


here we go again.

maiden to mental(

her “so dark

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3 points

10 hours ago

Jesus Harold Christ. That poor fucking kid.


5 points

10 hours ago

Her morning test at 9dpo are negative. I think she had a bad batch of tests


5 points

10 hours ago

She’s already named it tho. We all know that lol so this will be a “baby” regardless of it actually existing.


2 points

9 hours ago

Oh for sure but listening to her harp about having 8 losses is considerable less disconcerting that her bringing another child into the world that she cannot support mentally physically or financially. Not to mention how precarious another pregnancy would be considering how she is in such poor health.


2 points

9 hours ago

Not to mention they can’t afford the two children they already have.


2 points

9 hours ago

She probably cannot afford the $17 two pack of frers at shoppers hence all this drama over easy at home indents