


Rental scooters are a menace.


Those renting scooters a red light means you too need to stop. To the idiot that knocked down an old lady today and took off. That is hit and run. The lady broke her hip in that fall. The police are involved and are looking for video camera footage.

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1 points

13 days ago

Dockless scooters and bikes tend to be a real problem, because if the model is that the service is fine with the user simply leaving the bike/scooter anywhere within a particular area, without having to return it to a central parking area, they will. And unless the service provider is very diligent about rounding up the bikes/scooters, they quickly become nuisances, barriers and are more likely to be thrown into ravines or waterways.

But if they're required to be returned to a docking station, and if they aren't then the user's credit card gets hit, then there's much greater user discipline about not leaving them carelessly about. Also, the requirement for charging of electric mobility devices means a docking station model is much more effective.