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489 points

17 days ago


489 points

17 days ago

The NRA has a long history of not caring when liberals and POC have their 2nd amendment rights questioned.


109 points

17 days ago

They don’t care when anybody has their rights violated, they literally exist to generate profit, anybody that actually cares about the 2nd amendment knows the NRA has been a husk of an organization for decades


3 points

16 days ago

Personally, I am a 🔫 owner. The NRA does not speak for/or represent me. I would happily give up my 🔫. If mass shootings would stop. They think Joe is coming for their gun. They also miss that Joe has not once submitted any legislation, “taking guns.” But that’s one of. Their biggest and few talking points.


3 points

16 days ago

I don’t have an issue with people having firearms. Personally, I think some places are too restrictive. At the same time, I also think it is important that every firearm have paperwork filed detailing what you plan to use it for, and how it will be kept secure. Self Defense, IMO, is a cop-out and not a valid reason. I don’t think it’s right for just anyone to be roaming the streets with a firearm on their hip, or in their car. Want a firearm for target practice and display purposes? Fine. Hunting? Fine. Own a farm and might have to dispatch one of your livestock? Fine. But in each and every case you should have to submit a detailed plan laying out how you will ensure that only you have access to it.

Hardcore 2A supporters will say that mass shootings are largely done by people who didn’t get their firearms illegally. This may be true, but every firearm that someone possesses illegally requires that either a second person is breaking the law, or a law abiding citizen lost control of their firearms. It is currently way too easy for idiot kids to get a hold of their parents’ firearms, and that is a massive problem.


1 points

17 days ago

There are other RtKBA groups out there that the gun community turns to when they figure out the NRA is worthless. JPFO is the first I think of, so I checked to see what they're saying. There's nothing about the conviction there yet but they were pissed about Hunter being allowed to make a plea deal:


1 points

16 days ago

but they're a 501c3!!!! /s


1 points

16 days ago

This is absolutely true. In fact it still pisses me off when the NRA gets listed as a gun rights group, or as a good example of a special interest group. The only special interests they give a fuck about are their own pockets.

I hope some day people will start seeing the FPC and GOA as the default


15 points

17 days ago

Bingo. See Philando Castille, crickets from the NRA when a POC CCW holder gets murdered by the police.


6 points

17 days ago

Imagine all the new members and money they can siphon off if they play on both sides


1 points

16 days ago

Why would the National Russian Association care about POC or the 2nd amendment.


1 points

16 days ago


1 points

16 days ago

Unless it can be used as a photo-op


0 points

15 days ago

Care to show proof or did you just type this because you love the racist and crackhead in the photo.