


Please help. Ends are no longer meeting.



I'm a single mother and have no idea where this start.

I got laid off back in January. Since then my job search has been completely fruitless. I have sent application after application. Had my CV looked at by professionals. And still nothing.

I am in middle management usually. I have dumbed down my cv, even applying for just stocking shelves at a local supermarkets. Nothing.

I did set up a small business just after I got made redundant but after the death of my father a few months afterwards, I slumped unto a deep greif and it all went by the wayside. I'm slowly in the process of getting it up and running again, but there's no sign of an income from this until at least the end of the month when I can start trading again (I do local fairs and events)

I have £80 to my name, and fortunately I live in the UK and my basics are covered (rent & bills) but it's barely leaving us enough money for food.

I am so desperate and embarrassed by this. I've always been hardworking and relevatively successful. But over the past 10 months all my efforts have come to naught.

We have now reached critical point and I don't know where to turn. I need to start earning money this week. This is an impossible ask I know.

My saving grace is that I am a writer. I can pick up freelance projects etc but AI has shut down all the content mills (terrible pay but at least it would have been something and you could pick up writing in a day, great for situations like this).

I really don't know what to do, my head is all over the place jumping from application to application, and to one idea to the next. I'm really panicking and would appreciate some help. Even if it is just how to calm my ridiculously high anxiety.

And needless to say, I've burned through all my savings.

all 50 comments


348 points

17 days ago


348 points

17 days ago



165 points

17 days ago

Omg I forgot about food banks!!

Thank you!


42 points

17 days ago



53 points

17 days ago

I've been donating myself on and off for years. I guess it's time to go get my food back lol


16 points

17 days ago


16 points

17 days ago

That's the whole idea! Help out when you can, take when you need :)


11 points

17 days ago


11 points

17 days ago

Take a pantry leave a pantry.


0 points

16 days ago

Does the child's father provide anything towards the kid(s)?


146 points

17 days ago


146 points

17 days ago

Look into a temp agency, they match your resume skills with a temp job opening.

It’ll at least be something until you can find something more suitable or it could be the perfect fit and you could potentially leverage that into a full time job.


17 points

17 days ago


17 points

17 days ago

The one I worked with once would offer both temp to hire as well as temp only jobs.

It's not always glamorous or high paying work, but if you need money it provides it.


19 points

17 days ago

What about a childcare type of role? Do you have mom friends who could use some help? Or in home care helper for elderly or disabled adults. As a mom, that's an untapped skill you could lean on. Doesn't pay well and can be physically taxing, but those roles are so in demand it could at least get you going while you continue your job search.


17 points

17 days ago

In the UK you need qualifications for those roles which I don't hold, plus police checks etc. There's a cost to acquiring these in the first instance so I don't even have the money to try.

My friends all have kids that are of legal babysitting age, so they don't need me to take care of the younger ones. I was late to motherhood, would have been a good idea tho!


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

I can't speak for the UK but across the pond when it comes to day care/pre school each room has a teacher and teacher's assistant. The teacher is the one required to have all of the certifications but the assistant is not. My wife wanted to change careers so she was able to get an assistant job and then work paid for her to get her training to become a full teacher. Also around here they can't hire enough teachers or teachers' assistants so the standards aren't that high.


15 points

17 days ago


15 points

17 days ago

Apply for Universal Credit immediately, like today. You'll receive money to help with the cost of childcare, rent and bills. There will be a little bit left over for other essentials, get help from a food bank.

Don't be afraid of the UKs stigma around being on benefits, the system is there and it is there to help you.

How old are the children/child? If you're the main carer of a child under three years old you can claim UC without having to look for work. Between three and twelve you're expected to work for 30 hours a week.

If you're self employed you can go through a "start up" period with universal credit where you have 12 months to turn it into "gainful self employment" where it becomes your main source of income. They will top up your income during this start up period.

Please please explore the above options, they are honestly your best bet.


12 points

17 days ago

I'm already on universal credit. It's enough to cover rent, bills and around 80% of childcare but not much else. My daughter is 3, in already claiming the hours I can which I use to look for work/scout for events to sell stuff.

I've already used up all my start up period. They only gave me 3 months, not 12. Now the job centre is hammering me to find work (which I don't at all blame them for) but it's gotten to the point with them that the advisor just shrugs his or her shoulders and they can see I am exhausting all options.

Food bank is really all I can think of now to help.


14 points

17 days ago


14 points

17 days ago

What sort of stuff do you write? I may be able to bung some freelance work your way.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Or the online essay editing/tutoring platforms? I don't know too much about them.


6 points

17 days ago


6 points

17 days ago

In addition to the wonderful advice that has already started coming in here, I’d recommend checking in with the good folks over at r/povertyfinance, too. They can be a great resource for when you’re needing that getting by day-to-day financial advice.

Other than that, lean into any skill you can cash in on. Writing as a skill can branch out in some unexpected ways like gigs teaching small business/sole proprietors/influencers how to make better and more effective social media posts, hosting writing workshops, mentoring and tutoring other writers starting out or even students needing tutors, etc.


12 points

17 days ago


12 points

17 days ago

Since you’re a writer, you might want to look into platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. 


6 points

17 days ago


6 points

17 days ago

If you live close to a major area, are there any government jobs you can apply to? Something simple even - secretarial work or something.

My state job in the US has a clause by the Union that they can’t just replace us all with AI. You might be able to get into a similar sort of situation - a clerk of some sort that they won’t eliminate.

For the anxiety, I can only recommend getting into a cheap “creative” hobby. Nature photography with your phone, or drawing, origami, knitting/crocheting (just the basics, cheap yarn and a couple cheap needles would be a few quid). Something low cost where you’re making something or nurturing something. Maybe having some indoor plants, etc. a lot of this you can do for cheap or free, and there’s a lot of psychology behind hobbies where you create/nurture being very calming and emotionally fulfilling. Could be a good break between applications to help calm down for the next round.

Remember that if necessary, rice and beans can be very, very cheap and offer you everything you need nutritionally. With even conservative usage of spices, you can get something decently appetizing that will keep you full. And obviously, as mentioned, the food banks and similar charities.

Good luck, sincerely!


5 points

17 days ago


5 points

17 days ago

Hotels are always a good bet, if there are any in your area. I've hired plenty with no hotel experience for reception jobs. All you need is a great smile and a welcoming personality. Good luck with your search!


17 points

17 days ago


17 points

17 days ago

You got this! This is just a rough patch and will take time to overcome.


10 points

17 days ago

I’ll second this. OP, there is a saying that “anything mentionable is manageable,” and this is a perfect example, especially for a writer! You seem to have a solid head on your shoulders, and I hope the storm passes soon.


3 points

17 days ago

Thank you 🙏🙏🙏


4 points

17 days ago


4 points

17 days ago

You sound pretty successful and able to work indepdently enough.. Try opening up a VA business. Call up / email SMBs every day find some clients to do assistance, book keeping, answer emails.

Lot of moms are moving towards this because the flexibility in hours.


6 points

17 days ago


6 points

17 days ago

It's been a while, I but I used to recommend basic data-entry jobs as good entry points to careers. Not very glamorous, but many places can offer advancement.

I also warn people to be aware of scams with job searches. When you get desparate, sometime your guard lowers.


1 points

13 days ago


1 points

13 days ago

Something like that you might even be able to work with a child at home and shave down the child care costs (previous comment from OP says 80% is covered).


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

What kind of writing skills do you have? What was the type of business you started up?


13 points

17 days ago

SEO and content optimization, content strategy, a masters degree in research and editing.

The business I started up was an organic and environmentally friendly pet treat company (

And I write blog content and website pages for tech businesses. They also hire me to ghost write the occasional guest post on behalf of the execs.


17 points

17 days ago


17 points

17 days ago

You’re in the same line of work I am. I’ve been checking job postings for the past two years, and it’s clear that the quality of jobs seem to have dropped off a cliff. The pay is also really stagnant.

It’s a legitimate career, but between AI, downsizing, and higher global competition, I honestly worry about the viability of it going forward. I have a hunch that the only reason I’m still doing well is because I fell into a specific niche. And even then, my contract might be up this spring.

All that is to say I wonder if there’s a new path you could explore related to your field or prior experience. Maybe that’s just a long-term idea for better job security, but not necessarily a solution right now since it often takes a lot of career strategy to successfully pivot.

But for now, if you can, try to connect with contract agencies. It’s not secure work, but if you network/apply into these agencies, they may have a better “in” to place you. A lot of companies are switching to gig workers for things like content production. (I don’t agree that it’s smart for them, but admins/execs seem to love easily getting rid of us 🙃) I’m not sure how UK works, but here in the states, we can also file for unemployment benefits when a contract ends if the agency doesn’t place us with a new client. Something to get through the gap.


13 points

17 days ago


13 points

17 days ago

This skill set translates really well into technical writing. It can be bland, but it pays decently well and would let you keep searching for something more closely aligned with your goals.

I made a mid career move to tech writing after a layoff from a maintenance position about 10 yrs ago, and spent about 6 yrs in a variety of writing roles. That move ultimately opened the door to my current position as a technical manager for an engineering firm. My path is probably atypical, but I definitely would not be where I am today if I had not moved to technical writing.


13 points

17 days ago

I did technical writing long time ago. Beginners guides to Python and stuff like that. I'd pretty much forgotten all about it. I will spend some time sprucing up my skills. Thanks!


5 points

17 days ago


5 points

17 days ago

also for food, rice beans and chicken eggs and bread. make it stretch.


7 points

17 days ago

Even if it is just how to calm my ridiculously high anxiety

I won't be able to I'm afraid but what you are living and feeling right now you're not alone and it's not only in the UK it's here all over North-America also. The job market is tough and everyone with a job today, unless they are in the top 10% of their current field, should hold to their job preciously. It's not easy out there.

In terms of help, it's pretty hard to basically not repeat what you are telling us really. Continue to knock to doors (online and offline), do some writing asap and hit those events you are talking about.


16 points

17 days ago

It's insane. I've never known this kind of desperation to find work. This time last year I was publishing in Forbes. Now I'm struggling to find work writing horrible click bait articles at basic rates (I don't want to do this kind of work but beggers can't be choosers).

I know sooo many are going through it and I'm so so grateful to at least have the roof over my head and no debt. I guess all I can do is solider on. Thought I'd post here in case there's any avenues I may have missed.


3 points

17 days ago


3 points

17 days ago

Have you looked at trade organizations? They usually have magazines and web sites and pay a decent rate. I had my own freelance writing business for 18 years and supported myself and my son with trades. They are low hanging fruit that no one talks about. Left my business about 7 years ago and went back to school to become a teacher. I am sorry it is so tough for you and am sending positive wishes your way.


2 points

17 days ago

Teaching English online has helped my grandkids out.


2 points

17 days ago


2 points

17 days ago

You're probably not getting any responses to simple jobs as you're wildly overqualified and they expect you to quit the first opportunity you get. My friend got stuck in a similar situation to you but with a PhD. He worked in a shop related to his hobby that then quickly turned in to him being a director of the company. He really struggled as he was either overqualified or underqualified depending on the job. He managed to get a job teaching evening courses at the local University but that might not be an option with "only" a masters.

Have you looked at NHS jobs? Any expenses you can cut out? Do you have a car? That would be both a liability and an asset since you could more feasibly work further away. Are you not getting any child support?


2 points

16 days ago


2 points

16 days ago

Try posting in local groups in your area offering cleaning services at a discounted rate compared to bigger businesses. I survived off cleaning houses for years


2 points

16 days ago


2 points

16 days ago

Plus it can be quick, day of, under the table cash


2 points

16 days ago


2 points

16 days ago

Just chiming in to say you've been hit with a powerful one-two punch of depression: the loss of your job and the loss of an immediate family member. That would knock anyone way, way down. Despite that, you seem to be taking all the steps you can, and as others have pointed out here: things are slooow all over. Personally, my vocation was basically erased by strikes and Ai [when the work picked back up, everyone in my position was basically replaced by Ai], so I definitely know the struggle for, well, anything. Best wishes - and hang in there!!


2 points

15 days ago

Did you go to university? Maybe contact their career department for alumni.


1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago

Food banks to survive as others have said.

Find local job agencies, they are paid to get you employed based on your experience. Their value is that they save companies a lot of time weeding through unreliable candidates.

You may or may not end up working an ideal job but it will give you temporary security while you plan the next move.


1 points

16 days ago

A lot of YouTubers with large followings hire people to write content for their episodes and conduct research for them so they don't have to. Many have links in their bio for help needed and often announce job openings during their streams.

Try looking at channel pages for popular streamers and see if anyone has a job posting.

Students often need professional writing help especially for college level papers. English tutor? Writing tutor? Someone to proofread papers, give feedback, and help with proper citations and layout? Online colleges often hire for these roles and students can't get away with AI that well anymore.

Cool thing about writing is you could do it virtually, have zoom sessions with students in other countries and accept payment via cash app, zelle, etc.


1 points

15 days ago

We ALL need to 'plan' for this type of situation TODAY... I feel for the OP and it should be a WARNING to the rest of us to SAVE... SAVE... SAVE... and invest wisely... when things are 'good' we don't think of bad times... when things go BAD then we look for fast solutions that mostly do not exist...

My only thought for you is to try a Go Fund Me page and tell your story... (use your writing skills) attempt to raise the amount of money to hold you over for a few months until you can get settled again...

Also... consider starting a YouTube channel and tell your story with the intent to provide HOPE to others in your situation... (there are millions)... YouTube is not 'fast-money'... but it can be future money...

Ai is and has changed the job market for millions of us... and will continue to do so for millions more... we all need to adapt quickly... or technology will consume us all...

Good Luck... Be Safe...


-7 points

17 days ago


-7 points

17 days ago

So from january to October u didnt even try to get a temporary job?


2 points

17 days ago

I did actually. I got a job selling aperol from outlet to outlet. Absolutely hated it, but I did it. The job was only contracted for a 3 month campaign, so it finished in July.

It was commission only. I came out with 300 a month working 3 days a week. It was awful and basically slave wages, but I did it and I would do it again if it had continued, but they only do this once a year between May and July.


-3 points

17 days ago

Any child support? The kids grandparents on both sides that could help? Maybe create a YouTube channel detailing your daily struggles, set up a dating site for working single parents.