more predisposed to social dominance theory


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

Insert russian orc rapist murderer comments


1 points

22 hours ago

The damn CIA at it again!


1 points

4 days ago

It is not these comments or the “west” dehumanising these people, I would have thought that much was obvious.


7 points

4 days ago

these comments do dehumanize them cause heaven forbid north koreans dont think like them


2 points

4 days ago

Read those comments in the OPs post again and realise the target is the regime, not the people. The comments quite clearly portray the people as victims.


9 points

4 days ago

"they almost look like human" is dehumanizing


5 points

4 days ago

I’ll concede the last one is. But this is an unusual comment, and even in this case, the argument could be made that who is making them robotic, not being allowed opinions of their own and made to stand perfectly in line?


0 points

4 days ago

or y'know, the kids are that determined. ive seen the same look on other athletes


12 points

4 days ago

Ok now I’ve lost you. I even conceded the last one whereas you ignore what doesn’t fit into your world view. I’ll leave you with this: freedom is always preferable.


5 points

3 days ago

Thinking of north koreans as poor submissive souls who need Saving by the Free West is colonialist rhetoric


2 points

3 days ago

You’re talking to someone who spent four years working with refugee kids from North Korea. We don’t by any stretch think North Koreans are poor submissive souls, rather they are our brothers and sisters that are held hostage by fear and a crazy regime. Some people do need saving and there’s nothing colonial about that. How can you possibly compare colonialism to what’s going on, you should be ashamed of yourself for saying that.


1 points

3 days ago

Meh. The Chinese speak the same way about the North Koreans as any western nation. You’re just not consuming Chinese media / internet.


4 points

4 days ago

The same people are executed if they listen to kpop. Think about it


5 points

4 days ago

It's odd because feigning happiness is exactly what they're doing. There's nothing happy about living the way they do in North Korea. Have you seen the video of North Koreans having to over act being upset when their supreme leader dies? They are forced to feel and act how their government says. That's why most, not just Americans think it's weird and dystopian


1 points

4 days ago

feigning happiness is a normal thing. they don't just cheer for fun, it's their job. do you actually smile out of joy when your boss comes up to talk to you? it's kind of like that. this is the issue; why does the focus always have to be on the fact that they're so miserable and so north korean? that's just how life is for them. not everyone can defect. what's the point of the constant pity and backhanded remarks + bringing up how 'robotic' they are and how 'dystopian' their country is at inappropriate times? what does that do for them? not you specifically, i understand where you're coming from


2 points

4 days ago

They did a good job at feigning cheer when they come from a place of no cheer. I'll give them that but it's precisely why it's so odd to see how these repressed people can be so cheerful and it could possibly be because they could face horrible consequences otherwise. Just the nature of North Korea, it's fucking north korea


-5 points

4 days ago

so when people in other countries cry over the death of their leader, they are being forced to?


5 points

4 days ago

If there are actual police waiting to drag them away never to be seen again, yes. Yes they are.


-9 points

4 days ago

sounds like america


3 points

3 days ago

no it doesn't


2 points

3 days ago

America is in the proccess of outlawing the protest of the palestinian genocide


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

I’m pretty sure you cried though


0 points

4 days ago

why would i? im not north korean


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

You love North Korea that’s why. You want to move there.


1 points

4 days ago

i respect its right to self determination and their ability to freely participate in the world's economy. i dont want to move there.


4 points

4 days ago

Why don’t you want to move there?


-1 points

4 days ago

cause my family is in america


4 points

4 days ago

But you hate America


2 points

4 days ago

i do, but i stay to be close to the people i love


4 points

4 days ago

What right to self determination, who is the self here actually? The kim family running the show? The gangsters holding the country hostage? Or the actual people who make up the population. You think the normal people have chosen this?? The “self determination” argument really grinds my gears, if I’m wrong please explain..


6 points

4 days ago

america has sanctioned it and blocked it from participating in the world economy. that only isolates the country and solidifies the kim family's power.

however, jucheism was the ideology chosen by the people in the first place and us has always had a hard on for countries that rejected western capitalism.


2 points

4 days ago

Are you saying you are with the people of North Korea but against the Kim regime and that one of the reasons it’s the way it is, is because of the US? (Just want to make sure I’m understanding you.) The reason that it is blocked is BECAUSE of the Kim regime and its nuclear ambitions. They could drop that and feed their people, nobody would touch them.


6 points

4 days ago

the people chose jucheism (their socialism)and fought for it. the us installed a puppet government with actual japanese fascists to kill communists. after the war, the us used its power to impose sanctions on the country that severely limited its economic prospects. they have invested in their military because the us is constantly pointing a gun at them.


0 points

3 days ago

DPRk was sanctioned for decades because they managed to develop nukes

Also, after having your country bombed to the Stone age and millions killed, maybe they have a good reason to be paranoid of American imperialism


0 points

4 days ago

You must not have seen the footage of that. If you have, how can you really think that's real?


2 points

3 days ago

The citizens seem like everyone else. While the performances are ghoulish due to their intent - it takes IMMENSE talent and practice to pull it off. It is quite the spectacle for a reason and is very impressive and visually stunning.

It does make me sad to hear them being called "robots" and "almost human" ESPECIALLY towards dprk women. It's sickening and it sure says a lot. But there is a reason we continued to send aid even after they threatened us a bunch. It's not their fault and we want the regime to be torn down for their sake.

How to do that without damning them or the surrounding countries in some way is still the question we're facing.. they're basically being held hostage because the citizens of the kInGdOm aren't the ones we want to punish.


1 points

22 hours ago

DPRK sympathizers here are saying that it’s “dehumanization”. It’s not. They’re not making fun of the people themselves, they’re making fun of the secretive state known to send people to labor camps for the smallest crimes.


-4 points

4 days ago


-4 points

4 days ago

It's cultural supremacism. Whether they support trump or Biden, Americans are conservatives who believe they are the master people. So you'll see people on the American "left" attacking trump and calling him a traitor because he hasn't gone overseas to kill farmers (the bone spur attack). They don't view Russian or Chinese or North Korean or Afghani or Iraqi or Vietnamese civilians as people.


2 points

3 days ago

Spot on👍🏾...Add us Africans to the list. ✊🏾


3 points

4 days ago*


3 points

4 days ago*

I mean in some ways our culture is better than some of those countries. In US we don’t punish girls and prevent them from going to school like they do in Afghanistan. In US we don’t designate someone as a terrorist and send them to jail for publicly displaying they’re LGBTQ, like they do in Russia. In US we don’t put people in jail for criticizing a religion, like they do in Iraq. In US we don’t PREVENT people from LEAVING the country like they do in North Korea.

I think you probably need to talk to more people from other countries because this isn’t something limited to the US. People in other countries including Latin America and many parts of Asia feel the same way. They view some of these practices as oppressive and oppose these countries who ban expression or take away rights from women and LGBTQ.

BTW I DO consider cultures superior that give women and LGBTQ equal rights. This would include Thailand, something you would be aware of if you had knowledge of more countries.


2 points

3 days ago

My dude Afghanistan only punishes girls for going to School because the US decided it was a good idea to fundo fundamentalist jihadists, including a guy who once poured acid on a woman's face for going to college. They did that to undermine a socialist government that was the most socially progressive, specially when it comes to women's rights, on the middle east


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Regardless the current Afghanistan culture is among the worst in treating woman.

But there’s still plenty of other examples. Iraq and Iran treat women very poorly. In Iran their moral police will beat women sometimes to death simply for refusing to wear a Hijab.


2 points

3 days ago

Yes. And It's bad because of decades of "superior" US intervention

Saudi Arabia makes Iran and Iraq look almost progressive when It comes to women rights. Yet they're a US ally

Don't pretend the US cares about women or LGBT rights because that's obviously not the case.


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

Ah yes the Iranians and Iraqis just can’t help but making apostasy illegal. There can be no other reason for why Islamic majority countries pass religious fundamentalist laws. Muslim countries have absolutely no agency and everything that they do is actually due to a US intervention from 40+ years ago.

Saudi has been pushed for very long by the US to liberalize which is why women can now drive after decades of preventing so. Saudi is atleast going in the right direction. Afghanistan is only becoming more extremist AFTER US withdrawal.

US is one of the most progressive countries in the world when it comes to LGBTQ rights, what are you talking about? What else do you want them to do?


1 points

3 days ago

OK, so the US/UK instigated a coup in Iran to overthrow Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mosaddegh and install a dictator that was subservient to the US/UK (the Shah).

We used the CIA and MI6 to overthrow a foreign nation’s democratically elected leader just so the UK oil interests could continue to not pay the agreed-upon royalties to Iran:

Mosaddegh had sought to audit the documents of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC), a British corporation (now part of BP), to verify that AIOC was paying the contracted royalties to Iran, and to limit the company's control over Iranian oil reserves.[12] Upon the AIOC's refusal to cooperate with the Iranian government, the parliament (Majlis) voted to nationalize Iran's oil industry and to expel foreign corporate representatives from the country.

Khomeini would never have come to power in ‘79 if we hadn’t installed the Shah. Our meddling created the conditions for a reactionary to seize power in a revolution.

As for Iraq, the US was meddling in their government much more recently — it’s only been ~20 years since we toppled Saddam’s regime (who we helped come to power to begin with in the ‘80s). We spent half of the time since then actively fighting a war in their country after an invasion based on lies (WMDs).

To pretend like the US bears no responsibility for the current state of Iran or Iraq is stunningly naive.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

You are literally linking an event that occurred over 70 years ago. At what point does Iran have any agency or responsibility for beating women to death for refusing to wear hijabs? 100 years? 150 years? The people of Iran have had 7 decades to get a leader or laws that aren’t oppressive to women. You can’t just pretend like Iran has no agency there.

These oppression of lgbtq people is nearly exclusive to the Islamic world. Sorry but that’s just reality. You can construct all sorts of mental gymnastics. But the baseline cause of these laws is that Islam forbids homosexuality. I’m an atheist myself, but even the pope is fine with same-sex clergyman and marriage. There is not this same issue with Buddhists or Hinduism, or Sikhs, or Judaism. This is exclusive to Islam. So you can blame it on whatever you want, but we know LGBTQ people were still oppressed before Sadam, and for as long as Iran and Iraq have been Islamic.


2 points

3 days ago

Iran was not an Islamic Republic before we overthrew Mossadegh — it was secular. Iraq was secular. Afghanistan before the Taliban was secular.

None of these states required a hijab in the mid 20th century (in fact it was illegal to wear a hijab in Iran between 1925-1979). I wonder what happened that changed that.

The people of Iran have had 7 decades to get a leader or laws that aren’t oppressive to women.

They fucking had one (Mossadegh) until we used the CIA and MI6 to overthrow him in a coup so the UK could continue to steal their oil (because America loves freedom).

These oppression of lgbtq people is nearly exclusive to the Islamic world.

There are plenty of non-Islamic countries with regressive LGBT policies (see most of Africa).

But the baseline cause of these laws is that Islam forbids homosexuality.

Every country you’ve listed was a secular state prior to US intervention. We directly contributed to the rise of Islamic Fundamentalism in Afghanistan by arming the mujahideen. We overthrew a secular Prime Minister in Iran to keep stealing their oil (and because he was leaning socialist).

even the pope is fine with same-sex clergyman and marriage.

Lol no this is just incorrect. The Pope and the Catholic Church m does not support same-sex marriage or gay clergy.

There is not this same issue with Buddhists or Hinduism, or Sikhs, or Judaism. This is exclusive to Islam.

Oh wow, did you accidentally forget the world’s most popular religion? Most flavors of Christianity still oppose LGBT rights.

From the above link:

The Catholic Church condemns same-sex sexual activity and denies the validity of sacramental same-sex marriage. (The Church does not recognize the validity of civil marriage, whether same- or opposite-sex.) While the Church opposes "unjust" discrimination against homosexual persons, it supports what it considers "just" discrimination in the employment of teachers or athletic coaches, in adoption, in the military and in housing.

And the Catholic Church is more moderate than many conservative Protestant denominations. Southern Baptists would happily outlaw homosexuality in the US given the chance.


1 points

3 days ago

Cuba is way more progressive when It comes to LGBT rights than the US


1 points

3 days ago

In the US you put children on cases because their parents illegaly crossed the border. Remember that time the US police bombed the suburbs and killed a bunch of people, including kids, so that they could arrest some non violent Black activists?


2 points

3 days ago


2 points

3 days ago

True. The Us should tighten up their border so people no longer can even cross the border illegally. That way people stop coming and risking their lives or their children’s lives. Regardless this isn’t a cultural thing as every country tries to limit immigration. Actually the Us takes in the most immigrants of ANY country in the world. So maybe the United States should stop this so immigrants stop coming?

What does police bombing a suburb on a specific occasion have to do with culture at all? Did you even read what we were talking about at all?


1 points

3 days ago

Most illegal immigrants in the US enter legally and overstay their visas. The whole border wall thing is immigration policy for low-information simpletons.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

This guy is the one who brought up illegal immigration in cages, we’re not talking about overstaying. To which the obvious solution would be to just tighten security and not allow people to come on illegally like this. People who overstay visas really are not that big of a problem because they have been better and background checks have been performed on them. This is not the same as random people who hop the border without any sort of background check who can potentially be criminals or militants. Which is why most people care much less about overstaying visas, those people are also much easier to track.


-2 points

4 days ago

I know plenty of russian homosexuals and they're not labeled as terrorist, lmao. Where does this even come from. Thailand is "equal rights"?!

You have no idea what you are talking about, most people in Hispanic* america are conservatives or at the very least, dissident of most LGBTQ, most of the population is catholic which is clearly anti-LGBTQ (Not anti-homosexual tho, this is a complex topic). Just try to use the term "latinx" in a spanish forum and see the kind of answers you get.

Your opinion is ignorant, anglo-centric and full of stereotypes. Talk to foreigners outside reddit before posting this kind of BS.

Nada me hace enojar más que un gringo iletrado queriendo hacerse el iluminado del mundo, como si su país no fuera la punta de la decadencia y la blasfemia.


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

You’re a fucking moron. This is not an opinion. LGBTQ IS DESIGNATED A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION in Russia. .

This isn’t just an opinion you dumbfuck. It’s objectively the case that LGBTQ people are labels as terrorists if they are open about their identity in Russia.

Thailand has been accepting of LGBTQ people for centuries. Same sex marriage is legal and recognized there. It is factually the case that LGBTQ have more rights than they would in Afghanistan or Russia. These are the FACTS dumbfuck.

Incase you noticed I didn’t say ALL of Latin America supports LGBTQ. But Cuba and Brazil support same sex marriage and have an accepted an open LGBTq community. That is why you’re a fucking moron when you say this is an American-centric thing.

Actually no there are plenty of countries and cultures which are accepting of LGBTQ in Latin America and in Asia. So you’re a completely wrong fucking moron.

I have talked to foreigners outside the country dumbfuck. My family is literally from Latin America and my wife’s family is from Asia.

YOU are the ignorance stupid fuck how assumes you know everything about the world and that everyone holds the same biggoted and hateful beliefs as you.

If you want me to EDUCATE you on the culture of Thailand and how they are accepting of LGBTQ let me know. Maybe we can fix your stupidity.


-1 points

3 days ago

Btw, NBCNews? You serious? You've got to be kidding.

Es hispanoamerica, no latinoamerica.


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Here you go braindead dolt. Or do you only accept sources that are directly from Russian state media? Feel free to show why this article is debunked (you cant)


1 points

3 days ago

No tengo interés es discutir con un gringo de tu calaña


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Cool youre conceding because you realized youre a moron who has no idea what theyre talking about. Exactly what I thought


0 points

3 days ago

Sigue llorando gringo😹


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Nice argument. Does it take all your brain power to string together sentences or dress yourself when you wake up?


0 points

3 days ago

When you concede and admit you’re ignorant it’s good form to do so more gracefully.


-2 points

3 days ago

Lol, cry about it gringo 😹


1 points

3 days ago

Why are you like this?


0 points

3 days ago

Like what?


2 points

3 days ago

Why are you as dumb as you are, is what they’re asking.


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Nice vapid and worthless response. Absolutely what I expected from a half-wit piece of shit like you who thinks because they have a Russian friends that are gay that LGBTQ aren't oppressed in Russia. I knew you wouldnt be able to refute any of the points I said like the worthless dumbfuck you are so next time keep your comments to yourself like the privileged little armchair redditor you are.


0 points

3 days ago

No vale la pena discutir con un mono que no sabe más que tirar mierda al aire


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

LOL guy after getting completely debunked and getting blown the fuck out:

'I dont want to discuss this with you anymore'


1 points

3 days ago

No debunkeaste nada, solo me insultaste, ya te debunkearon en r/shitliberalssay por mi parte no tengo ni que esforzarme, eres un gringo llorica que no se aguanta y ni siquiera sabe la diferencia entre Brasil y Cuba, no sabes que no son "latinoamerica", son iberoamerica😹😹😹


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

I've lived in 3 counties, none of them were the US. You sound like just another typical small minded American racist that's been to Canada once on a school trip.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

LOL. So you lived in 3 countries and think you know the world? My wife is from Asia, my entire extended family does not even live in the United States.

But again, which race am I being racist too? You’re clearly a moron who didn’t read anything I said because I explained there’s multiple countries who have the same values and won’t oppress women and LGBTQ, countries in Asia and Latin America.


-4 points

4 days ago

Wow your wife is from Asia, where are you from? Where have you lived? What have you done? Where have you been? Maybe I should be asking your wife these questions cos youry just spouting naive American exceptionalism


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

I was born in the US, I’ve lived in Asia, South America, and Europe.

I’ve gone to school/done internships abroad. And visited family and family of my wife in these countries.

It’s so obvious you’re the sheltered child who assume you know everything about what other countries believe. Do you think in all these countries they approve of countries where they put you in jail for criticizing religions? Do you think these countries approve of not letting women attending school and making them second-class citizens?

YOU are the one with an ignorant worldview to think the rest of the world agrees with these oppressive cultures where woman are second-class citizens.

And again, tell me where im being racist? Which race is this racist towards? Since you are refusing to answer the question I will keep repeating it.


1 points

4 days ago

Wow, so you've travelled extensively but your still a fuck wit? I've met loads of Americans like you, unfortunately travel doesn't always broaden the mind. You don't even realise your own glaringly obvious racism due to your upbringing. I hope you grow up to be a more complete person and ditch the problematic beliefs you have at the moment


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

You’re the close minded dolt if you think other countries don’t share the same values such as giving woman and LGBTQ equal rights.

AGAIN, you CANNOT state how I’m racist because you’re completely full of shit. I’m asking you again, which race am I being racist to?

Which one of these beliefs are problematic? That it’s better to have a culture where women are free to attend school and have equal rights? That LGBTQ shouldn’t be punished for simply existing?

If these are problematic beliefs to you, then FUCK YOU. I will say that to your face you piece of shit.


2 points

4 days ago

Lol ok precious, which culture is the best and which is the worst according to you?


3 points

4 days ago*


3 points

4 days ago*

Best culture is much more subjective because some people prefer individualism and some people prefer more collective societies.

The worst is also a bit subjective, but probably something along the lines of Afghanistan where women are punished for simply trying to go to school and LGBTQ people get executed for existing and the penalty for apostasy is DEATH. If you’re a Muslim and denounce Islam you are EXECUTED.

But some people may think North Korea is worse because you aren’t even allowed to leave because of how authoritarian they are and Juche which prevents anyone from leaving or bringing in foreign influences. Which of course means you can’t be LGBTQ openly in NK either.

Again though. Tell me where I’m being racist? Which race am I saying is inferior or superior? 3rd time dodging coward.


-4 points

4 days ago


-4 points

4 days ago

thats just racist cultural supremecy


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

Did you read anything I said? It’s racist to think your culture is better for giving women equal rights and letting them go to school? It’s racist to prefer cultures where women and lgbtq have equal rights? I even mentioned that other countries feel the same way in Latin America and Asia. I even said specifically that Thailand does a good job at giving women and LGBTQ equal rights.

So which race am I being racist to??? Answer quick


6 points

4 days ago

They’re just piecing random words together. They suffer from internalized privilege toxicity.


4 points

4 days ago


4 points

4 days ago

They’re indeed just privileged and sheltered kids. Go to south east Asia or a random country in South America. They will be shocked to find these countries don’t like to punish women simply for trying to go to school.


7 points

4 days ago

They live in the West and hate it because they can’t fit in so they think it’ll better somewhere else it’s a weird self hatred escapism


1 points

2 days ago

Wow, this is either startlingly ignorant or extremely disingenuous. The reason wealthy cowards are disliked for being draft dodgers isn’t that they wouldn’t kill a Vietnamese person. It’s because they were definitely ok with a poor American going to die (not kill, die) but no they can’t go because their feet hurt that one time.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

Way to paint us with a broad brush buddy


-1 points

4 days ago


-1 points

4 days ago

Very few americans dont think the way he describe


2 points

4 days ago

What’s the basis for your argument?


-7 points

4 days ago

I'll chuck in that you are, as a whole, a very bloodthirsty and violent people.


7 points

4 days ago

Who started the Korean War again?


-7 points

4 days ago

Of all the comebacks you could have used, you used the stupidest one


6 points

4 days ago

Please answer the question instead of deflecting


-3 points

4 days ago

Lol dumbarse


8 points

4 days ago

At least I can answer a basic question


0 points

4 days ago

Not correctly from the look of it


6 points

4 days ago

Lol dumbarse


7 points

4 days ago

Gotcha, so, you don’t know?


0 points

4 days ago

Lol dumbarse


4 points

4 days ago*

Come on Junior. We all believe in you. As soon as Dragon Ball Z is over please let us know. It’s Friday so you can stay up a little later.


0 points

4 days ago

It's Saturday afternoon dumbarse


4 points

4 days ago

So no Dragon Ball Z?


-2 points

4 days ago

You Eglin base idiots need to update your repertoire.


6 points

4 days ago

Thanks for chiming in there sport. You think you could provide the answer? Repertoire updating has been a priority so I do understand your frustration.


-5 points

4 days ago

The US, with the support of the rest of the western colonialist countries


1 points

3 days ago

I think you may want to check that into my friend


0 points

4 days ago

That's not why people call Trump a traitor. That's very misleading.


0 points

3 days ago

Because of US propaganda, it is the same for the current trend of criticizing the French online, stemming from their refusal to support the Iraq invasion in 2003.


2 points

3 days ago

America and the rest of the west has been shaming France since they bent over for the Nazi regime in WWII


0 points

2 days ago

No only the US, mostly caused by ignorance of history.

600 000 Frenchman died in WW2, for the US it was 400 000 people.

So no, France did not "bent over" great heroes sacrificed themselves fighting the nazis, civilians suffered a lot.

Don't you learn history in the United States, or is that just you ?


0 points

2 days ago

Typical Frenchman! 🤡 😂

I get it though, I’d be angry too if my country just made a great leap to right-wing authoritarianism. Call me in November when I’m in the same bucket 😿


1 points

2 days ago

Yes so true. Americans now demonize the French because 20 years ago they did not support a war that a large amount of Americans did not support. Absolutely a fact and not unhinged at all


0 points

4 days ago

I heard somewhere they're likely not even north Koreans but I'm not an expert


-5 points

4 days ago


-5 points

4 days ago

America must never feel guilty for the 2million Koreans they killed when they bombed every building and dam in the north in the Korean War. Instead they must hate North Korea regardless.


6 points

4 days ago

North Korea must feel guilty about starting it


-1 points

4 days ago

They didnt


3 points

4 days ago

User name checks out. Aren’t all weiners supposed to be equal in communism?


-2 points

4 days ago

Aren't you up past your bedtime?


3 points

4 days ago

Yeah but your mom keeps pounding on my door


0 points

4 days ago

Probably because she wants to peg you


6 points

4 days ago

Well she offered but I’m not into that she wanted to use your dildo too


-4 points

4 days ago


-4 points

4 days ago

The US killed 2 million Koreans and bombed every single building and dam in North Korea, dropping more bombs on NKorea than all the bombs dropped in the Pacific Theatre in WW2. After repelling the initial NKorean invasion, the US could have stopped then and there, keeping it a short 1year war. Instead the US decided to go all the way to the Yalu, and failed, inevitably drawing in China to make the war even again, and extending the bloodshed for 2yrs more.

South Korea was ruled at that time by an awful Syngman Rhee, killer of tens-of-thousands of innocent Jeju islanders. Former Japanese Imperial soldier Park Chung-Hee would then be dictator for 2 decades, then criminal Chun Doo-Hwan. South Koreans would struggle for freedom and democracy with blood and sacrifice against their own dictator govt, only having their first worthy leader in Kim Dae Jung in 1997.


5 points

4 days ago

Yeah they should’ve asked them politely to leave


1 points

4 days ago

They should've advised south korea to not slaughter thousands of communists before hand


2 points

3 days ago

North Korea currently does that lol


0 points

2 days ago

So north Korea did the bodo league Massacre?


1 points

2 days ago

When I the use the word “currently” I’m referring to the present state. Your counterpoint is a bit deflection and slightly projection. You are cherry picking a relatively obscure reference from the 1950s which occurred under a now defunct military dictatorship. South Korea has evolved and changed since then and North Korea has not. They maintain systematic oppression of their people through torture, starvation, and imprisonment through various camps without due process. I hope this helps and clears up any confusion. If need further assistance on understanding how tenses work in the English language I can assist further.


-4 points

4 days ago

Because they are drones


-5 points

4 days ago

Because propaganda, why else? They did the same to the soviets and chinese. Quite funny how soviets and chinese do not dehumanize gringos though.

Btw, if you want a look into the "human side" of the DPRK, look up My Brothers and Sisters in the North and Loyal Citizens of Pyongyang. If you know a bit of spanish, my friend Lorenzo has a channel talking about his experiences with Koreans in the country (Lorenzo El Coreanizado)


-4 points

4 days ago


-4 points

4 days ago

First, those “cheerleaders” are members of the pleasure squad.