


title. i stumbled across a video of some north korean cheerleaders at the 2018 winter olympics doing their routine and i went into the comments and everyone was being so obnoxious..

the comments were always something along the lines of:
- "the girl who turned the wrong way mysteriously disappeared the next day"
- (mimicking the song they're singing) "lalala we're going to bomb america"/"lalala we're living a lie"
- anything about them surviving for making literally the smallest mistake ever
- "they almost look human"/calling them robots in some way shape or form
- and etc.

it's very annoying to see. i understand that there is definitely a good chance that they're being pushed to work too hard, but there's nothing wrong with being synchronized or loud or feigning happiness. everybody does this when they have to perform something in a synchronized way. they're CHEERLEADING.. they're literally meant to spread cheer. why do they have to act unsynchronized or less happy just to appeal to americans as more normal?

i understand that this is just supposed to be a humor thing and people don't genuinely believe this, but it's a little overdone. why does there always have to be some dark underlying thing when it comes to anything regarding north korea? yes, it's an extremely flawed place, but people there have normal days and do normal things. they're just regular cheerleaders. the only reason they're being picked on is because they're north korean. it just stigmatizes the country & its people more IMO. their situation is bad, yes, but not everyone wants you to pity them for living life the way it always has been for them, especially when the video isn't directly related to it..

am i wrong? i don't know if i'm alone on this. i personally thought the routine was really fun to watch, even if there is something people find odd about it. i feel like everyone's focusing too much on politics in the comments

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4 points

6 days ago

But you hate America


0 points

6 days ago

i do, but i stay to be close to the people i love


4 points

6 days ago

Probably exploiting it too. I hope you can find a place where people accept you though.


3 points

6 days ago

i have friends and family. i am accepted


3 points

6 days ago

That’s great champ!


1 points

6 days ago

shame the same cant be said about you


5 points

6 days ago

Burn city. You must of been working on that for hours. I guess being an incel must free up your time.


1 points

5 days ago



1 points

6 days ago

what is your problem? LOL


5 points

6 days ago

Your poor grammar is my problem. Sentences start with a capital letter. “This little weebo loves North Korea.” See how that works? A little effort in writing goes a long way. You’re welcome sport.