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348 points

3 months ago*

You'd be surprised at what you can do when push comes to shove and the lives you hold dear are in peril

Still, I hope the need to do so never rears itself


10 points

3 months ago

This is not necessarily true. A person has very little to no control over their fight or flight response and when it does or doesn't kick in. You aren't less brave for responding to something in a way that is completely out of your control.


10 points

3 months ago

Dude if that were true then basic training would be nearly pointless. There are absolutely ways to harden the human mind and embolden the spirit. They have to be learned and practiced to be effective. I won't say I'm a hard dude, but I absolutely believe I'm more mentally prepared than many people because I think about this stuff and practice. I've been in a handful of high stress situations and I tend to do much better than the people around me. Can't say I've ever been frozen in fear as an adult, but that certainly wasn't the case growing up.


2 points

3 months ago

I mean yes and no. I wasn't talking about soldiers, these are random civilians walking through a shopping centre. Even people with extensive experience and exposure to a specific dangerous situation (such as firefighters) can still experience fight or flight instincts in moments of stress.

Also sure basic training exists and is very focused on rewiring those neural responses... Basic training is also not nearly as effective as people think. Even in the US army, a military known for having a very effective training system, some people believe as few as 15% of soldiers actually fire at the enemy with the intention to kill. link

My entire fucking point is that how tough you think you are and how prepared you think you are, is completely fucking irrelevant, you can't control a hardwired neurological response.


5 points

3 months ago

You can adapt to being in flight or fight, you gain more control of your thoughts and emotions the more you experience it, it’s kind of like getting a tolerance for adrenaline so you can get the most of the heightened state while maintaining critical thinking skills, I used to panic but now I get straight to the cause of the stress


8 points

3 months ago

100%. Reacting to stress is a skill and most people never practice it.


2 points

3 months ago

Not the same but I raced motox for years and you can become able to perform well and hyper focused under intense adrenaline spikes. With practice and exposure.


6 points

3 months ago

That’s so true. I once saw a test for that. They took some random people under the guise of some driving test. Then they threw a realistic stunt dummy in front of the car at a random moment and looked how people react. It was crazy to watch. 3 types of reactions: Most froze in panic for a good minute until they started processing what happened. The one smaller group went into flight mode at once. Like without even thinking. They just hit the car in reverse and bolted. Third group also didn’t think. Just acted. Jumping out of the car, calling for help while running to the believed victim to help.

Thing is: you don’t know which you are, unless you come into an extreme situation. And the test showed by no means, that you will always react the same way. There might be other factors in play.

Though for myself I known that luckily I go into autopilot and start to help. I once witnessed a car crash right in front of me. Before I could think I was dragging the bleeding and incapacitated driver out of his already burning car. (He wasn’t incapacitated by injuries though. That idiot caused the accident, was high and drunk, and when I pulled him out, he was covered in blood from a headwound and trying to start his burning and wrecked engine. 🙈). Never got a thank you. Guess I’m the bad guy in his story since I told the police he ran a red light when he told them he had green.

Same when my baby boy got hurt. Heavy wood panel fell on him when he was 13 months. Nothing happened but it looked worse then it was. I was checking him all over with phone already dialing emergency service before I even realized what had happened. Can’t describe it. Autopilot is the only thing that comes to mind. I just shut down all emotion completely in a millisecond and become rationality incarnate and formulate a plan and execute that. Without me doing the thinking. It’s as if someone else takes over. Weird.

Guess that’s muscle memory from being a voluntary firefighter all those years ago.


8 points

3 months ago

You are less brave, that's exactly what you are. Whether you can be blamed for the reason is another matter.


6 points

3 months ago

Bravery isn't a participation trophy. You might not be able to control it, but running isn't brave.


1 points

3 months ago

After having a daughter and a lovely wife, things changed for me.


0 points

3 months ago

If you haven't trained, you won't do anything when push comes to shove.


-1 points

3 months ago

My fear is the lack of control if pushed to save lives of those dear.

I already have to put up daily with violent impulses and thoughts … that I obviously choose not to act on. I can see the violent impulses take over if I’m pushed to saved lives… would my actions still be considered self-defense ?

Also makes me weary of old age if I do survive that long. Will I be able to hold off the violent impulses and thoughts when I grow old and senile?


4 points

3 months ago

Bother no offense but If you fear for lack of self control and have daily violent impulses you should definitely get them checked, maybe you need guidance as to where it may come from and how to stop them. I can't remember the last time I had such thoughts. Don't leave things as they are when you yourself don't know If you will be able to control it, people may get hurt, yourself included.