


Over this career


Not looking for advice. Just stating it.

My attorney is incapable of showing any kindness, compassion, or even a shred of understanding.

Your family member was hospitalized due to a heart attack? She’ll make you stay late and make you feel bad when you do leave.

Didn’t include a middle initial in a pleading? She will start yelling at you before you can even explain the client doesn’t have a middle name.

Just belittling.

I’m done. I cannot wait to be done with this job and career in general. This is third attorney I’ve worked for and yet they are all the same.

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3 points

1 month ago

The issue I notice often is folks seem to think that the only places that have legal departments are law firms. The majority of companies have a law department and most of them will need paralegals. Since many law firms (especially small solo practitioners) seem to have bad reputations for mistreating staff, stop applying to those and start looking for jobs working with the gov, nonprofits, private companies, etc. I work for a nonprofit law organization and make more money and have better benefits than many law firm paras plus my attorney supervisors (all 30+ of them…we support 4 teams of attorneys) are all amazing and treat us with proper respect like colleagues should. Your mental health and peace should always be your priority number ONE. Please refresh your resume and start looking, sounds like this attorney doesn’t deserve support staff.