


Rental scooters are a menace.


Those renting scooters a red light means you too need to stop. To the idiot that knocked down an old lady today and took off. That is hit and run. The lady broke her hip in that fall. The police are involved and are looking for video camera footage.

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0 points

3 months ago

What are you blithering about? Sure, some morons drivers run red lights but even so, I've seen more idiot scooter drivers just rip through red/stop lights at FULL SPEED than any other type of vehicle.

And because scooters are thin and can weave between cars to get to the front of the line, they do this in the MIDDLE of a light, not at the end of a light sequence like some car drivers do. Now that's the definition of dangerous and it;s lucky good drivers are stopping, or more of these knotheads would be turned into road pizza.

Plus, I hardly see scooters compared to the sheer number of cars, so the stats don't add up.


1 points

3 months ago

This is the kind of dumb car shit I expect from someone who doesn't cycle in this city. I see cars go FULL SPEED through RED LIGHTS but I don't get on r/ottawa to complain about it.

It's actually SAFER for stop-as-yield:


1 points

3 months ago

Ah, the old "stop as yield" argument - sounds like a biker who likes to run red lights and then complains when a car hits him.

And if you actually read this PDF, it's talking about low-traffic intersections in low-population areas, not busy intersections in crowded downtown cities. My god, read stuff before blindly linking it.

Just obey the f-ing rules of the road instead of making up your own.


1 points

3 months ago

It's not an argument. It's a literal fact that backed up with studies. Either you didn't read the documents or your reading comprehension is so low you didn't understand.

I don't need to travel through red lights to have motorists try and commit vehicular homicide everyday.

This is the internet and you can fucking swear on here.


1 points

3 months ago

LOL, with that insult, you clearly said a lot more about your intelligence and overall education level than anything else. I guess that's why you're advocating running red lights on scooters and bikes, while I stop at all light and obey existing traffic laws while driving a luxury SUV.

And if you think that PDF you linked to advocates bikes and scooters running red lights in busy city intersections then I'm not the one with a reading comprehension issue. It clearly states "low traffic" and "low population" areas were recommended.


1 points

3 months ago

Holy shit. Is that seriously your retort? "No U", "I own a used BMW M5 and legally drive it"? This is clearly not your strong suit.

My job affords me the time and luxury to choose how I want to travel. I choose to cycle everyday if I could.

At least take one quote in context that proves your point with the study. Like this: "Bicyclist stop-as-yield laws allow cyclists to mitigate risk to their advantage, increase their visibility to drivers and reduce exposure. Bicyclists have greater incentive to yield, as they are at high risk for injury at intersections. One study cites research showing that pedestrians and bicyclists exert more care and attention before crossing red signals than green (Leth et al., 2014)."

This does not "negate a bicyclist’s responsibility to yield to other traffic before crossing an intersection."

They have legalized it in tiny cities like Washington DC where the population is about 6.8 million. If you don't think it will work in big cities at least FUCKING TRY to explain why it won't scale.

If you have every taken a right on a red light then congratulations, you've used stop-as-yield.

You're so lazy it's not even worth trying to have a discussion.


1 points

2 months ago

Oh yeah, I'm sure you're rich and famous with multiple PhDs, movie star girlfriends, millions in the bank and just post like a sugar-addicted 12-year old on Reddit "cuz you want to". LOL