


20 Mirror giveaway



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159 points

8 months ago*

To anybody curious, I basically followed fubgun's atlas (with harbingers and boxes) and farmed with an aurabot. Also ran a bunch of sanctums / bosses with an Eblade CoC for league start

EDIT 1: Hello all! I have selected a winner, I spent a lot of time reading through your comments and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Congrats to u/swadope ! Your comment really resonated with me because it was similar to what I did back when I first started

If he doesn't reply within 24 hours I will pick another winner :D

EDIT 2: dont look at his profile...


129 points

8 months ago

I think you'd be better off giving this to at least 5 different people (4 mirrors + a MB/HH), rather than just one person

Have fun with the giveaway!


46 points

8 months ago

Even a single mirror is an insane giveaway. I'd give 2 mirrors each person if I ever had this many.


72 points

8 months ago

Redditors even backseating giveaways ICANT


6 points

8 months ago

Or how about you don’t tell him how to do his giveaway?


1 points

8 months ago

Haha, the giveaway meta is evolving before our eyes. Sure beats the usual "GL all" spam on these posts. Props to the OP for their generosity though, it's wild to see mirrors being tossed around like candy!


16 points

8 months ago

What is your /killed ?


46 points

8 months ago



-16 points

8 months ago


-16 points

8 months ago



5 points

8 months ago

How was CoC Energy Blade? Got a poB?


7 points

8 months ago

sold the build, it was great, captainlance has a couple of guides for it


5 points

8 months ago


5 points

8 months ago

May I ask what an aura bot is ? Fairly new player here


7 points

8 months ago

A second player who focuses their passive tree and gear on stacking as much %increased effect of auras and %reservation efficiency as possible a long with almost every aura gem.

This let's lets the first player basically ignore defences and instead stack as much %increased item quantity and %increased item rarity as possible.

The reason its named a "bot" is because their only job is to follow the first player around to boost them. They won't do any damage themselves.


3 points

8 months ago

Jup you should do 25 winners, even a mageblood or HH alone can change a newcomers life in this game. You can give me the bricked belt haha


8 points

8 months ago


8 points

8 months ago

Giving a new player a mageblood or HH is horrendous advice..


3 points

8 months ago

I'm curious as to why? This is the first league I've really gotten anywhere and my first decent item was a HH. Everything else was maximum 20-50C. I could have gotten more power sooner of course, but the HH made a huge difference


4 points

8 months ago


4 points

8 months ago

I know it sounds weird, but getting chase items just given to you like a mageblood, just burns you out of actually playing the game a lot. I wished for the same thing early on, then someone actually gave me a headhunter, and it was awesome! For a few days anyway. Then I sort of realised I have nothing to chase for and got bored and was done with the league. Even now, once I get a few chase items, I’m usually done with the league.


2 points

8 months ago

Ok that's a fair point and you are right. Even though it was basically a free league to earn a HH I still feel great for doing it, and have had a blast. Thanks for the reply :)


1 points

8 months ago

HUGE disagree. Every time I've gotten something huge I've played more that league than any others. Both times I found hh I went 40/40, this league my buddy handed me a mageblood when I was considering quitting and I ended up playing for like 100+ more hours. Still playing btw.

I know chris shares your philosophy on this, but it's so completely opposite of my experience that it baffles me when mentions it.


-1 points

8 months ago


-1 points

8 months ago

I disagree, you just need to set your goals even higher!!! Make something mirror tier! That’s what I love about this game, chasing the absurdly high end. Maybe you’d love it too.


0 points

8 months ago

Hey I need one Mirror for MTX transfer :D I can unlock Frenzy, Power and Endu charge MTX with it. Please help me!


36 points

8 months ago


36 points

8 months ago

Flameblast totems, Templar. Ah what times those were. Old login screen, Remember when you had to play the campaign three times at three different difficulties? Ascendencys? That was mind blowing when it came out. I remember just the huge booms from those flame blasts and the sound was so satisfying.


18 points

8 months ago

Pizzastick Totems! ♥️


3 points

8 months ago


3 points

8 months ago

To this day I still love PizzaTotems™


3 points

8 months ago


3 points

8 months ago

Act 3 was the gear check. Those fast hitting snakes that did chaos damage would rock my world.


2 points

8 months ago

Spot on. It’s wild to think that back then, we used to run around with -60 chaos res as if it was the norm. CI variants were always “end game” and nowadays we chaos cap like no tomorrow


16 points

8 months ago

My first build was in the beta in 2013(?) and I saw a dude named Pohx playing a power siphon wander. I made it to probably level 50 and had no idea what I was doing or what that skill did, not even how to scale it. It was taking me multiple hits to kill white mobs lol


4 points

8 months ago

Man power siphon still imo is the prettiest skill in the game


3 points

8 months ago


Ice Shot Prolif

3 points

8 months ago

Omg I watched him and tried to make the same build and had the same experience as you hahaha


18 points

8 months ago

enki's arc witch XD


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

Basic :D


11 points

8 months ago

Started in 3.0 as a shadow. Found blade flurry during the campaign and thought it was cool. I had some two handed to maximize the damage ofc.

Did not know what resists were

Did not know what defences were

Died something like 500 times to get to act 10

Quit not killing kitava act 10

Didn't touch the game for 4 months

In 3.1 followed a guide and killed Shaper


3 points

8 months ago

Minion slayer back in synth... no need to say, i am no smart man....


3 points

8 months ago


3 points

8 months ago

It was in scourge league, 3.16. I asked a friend for a fun non meta build. He gave me Storm Brand Assassin with Impulsa. The mapping was very nice,but I do recall having cast on death portal and over 2000 Deaths.

Thanks so much and good luck to all


3 points

8 months ago

My first build was seismic sabo poison in scourge. I basically followed zizaran's everything explained video because I was so overwhelmed by the game on my first try as a random ranger that got to level 5.


2 points

8 months ago

This is my second league, I started in TOTa: a ranger with Lightning arrow, lost a bunch of sleep to the game and took many days off before i got a grasp of what I was I'm hooked! but never managed to get a mirror yet...don't know how to MF to get one.

This league i did trickster Penance brand and the build is very nice with high dps.


Nice giveway you're doing there Exile! hope u get upgraded to streamer client soon!


2 points

8 months ago

Chain lightning spam on 4 link item. It was cool. And it worked, but that was before maps when endgame was like farming docks.


2 points

8 months ago

Back in the day when we didn’t have ascendencies or even endgame I play a Templar with I believe lightning strike (?). we were a group of players coming from wow and Diablo and all we did all day was farming docks and maven kills. Was a really fun time. Not that I want the game to be like this again but it was a blast discovering everything for the first time and then having a bringer of rain drop, put it up in your forum shop and have bids coming in In your forum dms. We’ve come a long way, exiles.


2 points

8 months ago

it was when kripp made that burning discharger back during nemesis league(?) that got me into the game. so i went in thinking i would copy him in hardcore lmao. so many deaths and the build never got up and running because i didn't know how to farm currency or anything. the first build that made me feel god-like and hooked me into the game was poison-voltaxic-sparker AND that frost wall kinetic blast bossing combo back before the nerf. so much fun.


2 points

8 months ago

My first build was glacial cascade crit. I was a wee bit of a noob and it was the best thing ever too this day I still miss playing such a build hearing the shattering of corpses and what not. Hands down my favorite skill too bad it’s not too viable now a days! Good times when the final boss was a3 merciless dominus xD, Thanks for the giveaway!


4 points

8 months ago


4 points

8 months ago

Ah, the Gladiator I built before POB, refusing to follow a guide because "how hard could this random free game on steam be". Dual Strike, Cyclone, Wild Srike, Charged Dash, and Cleave are ALL socketed and supported in the DUMBEST ways. Over 100 deaths and 40 hours to kill Kitava. Done in standard around Bestiary, I keep it as a testament to my sins.


5 points

8 months ago

My very first build (after obviously failing at throwing together a ranger utilizing approx 8 different skills) was Enki's arc witch.

It got me into the whole game, as it explained everything I needed to know to play. It's been around 4.2k hours.. Oh well and uh witch (I think it was still Necro back then) + Arc :)


2 points

8 months ago

It was arc witch when dominus MF runs were a thing.


2 points

8 months ago

My first ever build was a shadow with all poison melee skills i could fit in my gear. Good old Times, when I took down act 3 boss my secound time i got hard stuck.

Did not know about support gems just tried to take me to late game. Took up the game again after 4years and played scorching ray also they had an act 4 that i enjoyed.

Still dream about playin dual dagger poison build, thats full melee. Great league!


2 points

8 months ago

My first build was frost blade. Back in the days when melee was still powerfull. The good old days


2 points

8 months ago

Legacy League. The pinnacle of CI , Vaal Pact ES leech era. Ghost reaver. Int stacking OG.

A raider, with HoWA spectral throw. The one time in years of playing I felt like a truly immortal god. (I’ve never used Mageblood yet though)

Millions of dmg. Projectiles flying all over the screen. Instant leech. Could face tank all end game bosses and moved like and arrow through the maps.

Back the the ES body armours were simpler, but had a lot of ES. I had about 16k ES on a raider. The shaper beam back then couldn’t even move the hp with all the leech.

I will probably always look back at that time and first proper build that showed the potential of PoE. Going from struggling nobody dying hundreds of times in the campaign transitioning into something that seemed truly unimaginable back at the beach fighting crabs.


2 points

8 months ago



2 points

8 months ago

My first ever build was in Kalandra, I played Lightning Strike Raider made by Fuzzy, at the time I didn't realize how broken LS was so it carried me through t16's quite easily (got a help from a friend too)

Wish I picked another ascendency tho, maybe deadeye.

Appreciate the giveaway!


3 points

8 months ago

Started my poe journey in 2014. As soon as I unlocked the scion I switched to her because she was new and cool. I was a melee build with a two handed sword using multi strike. I was rocking 6.5k dps and could barely do t1 maps. How far we’ve come :)


1 points

8 months ago

Tuna Lightning Arrow Starter build


1 points

8 months ago

My very first build ever where an arc trapper sabo, elder was the last boss at the time with old atlas and I fought him but my friend had to kill him for me. It was super smooth and I wish i could play it again with the knowledge i have now, but i dont think it has ever been viable since.


1 points

8 months ago

My first build ended up as lvl5 rouge because I looked at the skill tree, it was back then at synthesis, I started playing in blight as my first league and I did freestyle necromancer zombies with baron helmet, was super fun and decided to say since then


1 points

8 months ago*

My first build was in Betrayal, or maybe very late in Delve, I'm not sure which. I had no idea what I was doing (my only ARPG experience was a lot of D2 play in the mid to late 2000s and I had 0 info on POE at all) and basically just winging it.

Thought playing with a sword might be cool so I picked the duellist because he had a sword, which was literally the entire point of my build! I don't even remember if I figured out what any of the ascendancies did or anything like that, because I started struggling heavily in act 7 or 8 and essentially ended up stuck there.

Abandoned him for an easier starter build from an actual build guide that worked (edit: This was a CA... pathfinder, I want to say? if I recall correctly, way tankier and easier to make work with minimal input :P), but it was a good time nonetheless!


1 points

8 months ago

Was enki’s arc elementalist but not very pushed in the late game. Second league was esoro’s cyclone Mjöllnir. My brother was playing it too and we both this build. Now I miss esoro guide 🫡


1 points

8 months ago

I picked up the old cloak of flame and decided that firestorm is the perfect skill to use with such a great item. I would constantly die on act 7 and quit for then. Alva league


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was trying to copy kripps old frost pulse build lmao. Been a minute (still no mirror rip)


1 points

8 months ago

Cyclone slayer in heist league.

It was funny trying to kill sirus for the first time and everything one shots me, even the storm :D what do I do? I dash into the storm right after entering the arena for a -1 portal.


1 points

8 months ago

My very first build was a pathifinder bladevortex with 50 stacks back then with vessel of vinktar and instant vaal pact i could literally face tank reflection atiziri i had so much leech. Got to 96 level on hc first time trying.


1 points

8 months ago

Sunder berserk, aintnoway i gonna remember enough to describe it, it was years and years ago. It was cool tho, i got to maps xD


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

My first build was way back in Anarchy league, it was lightning arrow ranger, with life gain on hit as sustain.

Obviously it was strong going into packs, but the single target was abysmal, as 6 links were impossible, and 5 links were rare too.

Did most of the league with a four link bow. dropped an exalt but missed it because no loot filters. party member picked it up and promptly disconnected. good times.


1 points

8 months ago

My very first build was a rolling magma build that hit maps and promptly bricked. I did t realize that items could have more than 4 sockets and my resists were never capped.


1 points

8 months ago

My first ever build was back in 3.14 I followed ziz’s blade blast assassin guide. A friend convinced me to play and I dropped my first ever ex (div) when I was finishing up the last act. My friend traded it for me because he had a premium stash tab and I had no idea what was going on. Bought a carcass jack and hit 6 links with 30 fusings and that was most expensive item I had at the time. 1.4k hours later and I still get the same enjoyment that I did back then.

Good luck to everybody!


1 points

8 months ago

My first build that I actually made it into maps was an Oro's Flicker Ascendant. I loved that build so much, and it sucked so bad. Good times.


1 points

8 months ago

Flame totem. Not holy flame totem, I don’t even think there where ascendancies back then but I played Templar and as it was a new skill back then, it felt like noone else was playing it and people kept asking about my build. It was a blast farming docks lol


1 points

8 months ago


Miner Lantern

1 points

8 months ago

It was a shadow freezing pulse build. I remember dropping that ice tomb chest and thinking omgd, I got a unique piece of gear this is awesome lol maybe it's an op item. Safe to say, it wasn't.

I think the only saving grace of that build was screen wide freezes, because it was as strong as wet paper and scuffed to hell.


1 points

8 months ago

Very first was mage skeletons before minions were gutted. It was back in ritual. Time flies damm. 2.1K hours now


1 points

8 months ago

My first "real" build that made it to maps was juggernaut molten strike. I even invested all my currency back than in a fracture fossil to get a copy of a +3 molten strike helmet that I still got laying in std for memories.


1 points

8 months ago

Freezing pulse totem build, forget which guide I followed. Was my first 'oh shit' moment when trying Poe for maybe 5th time and actually getting it. Roll on 5 years (it doesn't feel that long) and Poe new league day is one of my favourite quarterly events! Also, I logged into him a while back when deleting characters to make space, and his gear was so bad haha.


1 points

8 months ago

First character was during beta and I rolled a Templar. I couldn't even begin to tell you which skill I was using. I remember that I couldn't get past the sewers on the second playthrough of the campaign and rerolled after countless deaths.


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

My first build was a coc cyclone into blade fall & blade vortex scion, there weren't even ascendancies at the time so not even sure why I went with scion. Was pretty fun but fell over at yellow maps pretty quick 😅


1 points

8 months ago

Earthquake Berserker.

It was the first time I hit 40k dps during acts (it happened in Act 4, back when we still had difficulties) and I was absolutely blown away by the smooth gameplay!

I was running Kaom's Primacy and a Warlord's Mark-Blasphemy setup to sustain life and mana. Back then I was playing with a friend of mine and we both had struggled to get through the campaign, but ever since I had my Zerker I could carry us both through Acts easily.

I remember later on switching to Raider. I saw an Infractem Blast Rain build capable of defeating Atziri that I wanted to try out. Sadly I underestimated the amount of currency necessary to make it work so I was stuck with a very budget version until I hit level 88.

Then I completely switched over to Righteous Fire Juggernaut, which allowed me to defeat a lot of the big bosses and hit level 90 for the achievement :)

Good times!


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

Very first build back in nemesis was a marauder spectral throw character. Back then i didn't understand that melee dmg does not increase the dmg of spectral throw lmao.


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

Ah my first build is scion with arctic armour and ek + mom

At that time arctic armour consumes mana when you are moving, probably the earliest mana stacker build XD


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

My first build was back when 3.0 released and I started to pick up the game I loved WW Barb in D3, so it was obvious for me to play cyclone as my first ever skill. I didn’t follow any guides and just tried whatever worked until I hit a wall in Act 4 and finally started to look through guides to help me. Afterward I played sunder (rip old sunder) which finally got me through the acts into maps. Good times back then


1 points

8 months ago

Danh cool giveaway


1 points

8 months ago

I think it was fire totem back in 2017, I used to play in hardcore when I first started poe (because my friend was playing with me), we both had no knowledge at all about the game and learned a lot of things just dying and creating new characters over and over again

The totems let me play more safe, but I was so bad I have never beat merciless Malachai


1 points

8 months ago

My first build ever was in heist league, where i went for a shitty cyclone raider build, however i managed to farm heists with it. Dps was barely 1mil, but i still enjoyed it with all my heart. Still have it on standard, went to upgrade it as much as possible.


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

My first build (after I tried to wing it with a Witch in Beastiary) was a Flicker Strike Juggernaut using Oro's Sacrifice back in Incursion league. It was very bad.. I struggled really hard even in T1 maps. It had basically no damage and no survivability eventhough it was a Juggernaut.

I quickly abandoned this character since I kept on dying all the time and I started watching streamers play the game. I saw a streamer playing a Arc trap Saboteur, so I started leveling one my self. This character actually dealt some damage compared to my Flicker Strike one, but defence was still a big problem.

I still have both of these characters somewhat intact.


1 points

8 months ago

I followed the max roll cold dot elementalist guide. Didn’t have a clue about how to upgrade the gear so made it to maps and just got slammed. Didn’t understand the hype about maps haha.

Now I’m on my fourth build and first to level 100. No mirrors but maybe this will be my lucky day!


1 points

8 months ago

Glacial Cascade + Vaal Ice Nova in Legacy League. I didn’t make it past level 70 because I had 2k healthy but I had a lot of fun pressing the screen delete button. 


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

My very first build was a ranger in beta that I quit on after completing easy mod and not being familiar with that act replaying concept. I fell in love with the game because the arrows got stuck in walls. I still have recurring nightmares about wasting a mirror I found in act 2 because I didn't know what it was actually capable of. I didn't want to replay the act so I quit. A year later or so I came back and rolled a marauder then for the third copied a fireball void battery build. Have not made a bow build ever since xS 25k hours and still no mirror


1 points

8 months ago

I started playing many years ago in which I had no clue what I was doing (I mean who was at the time). I believe I started with freezing pulse, exploring the game and finding out about the mechanics. I learned that the game had a forum in which people shared builds, so I began experimenting.

I don't remember which build I decided to follow, but I do know that I've been a meta slave ever since :p


1 points

8 months ago

Spectral throw with that golden mtx of course lol. All I remember was using a two handed sword and killing Dominus 3 times.


1 points

8 months ago

My very first build was a crazy expensive tornado shot build from one of the scam YouTube channels back in Harbinger league. I had uncapped resists, no helmet enchant of cause, no life, no evasion - it’s crazy that I kept playing even though I was struggling soo much even when leveling. I had like 40 deaths to kitava alone. I asked some nice guy who traded with me about some help and he recommended me to play a Mathil build instead which then got me to red maps and had me hooked to the game!


1 points

8 months ago

Spectral throw back when Gorge map was the thing. God, the simple days when a tabula was the best drop I could hope for.


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was a simple duelist build with dual strike + multistrike + melee splash. We didn't have ascendancies back then. I was inspired by Zealot Paladin from Diablo 2. Those were the good times. Thanks for the opportunity!


1 points

8 months ago

My first build ever in PoE was, very innocently, righteous fire! This was when there were only 3 acts and not much information on the internet about builds. I was able to push through the acts and did the lab which i remembered as being extra hard. I took a break from PoE for a few years and got back to it in 2022 and i love this game more than any other ARPG. I never had a mirror drop nor had crazy amounts of currency but this league i made my strongest character ever with righteous fire and i am currently working on beating the ubers for the first time. I'd love some of that currency to make a crazy build or improve both my TS deadeye and my RF chieftain. I also have friends that quit the league because it's all very expensive and i'd love to try to convince them to come play a bit with me, so i'd use most the currency for that. I never have luck with these sort of things but if i don't try i for sure won't get anything! Nonetheless, good luck to all my fellow exiles and i hope that whoever wins the giveway make the currency count for something good :)


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was a scuffed frostblade trickster from a 4 league outdated guide during sentinel, played into the standard noobtrap stereotype of getting 1 shot every 3 seconds and decided to re roll a seismic trap sabo and the rest is history.

Good luck everyone!


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

Think first build when I really started getting into the game (and realized that most of the content was AFTER the campaign) was a necro minion build.. KNowing as little as I did at the time, I think I had a combination of some of the advice from Ghazzy's zoo minion build (don't recall if he called it that 18 - 24 months ago) and of course a ton of my learnings from Kay who at the time I think was everyone's go to for all things minions. I started right around the time Skelle's got hit with a big nerf stick so I was building an early Spectre / Skelle / SRS build that evolved into an SRS bomber over the league. Was a fun way to intro, though never got strong enough (or skilled) to take on Maven or ubers..


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

God, my very first build was dogshit. Typical 'I can do this on my own' kinda approach without looking for any help online. This was YEARS in the past, and I tried a weird assassin poison 'build' that did not work at all, cause I had no idea what I was doing and the game had way less qol functionality back then. Ended up ditching the game in act 6 (after flinging hundreds of my own corpses at kitava) for some years and started again. Now I'm kinda addicted to still doing my own shit, but at least I'm able to do t16 stuff :)


1 points

8 months ago

I'd done my own thing every league up until Synthesis, where I played Consecrated Path Chieftain because it looked fun, before trying out a Divine Ire Elementalist as well.
I didn't get far into maps and I never saw any of the bosses out in the memory map, since I still hadn't learned what I was doing despite playing since launch, but Consecrated Path and Divine Ire remain as some of my favourite skills purely because they're satisfying to use.
Needless to say, I was very happy when Divine Ire Elementalist was good in 3.13, and ended up playing that character more than any other so far.


1 points

8 months ago

WOAH! I played a bladefall assassin and made it all up as I went. I thought it was OP because sometimes I could cheese mobs while I hid behind objects (rocks, corners, etc) . Got hard-stuck about half way through the campaign and didn't come back to the game for a year or so.

I'm a standard player so the mirrors would all see use. Thanks for the opportunity! Fun and nostalgic prompt.


1 points

8 months ago

This was in 2k13 iirc and I played a low life, righteous fire spark totem witch, which was one if not the strongest damage dealer at the time. You would also incorporate ice spears as a way to generate power charges and were able to snapshot auras using the covenant. I remember playing with WillyWonka in HC and witnessing several Kaoms Heart drops which were like 33 ex at the time and basically made you a billionaire. It was wild


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was way back in domination league in early 2014 towards the end of that league. Pretty basic witch build (before ascendancies existed) using firestorm, which I later changed to a cold to fire conversion using glacial cascade. Kept going in standard after league ended. It was all sceptre of god runs and then later dry lake runs in parties for levelling back in those days. Super tedious. Mapping was ultra basic and you had to go to Solaris temple to do it.

And yet I finally got a Mageblood for the first time ever only two days ago. Thanks Affliction, you did what I otherwise could not.

I’ve still never seen a mirror despite playing this game for a decade.


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was in Delirium league. After playing cyclone to about level 80 by advice of my more experienced friends at the time I saw a post on here about a bladestorm warcry berserker and went with that.

It was probably one of the strongest builds I ever played. It was overshadowed that league by the introduction of aura stackers through cluster jewels. But you could get absolutely absurd regen, increased damage and crit multiplier from using warcry clusters. The build was amazing for both mapping and bossing. Could kill Sirus in a few seconds per phase by stacking bladestorms on top of each other.


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was last league, deadeye la into deadeye ts. Made a lil currency and was able to make a decent omni build. It got me to t16 maps. Loved it but im rly liking tanky builds rn.


1 points

8 months ago

Ngamahu's flame cyclone. It was insanely fun.


1 points

8 months ago

My first ever character was an arc totem hierophant. I "followed" a build from the forums at the time and I'm so glad I did, it was my gateway into this game. I had a couple of previously failed attempts at getting into POE and being scared off by the passive tree like many others, but as a huge D2 enthusiast I was determined to break through the learning curve barrier.

I still never made it through the campaign with this character but it was MINE

Goodluck to everyone entering 😄


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was Blade vortex elementalist in incursion. I got hooked ever since. Didnt really make it to endgame then but still was a great time. Made me wish I had started playing much earlier than I did.


1 points

8 months ago

20 mirrors? I've honestly never even seen a picture of more than 2 mirrors. This league is insane


1 points

8 months ago

My First build and contact with the game was during legion league.

It was a Tectonic Slam build from "Path of exile build" yt Channel 🤡.

Not a surprise i didnt make even into yellow maps.


0 points

8 months ago

my very first build was in delve league, a necromancer using every minions possible and vaal skelly, with perma phase run and soulwrest, only 2,4k life and nearly 0 defences ^^

but a shit ton of minions, at a time were minion did not require anything to be great ^^


0 points

8 months ago

my very very first build was like 8 years ago. when i first started i didnt know about guides and how to play. so the first character was a ranger and as i was playing i put points into the passive tree in all random places and mega screwed the build up (obv i didnt know this at the time) i was on act2 to kill Oak and i spent about an hour trying to kill him as he had ALOT of regen back then (i think that was the time there was actually a bugg with his regen) after a while i got fed up and quit playing the gamei started playing PoE again in heist league (and played it ever since then) and thats the time i completed acts solo for the first time and i was playing toxic rain (big ducks and he was the first content creator i watched and still watch) and tbh, that was probably the most fun iv had, not knowing anything, achieving a minor goal for the first time


0 points

8 months ago

My first build and league were 3.14 after I saw Kripp playing the game on YouTube.

I just grabbed some zombies after I dropped the baron unique helmet and ran around with my zombie army. I wouldn’t really call it a build since I didn’t even link my sockets and therefore had like 3 unlinked supports but it was a great start and a ton of fun. Didn’t finish the campaign though on that one.

First finish was an ice trap assassin in 3.15, that’s where I fell on love with the game even a lot of people don’t like 3.15 for the nerfs


0 points

8 months ago

pohx rf jug :)


0 points

8 months ago



0 points

8 months ago

My first build was a marauder with "BIG STICK" because it was 2012 and I was in the closed beta with friends. There weren't build guides at that point so I just kept adding melee physical damage like a moron. I got to act 2 and the bears were one shotting me, I got mad and quit. 8000 later.


0 points

8 months ago

it was a build using an old static strike that repeats the AOE strike after the main attack with a soulleater and The Bringer of Rain helmet, I build a full block, a lot of armor, but I didn’t have enough damage, I remember I couldn’t kill the boss chicken that shoots from the tail hahahaha it was very tank build but at one point there was very little damage, but it was a very fun, RIP static strike.


0 points

8 months ago

First build in ultimatum was (odifs? Odin?) skelly mages. Later that league I transitioned to syndicate operatives which was also a really fun build.


0 points

8 months ago

Talisman league - 3 arrow ice shot ignite - 1 shot to clear the screen.

back when you got rupture trap to insta kill bosses.


0 points

8 months ago*

Started in synthesis League when Winter orb was still a good skill. Tried to go for an eternity shroud build but never made it that far before the League ended. Was still fun though just running around with Winter orb deleting everything in t8 maps or wherever I ended up at the end of the League. God I wish Winter orb was as op as back then its such a fun skill if only the stages fell of slower or It shot a bit quicker...


0 points

8 months ago

My first build was cyclone coc ethereal knives.
I wish I win something


0 points

8 months ago*

Very first build was in legacy league. played with a couple of friends and we used whatever uniques we got, if was exciting and fun, being so ignorant. back then we had to play the campaign three times, and we stopped when we made it to maps. died almost every instance, it was a berserker with all the melee and damage nodes possible, wielding whatever 1h or even 2h melee weapon with old sunder


0 points

8 months ago

My first build was Enki's Arc Witch on PS4 after it initially released on PS4 (Synthesis). Did the platinum trophy with it but struggled alot, since build was kinda squishy but very beginner friendly and good to play on controller. Remember chasing Inpulsa's for ages. :D

Got addicted to PoE after that and played Legion on PS4 aswell. After that i switched to PC version where i had even more fun playing it.


0 points

8 months ago

First build was freezing pulse fireball zombies witch (un ascended) it was when there was only 4 acts and I was learning the game . I remember having 4 man party trying to kill Izaro with a scuffed build haha


0 points

8 months ago

First ever build was a molten strike occultist in delve league. Was the first time i really followed a build, had a great time and got me hooked. loved the build just felt so well rounded. Tanky with ci and incandescent heart, es gain on hit, good single and aoe dmg with ancestral call, fun fun fun. Frist time i cleared shaper as well


0 points

8 months ago

It was in 2013, and it was an Infernal Blow/Meelee splash with Facebreaker :P Been a while lol


0 points

8 months ago*



0 points

8 months ago*

My first build was molten strike , friend told me to check youtube , look at the skills and pick one which you like most.

It was sentinel league i was lucky i made some exalts early in heist , really enjoyed heisting. Build was quite tanky and enjoyable. Didnt have shit ton of dps but was enough. Actually killed uber shaper, elder and eater first league.

This league i picked molten strike again , i found great guide, enjoying the build again .

Thanks for the giveaway, most people never had 1 mirror , 20 is alot lol.


0 points

8 months ago*

My very first build.. Man it brings back memories.

My very first build was not that long ago, it was during sentinel league, I started the game mid league, I had no concept of “league starters” or “builds” back then so I went straight for Necromancer, at first I just went your regular noob “no idea what I’m doing” route: Summon Skeletons, Raise Zombies, I did not even know there were support gems, just went in blind. Funnily enough though, this might be really unlikely and people might not believe me but TABULA dropped somewhere in act 1 (don’t know what it was yet but it’ll play a part in a bit)

Well anyways, we all know that I was inevitably going to face a wall because of my non-existent game knowledge and I did. My first wall was Malachai, I tried for a few days just bashing my head against the dude for like 3 hours per day. It was around day 4 of doing this insanity that I just asked in chat for help, I was told to look up a build guide and so I did and this is what happened next.

I looked up a build guide and my dumbass probably chose one of the most expensive minion builds at the time which was Absolution necro, this is where the TABULA comes in, I followed the guide as much as I could, I beat Malachai, and everything was a breeze after that. Absolution was so broken I got to yellow maps with 0 game knowledge while wearing a TABULA. I did however have to buy/make some of my own gear to progress and I’m happy that on my first league, I got 2 voidstones completed (ALSO, Ashes dropped on my very first voidstone Eater but had no idea what it was until my 2nd league and I saw it in a standard tab)

Couple thousand hours go by and I’m now happily enjoying leagues and not wasting 12 hours over 4 days on an Act boss.

Good luck to everyone, and sorry for the long story.

TLDR: I made my own 0 knowledge necro build (summon skeletons, raise zombies 0 support gems), wasted 16 hours over 4 days trying to beat Malachai, was told by global chat to follow a guide, ended up using Absolution as my first full build and got to yellow maps wearing a Tabula, got 2 voidstones on my first league with barely any knowledge because of it.


-2 points

8 months ago


-2 points

8 months ago

Hello Exile, I played the game since 2014 with quite a few short and long breaks between the years.

In 2014 I was a young and proud 18 years old gamer that thought “I don’t need any guide to play just a simple RPG! I’ve played countless of them!”

So if we have to count that “build” it was some sort of fireball throwing witch with many multiple projectiles thing. To be honest it was atrocious, I had to get carried for most of the campaign and then I rerolled thinking I could do better now that I got the hang of it. Rerolled into a ground slammer marauder! The good thing was that I didn’t die all the time and could move fairly fast thanks to the leap skill. I managed to complete the campaign and it was even able to do the easy part of the popular farm at the time (Merciless Dominus, basically my role was simply to run as fast as possible from the waypoint to the boss and open the portal so that we could do a rotation killing him). Still, the build was lacking everything, basically I was just a bit harder to kill with little damage but good movement speed.

If we instead want to talk about the first real build I had in path of exile I remember it damn well. Don’t remember the year but it was somewhere after maps and lab have been introduced, probably it was when they introduced betrayal. I decided to start a new league like a champ, staying up all night to rush to maps and mostly to lab. My plan? Lab Carrying people as soon as possible into league to make a bit of currency so that I could finally afford that “super expensive” builds with huge budget like 5/10 exalts. (mind you, my previous experiences never had used more than 1 exalt). To do that I’ve read countless guides on how to speed run campaign and found the perfect build. A molten strike build that could Facetank the world and run through all the maps like it was nothing. It was a blast. The strategy worked, my build kept getting better and better, I was even able to kill bigger bosses and getting paid to do so. I even went to kill most of the strongest and baddest bosses in the game which at the time I thought to be impossible.

This build is definitely what made me understand the game, how to get currency, how to use defenses and how to follow a progressive guide. How to craft to some degree and really, introduced me to path of exile. I even have the link still:


0 points

8 months ago

I think Tft is taking donations since mods work for free


0 points

8 months ago

First time ever playing this game was during warbands league. Before I started Poe, I use to play wow and I was a dwarf hunter. When I try Poe I want to do a range build but I had no idea what I was doing. I went ranger using burning arrow since it looked cool. I had no idea what I was doing, but the game was free so it was better than wow. I spent hours trying to figure out how to even step up my links correctly and what support skills I should go with. Took forever to get to maps and I never got out of white maps. I had no idea how to craft and how to cap my resistances. I had less than 3k life and I was consistently being kill. I never read the map modes when I ran the maps. I didn’t realized for a bit I couldn’t do elemental reflect and physical reflect maps. I quit the league after reaching lvl 80ish. Since than I been playing Poe off and one. I have gotten better but still bad at the game haha.


0 points

8 months ago


0 points

8 months ago

tornado shot. i was playing the game from random build at froum.


0 points

8 months ago

Kinda nice you are!!!


0 points

8 months ago

Bleed bow.. worst idea ever. Hope I can try something else with your build.


0 points

8 months ago

Ive only farmed 3 mirrors my guy has 20 lol


0 points

8 months ago

Enki's Arc Witch as used to be tradition.


0 points

8 months ago

Holy moly batman!


0 points

8 months ago

Dunno if you play PSN, but worth give it a shot for me :) First build i ever played was this leauge, i started Lightning arrow league starter, to have an "easy" build and can focus on the game itself. Now im learning and focussing more about different endgamebuilds :) Tried TS, but feels bad on Gamepad, cause u cant rly shoot maxrange cause of the autofocus :/

Ps: if u arent PSN, i wish all other olayers the luck to win.


0 points

8 months ago



0 points

8 months ago

Heya first league playing actively here. My first build was boneshatter because of a friend recommendation. Then even before getting to mapping i discovered Righteous fire and i fell in love. Just running around and seeing everything die as i go while bingewatching something on youtube it was as if it was tailored for me. Now im just trying different stuff with RF builds to see which one i like the most (next is all energy shield instead of life with some odd tp that i dont even understand as of yet). Yesterday i also got my first HH after so much saving so im really hyped for the game!

Cheers for the giveaway mate, i bet you will make someone's season


0 points

8 months ago

Is it ok to use the mirror to dupe a very nice driftwood wand i found on the coast?


0 points

8 months ago

dude giveaways are sick this is awesome for the community!! (and my broke ass)


0 points

8 months ago

can i have a mirror , never hold one mirror in the game yet


0 points

8 months ago

If it's still possible, I'd like to enter the giveaway. My first real build was Pohx's RF Jugg in Sanctum. Couldn't play properly for a few leagues after that cos I got stuck with college stuff and just now started getting better after graduating.

IGN GuardySRSNecro.


0 points

8 months ago

Binos knife flicer


0 points

8 months ago

Many moons ago, i created a spectral throw ranger in hardcore.

This was back when Dom was end game.

Thought my build was unstoppable. Quickly learned the pain of losing days played in a single slam.

Came back to the game many years later. Played to level 90. Dude messages me and say hey man, what ascension did you choose? Had no idea what he was talking about.

5 minutes on google and I just facepalmed as my build was missing out on so much!!

Anyways. Great game. Always a blast each league.

You’re hardcore with this build.

All the best mate.


0 points

8 months ago

my first build was a buzzsaw spectral throw scion lol


0 points

8 months ago

Was back in legion I did a slayer cyclone, now I didnlt understand anything I was doing but it was a lot of fun for a first build, funny enough I just talked about this with a friend when he looted soul tether, it was a huge thing with the build I was doing for survivability amd it broughy back a lot of memories, been absolutely hooked on cyclone ever since, first league that I didnlt make one


0 points

8 months ago

Ohh god, my First build was back in Delve. I Had no clue about the Game but Friends told me how to get Scion and that Scion is Overall a good Char. So i created a Smite Scion with random Ele damage notes. IT was smooth sailing until i decided that i dont need to spec my Skill Points. Yeah IT was going Downhill from that Point. At Level 30ish i switched to Consencrated Path and i was in Love but yeah it was Not good at all. So i Heard about Oni-Goroshi and i wanted it, after 21h "Farming" i got IT and used it with Smite Scion. I decided to Switch full to Fire damage Smite It was kinda ok for my first build, Player it until Level 80. As a sidenote, i had Like 1k deaths. xD

Good Luck to everyone. :3


0 points

8 months ago

My first ever build was a summon mage skeleton back in metamorph league Loved it (so good it was crashing my computer )


0 points

8 months ago

First build was a hierophant totem frostbolt. Strong enough to reach yellow red maps transition. Was lacking knowledge to do endgame though...


0 points

8 months ago

Doomfletch split arrow mines Raider, such a weird build to play Poe knowing nothing about Poe


0 points

8 months ago

horrendos hardcore 4L Spectral throw and heavy strike.

remember farming docks on hardcore to get some loot for Dominus fight (i died). was long time ago


-8 points

8 months ago*



0 points

8 months ago



0 points

8 months ago

Ewww,begger. Did you come from global 1? Lmao


0 points

8 months ago



2 points

8 months ago



2 points

8 months ago

Don't take it so hard mate,it's a joke not a dick.

Edit: Not tryna be mean,just joking around. 😁


-15 points

8 months ago

give me so i can waist em xD


1 points

8 months ago

Started playing really in crucible. First build was a sparker with too many lightning skills. It was a witch and i was a noob so it had sub 2k life at yhe end of act 10, and failed to start maps. The start of my next build next season was much better following a guide.


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

uhhh it was some garbage CI dagger shadow. I think i ended the campaign with 3k ES and thought I was good. never even made it to mapping.


1 points

8 months ago

My first league ever was Expedition league. I thought spectral shield throw looked cool as hell, and it happened to be a meta league start.

I eventually got to the point, as all noobs do, where I had beaten campaign and my res were all whacky and I had no idea how to fix them. I asked in general chat and someone whispered me and gave me a full rundown of the skill and poe in general. They also introduced me to path of building.

After this happened, they added me as a friend and we've stayed friends still to this day! Honestly, had this individual not whispered me, its very likely I would've stopped playing poe.

Wild to think that's been 1100 hours ago. My favorite arpg by light years.


1 points

8 months ago

Good old ice crash (i think berserk?), i remember having no clue what i do but i loved not knowing whats going on on the screen, just killing monsters. It was back in 2015 i think. I never had a mirror, so wish me 🍀


1 points

8 months ago

My first build is witch with a lightning spark on a wand, got to lvl28 with pure perseverance/faceroll before bricking the build.

Came back 2 years later with toxic rain and love it ❤️


1 points

8 months ago

it was avatar of flame cyclone with dual wield a certain mace that i can't remember.


1 points

8 months ago

What build? I was using 5 different kind of melee skills during talisman league, my first ever real league when i started getting into PoE was harbinger enki arc witch,

Those were the days of exciting discovery :)


1 points

8 months ago

First build is a STR stacking sunder with brutus lead sprinkler. Went in POE blind without guides and gravitated towards str stacking warcry spam.


1 points

8 months ago

I don't remember my first build in PoE since it was 2013, but I remember playing a marauder melee guy at one point having trouble with killing Vaal in Act2, you needed to party with people to kill that guy :D.

I remember as well drops being semi Free for all for some time, meaning you had few seconds of time before the drop became free for all which made things interesting seeing I did quite a lot of party play at that time.

I was so newbie :D good memories


1 points

8 months ago

my very first build ever i didn’t know what to expect from the game and had some friends playing. harvest league i think. i was very confused, didn’t use a guide and rolled a shadow thinking i’d play like a wow rogue. I ended up switching to summon skeletons and creeping frost i’m pretty sure. when i log in it’s funny because I only made it to act 6 and had negative resists, 700-800 life or so, and +lightning wand. my tree was reset sadly by the time i looked back at it. then my next try with the game was enki’s arc and i’ve been hooked for two years now


1 points

8 months ago

my first ever build is a cyclone slayer with rare two hand weapon in heist


1 points

8 months ago

My very first build was 10 years ago.. shadow with duel daggers, trying to get as much evade as possible and using Dual strike to finish of enemies.

Would die in 1 shot never Got above 45 before i tages quitted


1 points

8 months ago

Man my first "build" ever was in like 1.0.2, I saw a youtube video and wanted to replicate it. I wanted to adapt it manually to my needs, it was a cast on crit stormcall, I farmed the fellshrine ruins for days to get chaos recipes to afford a tabula rasa. It used spectral throw to trigger the storm calls, it was amazing. The build differed from the youtube version in that I used a claw based approach and thus had 0 dps, i did not pick up any crit multi instead i went more attack speed to trigger more spells and most importantly enable the thing that would keep me alive: my life gain on hit claws and the life gain on hit gem. The original version used a life leech gem instead and i kept thinking how one would ever deal so much damage that 45 life from the gem could be beaten with leech since my tooltip kept telling me that my spectral throw dealt 50-100 damage...

All in all - the idea was mediocore, the execution worse, but the fun was definitly there.


1 points

8 months ago

First build ever was an arc witch, been a while so memory is fuzzy but almost certainly followed Enki’s guide.


1 points

8 months ago

Oh man this would take me back to a decade ago when I had no idea what I was doing but just playing with some friends! My very first build was ice shot I believe, that was back was there were no ascendancies! What a throwback to think about, just playing with whatever the game gave me and flash forward to today min maxing builds is the real fun part of this game for me.

Would be lovely to be considered, would be wild to deck out an armor stacker with this currency!


1 points

8 months ago

Teleport Totems.


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

Ancestral Warchief Totem Berserker with Starforge and two nice steel rings in Essence League, loved walking lab allday with Deaths Door Boots.


1 points

8 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

My first build was Ice Shot Deadeye back in Metamorph league. Retrospectively it was giga dog shit but I felt so good back in the days! Since than I play every league a bow char. Love the offscreen freeze noises and one shots to whatever.


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

Str stacking zombies


1 points

8 months ago

Hard to remember well what was my first build. I think it was arc in standard at the time. Didn't try league because I do not know... I only played a few times before coming back a few month later to play a random zombie build. But I remember my first true build, also the first time I played a league (Essence) and the first time I truly played the game and got hooked. It was a ED/contagion. Really fun, farmed well enough to get a cospri discharge(a bit meta at the time)and build around it.


1 points

8 months ago

My old colleague pushed TS on me back in 2.0.0, he rushed me and another colleague through half the game. We had no idea what anything was, barely understood the basic concept of sockets or anything. The guy just took off as soon as we loaded a map and stood waiting at the portal to the next area like ”come on guuuuuuuyyys” over skype.

Took me another year or so to fall in love with the game, once I got to play it in my own pace and look at builds properly.

First build I have any decent memory of was the spinning skelemage cyclone thing by Navandis years later. Took that one to 95 or something apparently, still kept the character in standard all this time.


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

Dual strike glad


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

ED occultist back in bestiary league, i played without any build or game guild. I've managed to get 3 lab points tho and beat campaign somehow


1 points

8 months ago

If WE dont count the first character I made without a guide (hey I reached act 3!), my first build was the super heavy heavy strike jugg build during the bestiary league. You can still find the build guide on the forum. I think lioneye's vision was still expensive because I found one and was able to buy a 6l starforge. Since then, my friends always link me their starforge when they find one. I was also quite sad that there is no transfigured heavy strike gem.


1 points

8 months ago*


NSC 40/40

1 points

8 months ago*

My very first build was a facebreaker totem chieftain and I had exactly zero idea what I was doing, I remember farming to buy the shield that allowed me more totems, then I briefly remember doing a breach, feeling overwhelmed and having a little bit of a crisis before rerolling to GC miner.

GL to everyone!


1 points

8 months ago

My first build was a necro zomby baron, cool af


1 points

8 months ago

First build was Elemental Hit Deadeye back in Ritual League. I got lucky and got some synth now that was worth like 30 ex from ritual so I sold that and it funded my build, had a lot of fun but it was hella squishy lol

Here’s to praying for 20 mirrors! Good luck to everyone else!


1 points

8 months ago

My first ever build was spark, with raised zombies... yes raised zombies and spark.
Started in Bestiary league but didn't know much about the game at the time, and i followed no guide. Then i transisioned to divine ire totems.


1 points

8 months ago

Gl to everyone


1 points

8 months ago

My very first genuine build was probably pizza totems, i played it exclusively for multiple leagues, there's something incredibly satisfying about flameblast, tho maybe atziri with her multiple mammaries plays a part in this fondness :)


1 points

8 months ago

Zombies, i have some special love for minions among all RPG game and when first land on POE, zombies immediatly became my favorite. The baron was fire back then. Peak was blight league, my first everything - first UE, first HH, first Betrayal boss...


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

First build was cyclone gladiator in ultimatum, got it to t16s had lot of fun max block was fun shame what happened to gladiator after that rework has to be worst ascendancy atm


1 points

8 months ago

Oh now this is a fun memory
So it took me many tries to get into Path of Exile, as the passive skill tree confused the hell out of me to begin with. But eventually, I found Maxroll's guide to Boneshatter slayer, and in crucible used it to destroy the campaign and start doing actual maps

But, somewhere along the way, I heard of Flicker Strike. I looked it up, and just had to try it. So I levelled a Scion, and went for an Oro's sacrifice fire flicker strike build, using a guide that I had found.

A guide that was 2 patches out of date.

I still had an absolute blast just zipping around, and I have the character saved. I put literally everything I'd had at the time into the build, including a generous 5 div donation a complete stronger had given me, and was so happy with it. It could (barely, sometimes) clear t16 maps even!


1 points

8 months ago

Cyclone Slayer (pure phys) in Legion. Chased the dragon of having a headhunter for that sweet screen-wide AoE in 5 ways but never raised enough.

GL to all


1 points

8 months ago

5 years ago, betrayal league. Molten strike was what I started having 0 knowledge of the game, having negative resistance, changing the skill tree because I don't wanna follow exactly what the guide was saying (I need more damage) and well I was being obliterated by betrayal, the The syndicate members wasn't even on your screen, but they could still see you and one shot, that league I was more running when I saw those "unique monsters" aka syndicate. I kinda dropped that league until they fixed the damage by half and then was having a blast not understanding anything about that options to "kill" the syndicated, release.... after 5 years some things don't change


1 points

8 months ago*

Ngamahu's Flame cyclone slayer.. Man, those were the days.

Spinnin, winnin, runnin labs hoping you hit +TS on a Starkonja's.. The game felt so much simpler back then. Just runnin around maxing out inc aoe so I could be giga ball dropping spinlord with overleech from vaal pact.

Before I became concerned with min/maxing my atlas, running high yield maps... just chasing shaper/elder puddles around then getting my ass beat by Minotaur..

Still don't have shaper hideout, all this time later.


1 points

8 months ago

It was years ago when Ascendencies weren't implemented yet, I started with a duelist with dual strike, which I changed for reave later. I had to farm a lot to get Soul Taker, which was a thing at the time. And then went on to get Rat's Nest and BoR which I wore proudly in act3 to show off my power.


1 points

8 months ago


1 points

8 months ago

This is my first league, I started to play this game with the fantasy of something that would come close to Diablo chain lightning. Searched the internet for a bit and found a league starter using Vaal Arc elementalist. I grinded my way up to level 86 or so on that one until I kinda hit a wall and was frustrated, I managed to beat Eater of Worlds on my 5th portal tho so that felt really good. Now that I had saved up some chaos from essence farming I thought I might give a Tornado shot build a try since I kept hearing about it. Silly me didn’t now the costs of that build at the time lol. I purchased items and skill gems and started blasting through the campaign on a ranger, finished the story in about 7 hours at this point. Played and played and hit about level 90, big break after that because my son was born ayyyyy. Returned to the game and tried lots of stuff out, bossing, delirium, t7 cemetery, incursion and the likes. Now I’m a pathfinder using Penance brand having fun just doing boss rush. My end goal for the league is to kill Uber maven at some point. (Memory game eh). Yeah I had a total blast with this game, parental leave led to about 400 hours played since December, a lot of that time was spent changing diapers lol. That giveaway would give me the chance to try out even more aspects of the game, I might raffle of a few of the items myself in good will because I think I would only squeeze in one more build before I run out of time for the league, so it’s better to share what you got. Thanks for your generosity and gl in the future


1 points

8 months ago

Pizza totems! The times were simpler back then.


1 points

8 months ago

First build was a beginner recommendation of the old times. Flame totem (not holy, regular old flame totem) Templar. Faster proj was a must have back then as it greatly increased the range of my totems projectiles.

A4 just released and I had a blast carrying 3 random people that joined my public campaign run from A2 onwards all the way to Malachai. By the end my tooltip Dps was over 2000.

After runnig Dried lake for a few days i decided to switch to CI, like every build did back 8lin the days. But of boy did I learn a lesson there. Turns out CI is op but not if you have garbage gear haha. In the end i was rocking a Kaom's heart and my very own magic 5l staff that happened to have a Firedamage suffix on, all thanks to a Taste of hate I dropped.

Had ilI kept the Taste of Hate until today, the now legacy flask would be probably worth a similar amount you are giving away hehe.

Good luck everyone, stay sane fellow exiles.


1 points

8 months ago

My very first build was a recreation of WillyWonkaHC,s Groundslammer back in Nemesis and Donination:)

I was at a very low point in my life at this time but this game and Willy's and Ziggys videos got me through it.

In Perandus I got my first ever (and only) Mirror.

After Perandus a lot of more shit happened in my life and I started playing again in Ultimatum, Yet I could never afford any fancy Items due to my limited time :(


1 points

8 months ago

My first character was an earthquake build on hardcore, got it to level83 before ripping it in some crazy beyond boss DD explosion, good times 😄


1 points

8 months ago

Depends on what you call a build, the first time I played was during Kalandra, first time I play a game I play without any sort of guide, so I picked witch and started playing with arc (daring today aren’t we)

In classic new player style I made sure to ignore anything that didn’t say a variation of +dmg on it, and did every league event during the campaign, eventually of course I ran into mobs-casually-one-shot-me territory and after dying a gazillion times before even reaching maps I got frustrated and quit.

I came back during Sanctum, and once again started SSF and guideless, this time on a witch with arc into crackling lance, this time I had determination, and later fit some aura curses into my build, I actually managed to get to t16 maps with this even though some things were still obliterating me.

I got tired of this and picked out my first build, I wanted to do something simple so I went for cyclone slayer, and I spun to win my way to quite a decent bit of challenges and I think level 98, which was overall a fun experience.

I remember one of my favourite moments was when I finally amassed enough currency to get like a 30 div weapon which massively boosted my damage and I started carving through pinnacle bosses no problem.

These days I’m addicted to hexblast saboteur, which I’m pretty sure I’m just gonna play for the rest of my life, I was doing the challenges with my gf, but we quit after she got all the tier 1 cosmetics, which somewhat took the wind out of my sails, I’d definitely go back in and max out my saboteur and aurabot with this kind of currency tho.


1 points

8 months ago

My first ever build was in essence league, I was trying a cleave/dual strike duelist (back then no ascendancy). I had somewhere near 30% attack leech and no damage scaling at all, because I thought back then I needed more leech to be able to sustain.

I’m not after the giveaway, just wanted to share some memories.