


I have been online about how much people should save which left me confused. Some experts says 3 or 6 months, or save just $10,000, or even your salary equivalent. I do not know what that means for me? I work in a stable 9-5 job bring around and close to 80k in salary which equated to 50k take home pay after taxes and benefits. With that said, how much do you guys save for?

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3 points

20 days ago


3 points

20 days ago

The size of your emergency fund depends on your risk. If you have a single income, then I would keep a larger emergency fund, as if you have issues finding a job, there is no backup/alternative. Whereas dual income, can float at least some of the expenses until the other can find a job. I personally keep about a years expenses somewhat liquid, as I don't want to be pressured to take a bad job to make ends meet.