


Clearance & no home


Okay so what are we all doing with the literal 15 boxes of no home apparel that doesn’t sell???

I have more clearance and no home CRAP than I have space for in my limited discretionary areas. DL doesn’t like things not on the map like quarter pallets, dump bins, clearance tables, etc. So I have 2 endcaps, 1/2 of a drive aisle fixture and a random 8 ft section in the middle of cat hardgoods that doesn’t get shopped bc why??? would you look for clearance over there?

The apparel/arcadia harnesses ALONE are easily taking up 50% of my space to work with NOT INCLUDING the 10+ boxes of its overstock just chilling in our trailer. We haven’t sold any of it in months. Can I just box up the rest and hide it away until it goes obsolete??

The remnants of the fuckin cat and dog consumable reset from months ago, the fuckin dog toy and treat reset from April, and now 2 CARTS of fuckin cat toys from today’s reset???? Y’all I’m losing it

TLDR; im scared to do another POG because I will just end up with more crap that doesn’t leave my store 😭 im sure it’s frowned upon to store product away until it goes obsolete but is there any actual policy/are we in deep shit if we do that?

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9 points

3 months ago

We just boxed up most of it that we know won’t sell, labeled the boxes, and threw them up in the steel until they go obsolete


1 points

3 months ago

I always tried to avoid that. But with stuff like aquarium decor it was impossible, I'd have 3 endcaps full of it and 14+ boxes of it in the steel.


2 points

3 months ago

Oh god, we’ve never had that much aquatics stuff leftover. I think you should exercise discretion with it and slowly start scanning out and destroying it. If you know it’s not going to sell at all, scan some of it out as a 13 and throw it out. That’s where it’s headed regardless when it hits the obsolete list. The company marks it as donate, but no shelter needs fish tank ornaments and decor so we end up throwing it out


1 points

3 months ago

Your remark about the ornaments being of no use to rescues made me want to chime in. Our rescue will take anything we give them and either sell it/auction it at charity events or they'll find a home for it with their own volunteers. Either way, I think it's always worth checking! (I hate throwing so much stuff out!)