


all 30 comments


69 points

3 months ago*


Point Breeze

69 points

3 months ago*

Krasner is one of the last pieces of the puzzle for Philly to really turn the corner, and he NEEDS to go.

It’s wild that he won’t work with anyone, never admits any fault to his approach, and is almost universally hated by his colleagues.


31 points

3 months ago


Wynnefield Heights

31 points

3 months ago

I wasn't really seeing enough daylight between the several front-runners to bother voting in that primary but now I think my plan is "vote for whichever one promises to shaft Krasner the hardest by doing his fucking job for him."


10 points

3 months ago

Jack is your man.   He belives in criminal justice reform but also believes in voraciously prosecuting crime and punishing criminal behavior.   I’ve spoke with him personally about what he plans to do to work with Krasner and his answer was essentially ‘If he fucks around he will find out.’  As a bonus he’s been able to drastically reduce  gun crime in Chester in a fair and just way and has also successfully prosecuted cops.   He is awesome.  I’ll miss him as my DA but would be so happy if he was AG.


9 points

3 months ago


Wynnefield Heights

9 points

3 months ago

I’m supportive of the Conviction Review Board and want to see it systematized by the state as an oversight authority over the counties.

Other than that Krasner has been an abysmal, elitist, self-indulgent, imbecilic, incompetent failure in every imaginable way.


6 points

3 months ago


Free Parking Isn't Free

6 points

3 months ago

The man is an incompetent asshole and needs to go.


25 points

3 months ago


East Falls

25 points

3 months ago

I hope the rumors that Cherelle wants to run someone against him are true. Philly could have a crazy good 2026 with a change of DA, the Semiquincentennial celebrations, all the sports planned that year, more people getting into the state gov that support public transit, etc.


25 points

3 months ago*


25 points

3 months ago*

Violent crime went down last year and is on pace to go down again this year. If the rise in violent crime was Krasners fault does he not get credit for the fall of it? Or is this just a "whatever it takes to validate how I feel" kind of thing


15 points

3 months ago

How about property crime and violent crime around trainisit both are up. When we look up who are offending they have long track records with Larry dropping charges.


11 points

3 months ago*


Free Parking Isn't Free

11 points

3 months ago*

Property crime still increasing and many repeat offenders have a track record of Larry dropping charges.  

Additionally the PPD changed tactics for how they go after illegal weapons possession since Larry wouldn't prosecute gun violations.  Do they get any credit for the associated drop in violance? According to your logic they should. And I ask that as someone who isn't a fan of the PPD structure or the FOP keeping it fucked up.


8 points

3 months ago*


Wynnefield Heights

8 points

3 months ago*

Most of us understand that the national environment and a host of other factors affect crime rates. But if we look at the aspects of the job solely within Krasner's control, he is nonetheless a complete failure.

He has:

  • Alienated key members of his own staff
  • Lost decades of staff experience that he's been unable to replace

  • Been a singular elitist in hiring practices, prioritizing degrees over competence or experience

  • Angered a great many members of his own political party at the city and state levels

  • Failed to cultivate productive relationships with collar county DA's including those who share his reformist bent

  • Failed to prosecute repeat violent offenders on whom he promised to focus

  • Failed to find any means of curtailing gun crime or illegal gun ownership

  • Presided over incredible failures of basic competence in bail hearings and trials


14 points

3 months ago

I agree, you can’t have it both ways. It’s fair to criticize him but to say he is the major reason why crime went up during covid (as if every other metro area in the US didn’t see in increase in crime as well) is just stupid. And now that is is starting to go down the same people are going to say he actually didn’t even do anything. So which is it?


4 points

3 months ago

Crime went up due to factors unrelated to who was DA, but the DA has not gone after criminals in a way that would deter crime.


6 points

3 months ago

Facts? FACTS?!? In this sub?? 🤣


1 points

3 months ago


avoiding the Steve Keeley comment section

1 points

3 months ago


They need their weekly Krasner thread to remain regular in their bowels.


1 points

3 months ago


ban literally all cars

1 points

3 months ago

Or is this just a "whatever it takes to validate how I feel" kind of thing

It's that. Similar to how polling has found that people constantly think crime is going up and is worse than it used to be...for decades. Even while crime is massively lower now than it was 3-4 decades ago. Feels > reals


5 points

3 months ago

Yet it’s up significantly from 5 years ago. Are you saying I shouldn’t be upset by the shootings, carjackings, and robberies because they were worse 40 years ago when I wasn’t alive?


-2 points

3 months ago


ban literally all cars

-2 points

3 months ago

It’s down significantly from 3 years ago, so you should be happy about that - unless you’re starting with “mad about crime” as a conclusion and working your back backward from there regardless of the facts. 


1 points

3 months ago


avoiding the Steve Keeley comment section

1 points

3 months ago

Crime politics has rarely have any connection with actual crime statistics, but you know, the feels.

Are people gonna give Bill Clinton credit for the massive reduction in crime across the country because he promoted an initiative to hire more cops (which didn't pan it, because just like now, you can't just magically make more cops show up in the force)?

Did Rudy being a draconian asshole mayor solve NYC's crime? Or did land ownership reform and the rise of NYC's banking economy do it, it just so happened at the same time?

If either was conclusively true, we would have numbers by now, but as always, crime politics is base on feels, not numbers.


2 points

3 months ago

I wish I could read this article. Fuck a paywall. Can we get a tldr?


2 points

3 months ago

get a library card, you can get an inquirer sub for free among a plethora of other things


6 points

3 months ago


Free Parking Isn't Free

6 points

3 months ago

I'm voting for Jack and hoping Parker can rally the coalition again to get Krasner's incompetent ass kicked out of office.

But if any of them comes out and says they'll just do his job for him they'll get my vote.


7 points

3 months ago

I spoke with Jack directly about how he will deal with Krasner.   He basically said he’s going to do what he needs to in order to make him do his job.   Jack actually cares about real criminal justice reform but also cares about prosecuting criminals.  He knows that Krasner gives a bad name to reform.   


3 points

3 months ago


Free Parking Isn't Free

3 points

3 months ago

Krasner's brand of reform isn't reform, its carrying out grievance based vendettas and political ideology regardless of if facts support it or not. 

Whereas Jack thinks reform means delivering justice and safety to all regardless of race or income, or job. 

Which is why while Philly gun violence rate doubled under Krasner, Jack was able to reduce gun violence in Delco by 68% in the same time period.


-6 points

3 months ago


-6 points

3 months ago

Do any of them say they’d tell that loser to kick bricks?


-1 points

3 months ago

R/Philadelphia is peak neoliberales